Day 3: 9 September 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 09 Sep 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 3.

Add your updates and comments about today's live Big Brother Africa action.

To find out who's who and what's what with the contestants visit TVSA's Big Brother Africa 4 mini-site: Big Brother Africa 4.


09 Sep 2009 08:42

Morning Addicts

Are the idiotz up already?

09 Sep 2009 08:52

Talking bout erections! Jesus wud like just wake up and go into the shower with his stiffy and b free! Quinn has a headache which xplains why he was like dat yesterday! Kevin, Q and jeremiah are cleaning kitchen, clearly mama's boys? Not?

09 Sep 2009 08:52

which idiot are you referring to FK?

09 Sep 2009 08:55

Erections? why would they talk about that so early in the morning?

Tash 1
09 Sep 2009 08:57

@GML; I'm sho he is referring to ol the hsemates. Ryt FK.

09 Sep 2009 09:01

I'm not feeling Quinn at all or maybe when i watch he is not interacting with people.  Hannington amuses me, much has been said about Nonhle's accent and little about Yakob's.  K1 should stop with his sewing business.

09 Sep 2009 09:19

jesus was the 1 talking bout how he wants 2 wake up and step into shower wit his morning glory and b free! Q had a dream about wolverine and now there is a discussion about dream interpreting! Itai pretends like he is a dream interpreter,lol. Q also had a dream bout bein in car accident but Itai (dream interpreter) says its means nothing, it's just sumthin that's replayin 4rm what he saw on tv, kwakwakwa

09 Sep 2009 09:21

Mathaz, leave kay1 alone! He is fashion forwardz!! Kwakwa, he is cleaning house but sadly without his SHADES!

09 Sep 2009 09:57

Wisdom 4 da day (1)Edward: if birds make a lot of noise there is a snake somwhere close! (2) edward: if u c a snake kill it otherwise it might bite u 2morow! Wsg, (besides the grammatical errors)Namibian mentality? He was apparently almost bitten by a black mamba!

09 Sep 2009 11:47

The guys seem to be assembling something but have no idea what. They also have paint. I wonder what they are painting...

09 Sep 2009 12:02

I hav been tryin 2 figure out what the task is about, but nada...

Ruby Red
09 Sep 2009 12:09

the boys are bored..............last nite when they were going on aboutconfronting big brother about lack of sleep etc etc........i thot we gonna have cabin fever developing so soon.

09 Sep 2009 12:22

Hi hi addicts!

Just switched on.  Arts and craft project going on.  I take it is a task...  More info, please?

My fellow country person is still dressed in tartan.

Reply from: Paralyzer 9/9/2009 3:21:53 PM

Mathaz, leave kay1 alone! He is fashion forwardz!! Kwakwa, he is cleaning house but sadly without his SHADES!

LMAO!  I love me some TS also!  He is absolutely RUFAB!

09 Sep 2009 12:42

Reply from: Paralyzer 9/9/2009 3:57:25 PM

Wisdom 4 da day (1)Edward: if birds make a lot of noise there is a snake somwhere close! (2) edward: if u c a snake kill it otherwise it might bite u 2morow! Wsg, (besides the grammatical errors)Namibian mentality? He was apparently almost bitten by a black mamba! 

Eish,...  That person is scottish,.. can't you see?

As for the grammatical errors,... we speak Namlish, you know mos!

09 Sep 2009 13:15

Hey fellow addicts, hhayi shem im tryin to warm up to these idziots and i cant seem to feel the heat yet. I hope when the girls arrive they will make things a bit lively. I see they are making doll girlfriends for themselves.

09 Sep 2009 13:21

I just tuned in and Zola is in the diary room n he is going on about not swearing and that there is a reward for that? . Bathung, is this supposed to be big brother or boyscouts camp? What the fcuk tiny sister?

09 Sep 2009 13:26

Hi Onna!

They keep on mentioning the U$2,500,..  more info about that please?  I am not sure what it is all about.

However, Yakahahaha mentioned that it is worth 6 or 7 months worth of wages in his currency...

Really?  Hmm,...  that is some tiny ass wage!  I will never complain about my salary again!

