Last nite the girl power alliance was seen strategising, talking about upcoming nominations, putting their heads together. Initially, the plan was - nominate Renee and Malawi and the FSG will then save Malawi by replacing her with one of the twins.
Unbeknown to them, Itai is been playing them. He told the smokers alliance and when RHTTMACB heard about it, she threw a fit and asked the girls. Now the girls had to rethink their strategy and kept wondering who might be the weakest link in their alliance. Most fingers pointed at Itai and he was confronted. He did not deny it - huh, clever or just being plain stupid, me don't know. By the way, he is supposedly doing his Masters degree - in stupidity????
Anywhooo - GPA quickly changed the names to be nominated after Emma brought a different angle to this. She suggested that they nominate Eddie and Renee and the FSG will replace Renee with the other twin, in that way, they will have both twins up and the viewers will have to evict one. It sounded right and doable at the time. They thought they are the only people voting and no matter what the smokers came up, they will still have the 2 smokers up for eviction.
he he he, some GPA changed their vote along the way. I was surprised to see Nkenna voting differently. Basically, not all GPA voted Renee and Eddie. Nkenna, Eliz and Granadilla went for Smellington and Renee.
As expected, Itai put Paloma and Liz’s names forward.
What shocked me was Malawi's vote - she voted with the smokers (anyway, she is a smoker). This shows that the GPA strategy was not thought through properly, they did not get buy in from all the stakeholders.
My personal opinion - the smokers’ strategy was well executed and it resulted in Paloma and Liz coming third on the nominees list.
Rene = 12
Eddie = 8
Paloma = 7
Liz = 7
Hannington = 3
Itai = 1
lil sies has decided to put 4 up for nomination - RHTTMACB, Eddie, Paloma and Liz - thank u sies (for once, doing the right thing.)
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