I can’t, for the life of me, get the reason people tell tales. What is their motivation? What do you gain from such behavior? Is there really some satisfaction in such behavior?
Most of us have heard the broken telephone story; where the message gets so distorted by the time it gets to the 3rd or 4th person that it can’t even BE close to the original. Often, you hear something and then, if you are discreet you don’t share it with anybody, then the next time you hear it, it is nowhere to what you originally heard.
Some people engage in this behavior without realizing the kind of damage these types of things create… It breaks up friendships, relationships, marriages – children lose their homes because of a stupid lie!!!
“It goes without saying that your friends are usually the first to discuss your personal business behind your back”, wrote Terry McMillan in Mama. Iyanla Vanzant in Acts of Faith broke this quote down and explained how if you there is anything you don’t want people to know to not tell anyone. She explains “We give too much responsibility when we entrust them with our business”
BUT what about those who invite themselves into your life without you saying anything to them. The ones who create stories about you and share it amongst everybody as if it IS fact? I completely understand if the responsibility was too much for someone who I entrusted with a secret to keep it to themselves. I should take part of the blame for opening my mouth in the first place. BUT when I have not said ish to you and do not even speak to you, and you start lying about me! What for? Why? Is your life that miserable? Is your life that boring? Why?
Why do some people create chaos and drama where they go because they fib? Why? What makes them feel like they get ahead when they do that? Is it really that impossible to just let people be? Not use your imagination for stories that are not true and then spread them as malicious rumours? Is there no way it can be an outlet for some creative work on tv or drama stage, not with REAL people’s lives?
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