But BBA is going to lose some serious viewers if these idiotz are going to get paid for behaving 'good'

09 Sep 2009 13:26

What is Quinn up to???  His mind is somewhere else and not in the house.  He should be the first evicted.

09 Sep 2009 13:29

Yakahahaha complained about Leentjie.  Apparently Leentjie have some serious tantrums outburst and she would yell at them about the smallest things. So, Leentjie is irritating him.

Have anyone seen this Leentjie outbursts?  Is she yelling in Portuguese or her version of the Queen's language?  Could be interesting,... would love to witness that.

09 Sep 2009 13:31

WSG: the $2500 will get reduced based on their behaviour etc. So they will have to pay Biggie cash for selfishness etc....

Update please guys

09 Sep 2009 13:35

@Mathaz:  NO!!!  That tartan wearing scottish person from my homeland must go first.  I can't stand the embarrassment.

09 Sep 2009 13:37

@GML:  Thanks

I will try to update,... but I rewinded now,... I want to listen to the diary room sessions

09 Sep 2009 13:46

Itai Diary Session

He is getting on with Ras (I take he referred to Rusta Man)

He had a problem with Leentjie yesterday but at the end of the day he sorted out.

He saw a slight confrontation between Teddy and TS. They had a ‘small’ misunderstanding about the task.

He thinks that money announcement influenced people’s behavior, they are trying to keep a cool head about it. Even Hannetjie is calming down. He noticed a change in Hannetjie.

Itai is obsessed with the artwork in the house. He feels that everything has been placed for a reason.

My reaction: He says ‘You know’ way way way too much, I think…. You know?

09 Sep 2009 13:56

Thnxs guys for the update, Im stuck @ work....nxa!!!
Have u seen or heard from my man Teddy...:-)

09 Sep 2009 13:58

Edward/Erastus Diary Session

He liked the money ‘story’, it is going to be a challenge.

He was a bit scared about the task, because he did not understand it. He watched a the other guys, Hannetjie and Itai. Apparently he did a basic thing of Itai. (I don’t know what he meant. Eish, the Scottish person from Namibia!)

He has a (made a whistling sound) bond with Phil. (Could that be the soulmate, moi wonders).

We’ll cool…. (he has no problems with anyone). Might have a problem with Kevin, Jeremy and TS in the future. Cause they might be able to do damage to my path. (Once again, I don’t understand..)

Don’t think anyone noticed the change because he and his brother are getting used to the switch now.

They switched again. I lost track,.. I don’t know if it is Edward or Erastus that went in

09 Sep 2009 14:03

Even Hannetjie is calming down  Noooooooooo, i don't want him calm, i like his hyperactiveness (if there's such a word).

09 Sep 2009 14:09

(An update!) Pics from Sunday's live show action are all up on Snaparazzi. If you haven't been to the new site you'll see you don't need to register to browse the pics - only if you want to reply.

Also, once you've clicked on a thumbnail pic and get to the bigger pic, you can click each pic to make them mega size.

A direct link:

The 12 Man-Sletties Move In.

More goss coming soon too.

09 Sep 2009 14:14

Greeting Ppl,
Pardon my ignorance, but who is Leentjie?
Is that boy from Botswana still sewing? I do not have an issue with sewing, but no, it just looks wrong when the guy is doing it on international tv. I understand he is a designer, but oh please can we stop with the sewing now.

That "Black Jesus" boy looks so unkept, can someone offer him a shave or ask him to take a bath; Big brother can afford the water bill, if that is his concern. 

Sad that no one can speak Zulu with Quinn in the house! 

What is this I hear about no "swearing"...What is the age restriction for this show by the way?...18NL?

09 Sep 2009 14:17

update please

09 Sep 2009 14:20

Guys Phil is too gorgeous for words... Nka modira LoL

09 Sep 2009 14:32

Wayoe Diary Session

He is doing well in the house.

They are all beginning to know each properly, start knowing the strengths and weaknesses. Bond is growing.

- is cool with Itai, they have a natural chemistry.
- is on level TS. TS is an artist, very talented and that is what he is doing himself.

Has a slight problem with Yakahahaha. He can’t figure out if ‘he is in between or if he is who he really he is.’

He is enjoying the task. (I did not understand the rest because he spoke about his music then also). Is of the opinion that the whole group is enjoying the task.

The money port effect on the group: Everyone now knows the rules now. (I really tried but I did not get the rest. I rewind and rewind,.. nada!)

BBA did not give alcohol last night, so people went to bed early. The rest stayed behind in the lounge,…(could not understand what they did in the lounge, but it seems as if he enjoyed it.)

And then he talked about football. And Brazilians are Africans. (Ok, let me stop there, cause really, I could not follow it. )

He then reminded BBA about his list. That was something else! It was a demonstration. )

He pulled his dreads,.. he needs something for his dreads.

And then he showed his skin to BB. He is not used to some of them, he needs regular blend with vitamin (I think!)

And he needs shorts. For exercise.

Then he talked about BILLS…. BILLS come from Europe. (WTF, I could not understand)

Then the MAN went into budgets, because the coordinator told him there would be some reimbursement of some money in scheme of his budget. Then it became all a blur.

I think I need some sort of degree in some language to understand this MAN. The lingo is way too much.

09 Sep 2009 14:34

@GML: Really trying but I am 45 minutes behind now cause I struggled with the Rusta Man's diary session. 

Going to type Teddy's Diary session now

09 Sep 2009 14:44

Thanks WSG;

Am going to go look now

09 Sep 2009 14:51

>>Am going to go look now<<<  @GLM - Look wena sisi and come tell us:)

09 Sep 2009 14:52

Hey RACI, leentjie is Leona he was christened that after the addicts dragged him out of the closet.

09 Sep 2009 14:55

kwa kwa kwa @ WSG - please keep them coming.

Ras has been complaining to lil sis since yesterday about stuff he put on the list and lil sis is not giving them to him.

09 Sep 2009 15:04

Teddy Diary Session

His day is picking up right now. It had been rough since the last task.

It is upsetting how people had handle how the task went down. He had problems with TS, because of comment TS made. Yakahahah, also said that he (Teddy) did not handle the task well. He is of the opinion that the guys are playing the game.

He finds the current task brilliant.

Thanked BB for the 2,500 dollar ‘issue’,… there is less cursing.

Problem is, he has not slept well. A lot of interruption during sleeping time.

Nobody took his side during last night’s argument. But Phil from understood what he, Teddy, has said.

The houses is dived in two groups. The guys who are hanging outside – he is calling them the ‘foosas from Madagascar’ or something like that. He used to hang with them mostly.

The second group is the guys who are usually inside. The inside guys are less testetorone driven.

Now he is hanging with both sides and has been caught up between the two guys. Trying to find out what is going on with both sides.

He has no alliances. He does not know if he can trust his fellow countryman. He is getting a funny vibe.

He does not have any issues with Hannetjie. He is calling Hannetjie ‘The Mad Man’. He is not getting ‘the look’ from Hannetjie.

He used to laugh at people’s paranoia and now it is coming back to him.

Pleaded with BB for cigarettes. 

(Hell!  Can't keep up with the accents! It is darn difficult.)

09 Sep 2009 15:05

Typing Phil's diary session now

09 Sep 2009 15:10

They are busy with that task with paints and it seems they are making something that resembles women 9i say that because of the garments on those things)

it seems that every1 is noticing the split in the housemates. 2 groups.

09 Sep 2009 15:17

Apparently speaking a language that is not English is cursing and it is considered breaking the house rules. They will be fined for that

09 Sep 2009 15:29

Sheew!! WSG...u on the ball gal:-)

Thnxs for Teddy's diary...i love him too bit. 
When he was upset lastnite I was so  depressed...I couldnt bear seeing him like that.

09 Sep 2009 15:29

Phil Diary Session

Day is going just ‘fair’, he is working on the task.

The effect of the money announcement: Generally: Sunday is freaking them out. They are guessing that someone is leaving on Sunday or somewhere in the week. The money means that the person is not leaving empty handed.

Sheila is doing great. (Who is Sheila? Someone please explain.)

Last night the guys could not sleep. And everyone thought it was Sheila and some said that Sheila must go. Some guys are skeptical. But Sheila has not been evicted yet.

The house is starting to break up in two groups. He is not sure if it is because of their habits. Some of them who drink and smoke stay in a group.

He is getting one with Kevin who is in the non-smoking group. Kevin does not smoke and rarely drinks.

Jeremy is very quiet and he finds it strange.

He then reminds BB that they are waiting for the groceries because they are hungry. Also wanted to know if there would be any alcohol in the groceries. He would love some alcohol because it would give them inspiration for the task.

09 Sep 2009 15:32

Typing Quinn's Dairy Session now

09 Sep 2009 15:33

Kwakwakwakwakwa @wsg, the namlish kills me!! I cant wait 4 u to watch leentjie's diary (was the nly 1 I saw), the worst accent! Waiting 4 ur recap!

09 Sep 2009 15:35

tx WSG: I have been watching but nothing interesting yet. They are working on that task. What is the purpose of that task?

Who is Sheila anyway?

09 Sep 2009 15:36

I can also see 2 groups forming.  The smokers and the non smokers.

Last nite, the smokers went to bed early and the non smokers stayed behind with Teddy.  TS was teaching him 1 or 2 things about leadership

09 Sep 2009 15:37

I also want to know - who is Sheila?

09 Sep 2009 15:39

Quinn Diary Session

Today is much better. His headache is gone. The activity is much better, less people arguing, everyone is doing his own thing.

He did not sleep well because of the headache. The guys came into the room and made  noise till late in the night.

Can see the group breaking up in groups. He is sure that more groups will be formed after Sunday.

He is getting on well with Jeremy, they are looking out for each other. He is cool with Hannetjie. Phil is getting a bit much sometimes.

The effect of the money announcement: It is good announcement. He thinks people will start behaving. Asked BB to bring in the alcohol to get people to start misbehaving.

Thinks the task is going well. Am sure BB will be enjoying it. He thinks the group’s wager is now at 50/50.

09 Sep 2009 15:41

TS Diary Session

09 Sep 2009 15:46

Okay i will start watching from now on....eish!!!!

First i must try and atleast try and understand these idziots!!!

Edward Twins....skelm!!
Hannington......(Mr needs a bath...grumpy man!!)
Itai (Cute????????me don't know)
Jeremy (Body Builder gigish like)
Kaone (Tawana)
Leonel (Ugly @$$$$$ gayish guy?)
Phil (Mr know it all)
Quinn (Mlungu...what more can i say...there is just nothing there)
Teddy (Busy Bee)
Wayoe (Ja man!!!!!)
Yacob (GIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

09 Sep 2009 15:52

Sheila is an imaginary/fantasy woman Phil created to keep him 'sane' in the house. She is that finger-looking thingie that was placed next to BlackJesus' bed.

09 Sep 2009 15:53

Ka1 Diary Session

His day has been OK. He is fine.

He is enjoying the task, it is coming on nice.

People are quite creative and they are enjoying. He thinks the group is bonding.

There are people that he is bonding with. They have similar ideas and concept, with regarding to the future etc.

The effect of the money announcement: It is showing everybody that they need to take things more seriously, take part in the chores of the house. They have to participate in the house.

He feels that it is good. If he does not win at least he would get something.

Not everybody is taking part in the house chores, cooking and cleaning. Some just eat, drink and sleep.

He feels responsible for keeping the house clean, he feels like it is his house. He wants to live in a clean environment.

He had a verbal conflict with Teddy. He did not think it was a big deal but Teddy had decided to keep it in and confront him only last night.

Teddy is flying around, he is not grounded. He is a ‘following’ type of person. Teddy is not part of a group, he is still deciding. He is confused.

TS is complaining about hunger. (Why is BB starving the people?)

09 Sep 2009 15:54

After Nonhle and Khanyi left, Phil felt lonely without female company and created Sheila. In his diary session yesterday, he was describin how he imagines Sheila looks.

09 Sep 2009 15:57

Biggie is starving them because they were idiots not to think that they need the food to last until a certain time. Thanks WSG

09 Sep 2009 15:58

Ok, thanks Toxic.

Now why would the guys think that Sheila is keeping them from sleeping?

09 Sep 2009 16:04

Um tash, 2 days 2 late my friend, u just making the blog huge and some of us cant post later in da there anyway that can b removed?

09 Sep 2009 16:06

thanks WSG for the updates now going home to watch for myself

Meme J
09 Sep 2009 16:07

LOL TKSM! Love the "cute Mimi lookalike". Have to say it, even if I get dissed, the divalicious Mimi was the deal last season. To me she was far and away the most entertaining!!

Meme J
09 Sep 2009 16:07

And tx, WSG ... you and Sego give good update!!

09 Sep 2009 16:11

Jesus is a bow, i think  he's fake. This Hennington guy. I think i don' like him. Am in love with Jeremy, the Mozambiqan guy and Skelemba of course.

09 Sep 2009 16:11

LMAO Piz!!!!!!

09 Sep 2009 16:13

Hey Para, true! didn't think about that - removed it and put in it Day 1 for anyone who's missed.

09 Sep 2009 16:15

Can someone tell me wats with Kaone and this wollen hat of his, this is one sucker i've ever seen. He's like one street kid i know from Hillbrow.
Last Big brother we had TK with that jersey of his., which ended up on auction.

09 Sep 2009 16:16

Thanx Tashi!!! Lemme retract my statement on twitter...

09 Sep 2009 16:17

Hey, its amazing peeps are just glued to the T.v. 
I work from home, but i cant jus concetrate

09 Sep 2009 16:18

HELP!!!!!!!  I can't get this diary session typed up!  I have rewinded 1500 times already.  Piz, please help me!  

Leentjie maak my klaar.

09 Sep 2009 16:19

Melokhule, khanti what show r u watching? Around here every1 likes kaone and definitely nt the peeps u like...

09 Sep 2009 16:21

I see the BBA addicts are at it again. Just switched on the telly and I see men only. Jeremy is HOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!

09 Sep 2009 16:28

kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa @ WSG


1) thanked BigE for him being there (talk about jumping the gun, I mean, a bunch of them will have to leave on sunday)

2) Thinks that the guys who were threatening to not do nothing if they do not get "liquid" (my gaad, where do these moz's get their english??) are just being silly, coz you do not need to drink everyday as that is not the purpose for being in the house....seriously?? I woukld not survive ithout alcohol!!

3) Two groups- one who likes to make jokes and fun....the other to talk about serious stuff in our society....

The rest I zoned out from!!

09 Sep 2009 16:30

the bosses brats are watching cartoons and I cant watch Biggie because of them. I tried convincing them to change the channel but they want somthing in return. Nxa, spoilt brats

09 Sep 2009 16:39

Leentjie Diary Session

She is doing fine.

She is enjoying the task. Some are enjoying the task. Thinks Itai is not enjoying the task. Maybe it is because of a lack of creativity and maybe because he is too shy to express his creativity. But it is not a bad thing because it is difficult to express creativity.

Effect of money announcement: Effect is very marvelous (?) because they now know there are some MUHNY waiting for them outside. They are now more enthusiastic and more HEPPY. It will change their game plan. They are now more concerned about the MUHNY in the MUHNY pot.

The group is getting on very well, making progress in the task. It is great. Yesterday they said if they are not getting any liquor, they will not do anything. But she thought that ‘if you need alcohol to entertain people, knock yourself out.’ They are not there to drink every single day. She does not see the necessity to drink alcohol to entertain people.

We just stay up the whole night up chatting getting to know each other. She thinks the most important is to enjoy experience, have conservation with housemates, so they not bury, better or whatever their talents????

Smaller groups within the group are very visible. Thinks it is not  alliance, they are just more comfortable with each other. Two groups in the house.

Group of people who like to talk rubbish, etc etc. The other group likes to talk about their own daily lives, and talk about how they develop their own daily lives back home.

Some of the housemates do not feel comfortable being in that environment that is why people are separate. It is not because of the conversation but because of the attitudes of some housemates.

Some housemates do not feel comfortable talking about issues that make them vulnerable to the viewers, some prefer to be more explit to the public, they don’t care, they just doing there thing, etc. That is what makes the people separate.

There are now two groups.' I don’t consider as alliances, maybe there are alliances.' The groups are very distinct. They are very different people, they see things very different. 

'The one group, is composed of people who have visions, who have a purpose in life. They want to achieve something in the future. '

'The other group, just want to have fun, and swear at everything. They don’t dignify their own identity. They are not showing their own identity. If they want to show their own identity, behave.'

(My reaction: GAAAAAAAAAAAADDDD!! She thinks there are two groups,… One is good (her group!) and the other group is bad.)

09 Sep 2009 16:43

@GML:  Good luck!  I have never won a battle against cartoons!  When my nephew and niece are visiting, it is cartoons and cartoons.

09 Sep 2009 16:44

Guys who is Leentjie, still new at this season.

They are cooking now..... Quinn ND SOME DARK GUY, the othes are outside talking

09 Sep 2009 16:57


Leentjie is Leonel from Mozambique.  Some of the addicts named him Leona,... I thought he is more of a Leentjie from the plass to me.

The dark guy is Hannington, he calls himself Black Jesus.  Me, I call him Hannetjie.

According to Ka1 aka TS, Hannetjie has some serious hygienic issues. Apparently he smells. Bad. 

09 Sep 2009 17:10

Kwakwakwakwa @explit! I was wondering WTF?? And I think she said krektivity!

09 Sep 2009 17:17

@Piz:  She said a lot of things that I did not understand...  that was difficult.  I need subtitles

09 Sep 2009 17:20

kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kwaaaaaaaaaaaaa

pizniz, you are killing me!!! I can remember the days of Mimi's lingo last year.. Mlingo! Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

thanks, Meme... But I ain't watching much... I need gals, gals and gals...

09 Sep 2009 17:22

Eish, fond memories of mlingo 'she was kruyin in da bedrum' kwakwakwakwakwa

09 Sep 2009 17:23

Thank you WSGGGGG. The pleasures of beng late. 

Se I also want to see hott girls i'm getting bored

09 Sep 2009 17:23

Who is watching?  Did I hear correctly now.  My countryman just said:  "Let it chill with its own kind, and when it gets too comfortable, we take it back.' And he was referring to the pot plant.

Hahha,... that guy must go home.  He is making the Namibians look like IDIOTZ.

09 Sep 2009 17:27

Have you all notice,.. the three with the wurst akksents (Ras, Leentjie and TS) are having a conversation now.  I can't follow ish,...  

09 Sep 2009 17:34

TS said that artists are the only ones that have the liberties to defy the linguistic laws.

An explanation for the strange accents, etc?

09 Sep 2009 17:35

Yakahahaha's accent is scratching on my nerves.

09 Sep 2009 17:35

Thank you WSG for the diary session recaps you are a rock star! What with all the aksunts you have to decipher before typing so we can get the idea of what the idziots are on about.

09 Sep 2009 17:43

I dnt think k1 aksunt is that bad, it's just that he is kasi wit a bit of model c! Or mayb u r distracted by his shades? Is Q the resident cook??

09 Sep 2009 17:44

Onna,.. no big words please! LOL  We have to start thinking like the idotz,  Am missing Sego's, Cnga's and Pizniz's Mimi lingo!

09 Sep 2009 17:47

@Piz:  You know mos the kitchen votes are powerful!

09 Sep 2009 17:48

I am nto saying the accents are bad, just difficult to understand.  But that plastic American is getting on me,.. grating me

09 Sep 2009 17:52

Eish I wish I was in that lkitvhen sitting next to Jeremy and chowing LOL

09 Sep 2009 17:56

plastic american? lol! I thought you were happy when nonhle left - did she leave a part of herself in there?

09 Sep 2009 17:59

that small voiced dude, cleve? aoa! that boy may walk out a closet before biggie ends... lol

09 Sep 2009 18:04

@Cleve:  Jeremy could have been perfect if he did not have the little skin problem, if he would drop the shirt, and always be in a sitting or laying position.  If he is upright, he is just too short.  Oh, and a darker of shade chocolate would have been PURFECTO!

@Sego:  Have you heard Yahhahaha?  He is chowing that americanishha

09 Sep 2009 18:05

Are you addicts watching?  What is TS doing?  That is not eating,...

First he was walking up and down, chowing like a mad dog whilst he was pacing up and down,...

Now, he is destroying a piece of something,...  Huhuh,..

09 Sep 2009 18:06

True dat Sego!  And he looks like he could be from Elsies!  You know what they are saying about CT colored boys!

09 Sep 2009 18:10

that small voiced dude, cleve? aoa! that boy may walk out a closet before biggie ends... lo

yeah I don't I have heard him talk. I don't need him to talk. Just to lift me to the bedroom after supper.

WSG his skin is not a problem to me. I just want to touch that roughness.

I really wish was the only woman in that house. I could pick and choose. I want to see grils. How many girls will come into the house WSG?

09 Sep 2009 18:14

I have no idea!  I should actually go and check out that rough forums, but those peeps are scary.  But sometimes they do have leaks on that forums!

Maybe Tashi would know.  She did say somewhere that more gossip are on the way.

Ah, Cleve,... I prefer the dark brother with the dark souls!  The brothers like Itai!  My chocolate must be dark without the bitter! 

09 Sep 2009 18:15

First he was walking up and down, chowing like a mad dog whilst he was pacing up and down,...

Saw him killing that piece of meat. Esih blogging at night is killng family time. So the family is not here tonight so I can blog all I want.......

Jeremy looks like a the background

What is Quinn doing he just cooked, washed dishes and noe he is busy sweeping.

Goerge to the diary room

09 Sep 2009 18:15

I am nto saying the accents are bad, just difficult to understand. But that plastic American is getting on me,.. grating me

who dat now?

@Cleve: Jeremy could have been perfect if he did not have the little skin problem, if he would drop the shirt, and always be in a sitting or laying position. If he is upright, he is just too short. Oh, and a darker of shade chocolate would have been PURFECTO!

He was half naked the whole day with just a wonder Leentjie was so "deurmekaar" in the diary room

@Renegade100, please teach that child of yours some manners, he was standing and eating...

True dat Sego! And he looks like he could be from Elsies! You know what they are saying about CT colored boys!
I thought you said you saw him at drop Inn?? Kwakwakwakwa

I wish for something similar to Mimzo!!!

09 Sep 2009 18:23

Ah, Cleve,... I prefer the dark brother with the dark souls! The brothers like Itai! My chocolate must be dark without the bitter!

Can only imagine what baster auntie en oompie (parents) say about that!!! Kwa kwakwakwakwakwaka

09 Sep 2009 18:23

What is Quinn doing he just cooked, washed dishes and noe he is busy sweeping. 

I was wondering about that!  I have a feeling there is a Queen screaming to come out!  But then it is all about the kitchen votes..

I am nto saying the accents are bad, just difficult to understand. But that plastic American is getting on me,.. grating me

who dat now? 


True dat Sego! And he looks like he could be from Elsies! You know what they are saying about CT colored boys!
I thought you said you saw him at drop Inn?? Kwakwakwakwa 

That was also Yakahahaha!  He had the typical look of the Namibian colored alcoholic teachers.... the ones that you would see in Rehoboth in front of Drop Inn,... or at the Star Hotel in Khomasdal..  Just saying,... or maybe I am just missing Khomasdal.

But Jeremy is CT colored,...  Elsies,...  Cape Flats,...

09 Sep 2009 18:27

@Cleve: Jeremy could have been perfect if he did not have the little skin problem, if he would drop the shirt, and always be in a sitting or laying position. If he is upright, he is just too short. Oh, and a darker of shade chocolate would have been PURFECTO!

He was half naked the whole day with just a wonder Leentjie was so "deurmekaar" in the diary room 

Is that what happened to her?  I understand,... I would have been 'deurmekaar' myself!

09 Sep 2009 18:27

You addits are finishing me - TS killing that meat. kwa kwa kwa,  missed that

Why is Leentjie still eating?  Do ladies do that? sho

Ha Sego, why are you saying that Jeremy will be walking out of the closet before biggie ends?

The 3 of them, seems to be enjoying the kitchen.

aagh man - can some tell hannetjie to trim his beard?  Right now, he's got crumps.

09 Sep 2009 18:31

Ah, Cleve,... I prefer the dark brother with the dark souls! The brothers like Itai! My chocolate must be dark without the bitter!

Can only imagine what baster auntie en oompie (parents) say about that!!! Kwa kwakwakwakwakwaka

Eish, why do you think I am staying hundreds of k's away from the parents?  My father thinks that I have been swapped by birth.  He is forever 'introducing' me to nice Baster or Colored men.

Lets just say, we, my parents and I, have different taste in men!  Makes for interesting and complicated family relationships.

My one aunt took me aside at a cousin's wedding, and said:  But he is so black!
That was about my ex,...  I answered: Really, I did not notice.

09 Sep 2009 18:31

nee man WSG - now who is not gay?  Don't do that to my Quinn .

kwa kwa kwa - Queen screaming to walk out.

If I may ask, are you watching with your glass in hand?

09 Sep 2009 18:32

But Jeremy is CT colored,... Elsies,... Cape Flats,...

got lost between you and sego for a while....ja Jeremy is very coloured, except coloureds from cape flats Elsies would NOT be that quiet..minute vi jou!! (kwakwakwakwakwakwa)

Why is Leentjie still eating? Do ladies do that? sho

kwakwakwakwakwa, new age woman!!

09 Sep 2009 18:36

Reply from: FK 9/10/2009 12:31:45 AM

nee man WSG - now who is not gay? Don't do that to my Quinn .

kwa kwa kwa - Queen screaming to walk out.

If I may ask, are you watching with your glass in hand?

Eis FK, you killed me!!!!! Kwa kwakwakw

@WSG, kwakwakwakwa at hundreds km's, more like 175km to be exact!!

09 Sep 2009 18:43

If I may ask, are you watching with your glass in hand

Oh, you know me too well.  I'm worried, low on the wine supplies.  I now only have a 17 year old sherry  in my cupboard.  Surely, I can't drink something that old..

09 Sep 2009 18:43

Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!OMW! WSG&PIZ u finished me!awesome updates still lol at krektivity!i still dont know the twin story or who the twin is?who is the dark guy nxt 2 5dreads?

09 Sep 2009 18:50

Lol@the sms that says K1 is cute with kissable lips!where is the Zim aksunt?anada Munya.

09 Sep 2009 18:51

Look what BBA dragged out. Cngle ma in the HIZZO!!!!!!!!!!!

09 Sep 2009 18:53

@Cnga: I adore TS!  He is crazy, crazy...  

I don't get the twin thing also,..  I just want him/them to go home.  No more tartan, no more tartan

09 Sep 2009 18:58

LMAO!!! Kwa kwa kwakwa kwakwa kwakwa

This is the funniest thing!  I am watching the BBA Daily updates on channel 102

Lil Sista asked TS how the task went and he answered:  Ooohhh,... like spaghetti,.. it was all mixed up!  

And the hand movements were all there, like he was mixing salad with his hands!!!

That was the best thing I have seen and heard in a very long time.  Guys, just watch the daily update just for that ,... hysterical

09 Sep 2009 19:11

@ Cinga
who is the dark guy nxt 2 5dreads?

That is Phil from Uganda

09 Sep 2009 19:17

WSG - I've been listening to Namlish and wanted to find out if you can speak the language?  Is this the country's official language?  Or slang?

09 Sep 2009 19:18

I've been looking for this blog the whole day! Thanks for the updates y'all

09 Sep 2009 19:21

@FK:  Can you organize a Day 3 second blog for us?  The opera singing addicts are being kicked out!

Namlish?  Oh yeah,...  LOL  Slang,...  It is all Slang!

The Namibian version of the Queens language.  I are speaken it fluently.  Or what am you saying Pizniz?

Piz are actually also an Namibian, or what are I saying, Piz?  He too speak Namlish.

English is the official language.

09 Sep 2009 19:23

Who is 5dreads....Teddy? ROTFL....I was telling my friend he's got 10 dreads! Kwa kwa kwa kwa tl tl tl tl

09 Sep 2009 19:24

hihihi hihih - kwa kwa kwa kwa

Piz - is it true?

09 Sep 2009 19:26

Please addicts,.. FK or Vesa, organize another blog.  The opera singers like Piz and Cnga can't reply anymore,.. 

09 Sep 2009 19:30

WSG.....stop it man! I just can't stop laughing....the Namlish is a classic! What time does the repeats start?

09 Sep 2009 19:35

Piz are actually also an Namibian, or what are I saying, Piz? He too speak Namlish.

ha ah , u R on your own!!!Kwakwakwakwakwakwa

Personally though, I am a fan of coloured namlish, kills me!!!

09 Sep 2009 19:38

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