Day 29: 5 October 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 05 Oct 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 29.

Add your updates and comments about today's live Big Brother Africa action.

To find out who's who and what's what with the contestants visit TVSA's Big Brother Africa 4 mini-site: Big Brother Africa 4.


05 Oct 2009 07:49

be back later...

Savanah Dry
05 Oct 2009 07:53

Morning addicts , Please update as soon as the nominations start !!!

Meme J
05 Oct 2009 08:20

Hey, hey! Eish peeps, I've had it with K-1. Selfish prick. He probably thinks he's being noble, if not the Mother Teresa of Botswana, by offering himself up as a sacrifice to Itai. And all his wada, wada, wada about thinking beyond being the winner. What about Liz? He can just go and biodegrade for all I care!! At the risk of repetition, selfish sod!! Sorry, WSG! In my view he's just wimping out. And Itai? Angsting because there are people he wants to remain friends with after the show?!!!!!!

05 Oct 2009 08:52

mornig addicts

Please lets not vote liz out.  If we do- we are automatically sending K1 home.  I still believe that there is still more that K1 can offer Africa - it is just that when the gidiotz entered the house, shim got confused not knowing which gender to pull out.  And this granadilla is not working - shim must just break that glass.

Yakakaka - I hate this guy but want him kept in the house for pure entertainment.  He is busy every Sunday evening and Mondays strategising.  But yesterday, he was busy campaigning.  He was restless, losing it.  If he goes Smelly goes as well.

Do we want last year's repeat of having Hazel = Granadilla as the finalist?

We want entertainment.  Leave the following pairs for last toe mense

Edward and Emma
Kaone and Liz
Hannington and Yacob
Mzamo and Leonel 

dark knight
05 Oct 2009 08:57

Nominations will be very interesting today, can't wait!

05 Oct 2009 09:07

Morning addicts

You all may be in luck.

I may be able to give updates today....

Will see how it goes.

dark knight
05 Oct 2009 09:16

Thanx GML... really appreciate it  :-)

05 Oct 2009 09:16

Please GML - just want to know who is being nominated

Savanah Dry
05 Oct 2009 09:23

Eish Oboma peeps are hectic!!! they hating on Kevin apparently he threatened Itai not to put up any Nigerian otherwise when he leaves the house his head will be on the line from all nigers ..

05 Oct 2009 09:34

MemeJ:  I have been over TS for a long time already.  The moment he joined the Paloma gender conventions, he moved to my list of not so favorites.  And when he threatened Mzamo, he went to my 'can he just leave already list'.

So, if they are up, they can leave.  I really don't care.

Sorry FK, I am not into TS, he has been a huge bore lately.

@ Savanah Dry:  Yes, the arrogant Kevin did threaten Itai. And Itai is a wimp.  He is not even a slab of Swiss chocolate,... he is just melted Swiss chocolate.   He just did that 'I don't know Man.' thing... 

dark knight
05 Oct 2009 09:43

@ Savanah Dry: Yes, the arrogant Kevin did threaten Itai. And Itai is a wimp. He is not even a slab of Swiss chocolate,... he is just melted Swiss chocolate. He just did that 'I don't know Man.' thing... 

WTF....if any of them are up  we need to teach them a lesson. We need to show them who's boss!!!

05 Oct 2009 09:44

If he goes Smelly goes as well.  That's what i'm worried about...I don't like this pair thingie, if it were up to me all housemates should be up for eviction each week and the ones with the least votes evicted.  Mzamo has been matched with Leentjie and she might leave sooner than expected, feel sorry for Jeremy though..he does not stand a chance with Geraldine.

05 Oct 2009 09:47

@Mathaz:  And why should Jeremy stay?  He is easily the most boring housemate.  If he's whimpering with a womanly lisp into Emma's ear, he is looking in the mirror or do the gym thing.  At least Grannadillatjie converse with other housemates, though boring, but still. Jeremy  is transfixed on Emma only.

05 Oct 2009 10:04

I like Jeremy and Emma together still...I dn't know what you addicts wants coz those two seem to have fallen in love..not just exchanging saliva like Hanny and Liz...they are not pretending. they were considerate about flaunting their relationship for the sake of the other housemates and you complained...they tried to break up for the sake of their feelings for each other and you still complained, they are back together and enjoying their new found relationship and you are still complaining..they are the reason why some people sleep so late...don't tell me you never made anyone so fixated on you like that at a certain stage in ur live! My boy kaone can come home to sew all he vote will be to save this two..

Savanah Dry
05 Oct 2009 10:09

@ Mathaz ...I don't like this pair thingie, if it were up to me all housemates should be up for eviction each week and the ones with the least votes evicted. 

I think they should that coz with this paring thingy we are going to be left with the boring ones 

I so agree with you B , Jeremy does nothing in that house except Emma. Infact no body does anything in that house excpet Mzamo they should all leave and TS has become a nobody since the girls moved in a haven't  seen any character

05 Oct 2009 10:18

Tsoka   am with you all the way.....power to jemma!!!!!!!!!!power

05 Oct 2009 10:20

please keep us posted with nominations, cant wait..It has gotten harder with the pairing

05 Oct 2009 10:25

@Tsoka:  If I want soppy child like Mills and Boons romance, I would buy the paperback novel or watch Hallmark.  At least in the hallmark romances the men don't sound like women.  And the men have balls.  
I certainly do  not watch reality TV, pay a lot of money to be able to watch it, to see puberty like romance.   And yes, I know what I want to watch.  And I do not want to watch them, Jeremiah and Emma having like, very lame conservation, like in really lame. . Or, like,  hearing, like  Jeremy speaking, like in a very lame womanly lisp.  Nor, do I like, hearing, Emma saying, like, one more time.  Are you, like, feeling me? Like?

05 Oct 2009 10:29

eish! I am still confused, addicts... help me out... WTF is happening?

05 Oct 2009 10:31

Thanks TKSM...I mean if they go what will we be watching that is interesting. Imagine sleeping late trying to catch Mzamo bedhopping to catch hannington's attention or Liz trying to wow the guy taht she went around campaigning to buy a deodorant for him...sies...POWER TO JEMMA....

05 Oct 2009 10:39

WSG>>>maybe if you can't stand seeing people falling in love then find a man urself...those are two young people in their early can't understand it mma....nominations are later...

05 Oct 2009 10:42

Tsoka... nc nc nc nc! tjo!

 *shaking head*

05 Oct 2009 10:45

@Tsoka, I'm with you. POWER TO JEMMA. I love them, they r the reason I watch BBR. Leonel and Mzamo must bounce, they add no value in that House. I wish they nominate that Nkenna gal, she is a bore.

Savanah Dry
05 Oct 2009 10:51

tltl tl tl people personalising things !!!!

05 Oct 2009 10:51

I'm at the doctor and they refusing to change 2 198....ncxa these housewives

05 Oct 2009 10:52

@Tsoka:  Ok, so you have to get personal.  It is all cool.  Usually when people get personal, they have personal issues themselves.  Sort it out, ok,...  

I am voicing my opinion about people who made a choice to enter a reality show. For money. They have made the decision to flaunt themselves, faults and all, on reality TV, to be judged and scrutinized for MONEY, for 200, 000K.  Part of that money is being made up by subscriptions fees, and believe me I am paying, N$550-00 each month.  So I have N$550 worth of rights per month to voice my opinion.
If you can't stand my opinions, then you may have a problem.

05 Oct 2009 10:53

WSG: Point taken. Like we get you, like you dont have to yell at us.

I just think it would be interesting to see if Jemma will turn against each other when the time comes- relationship or not. It would make for great entertainment value. WSG> think about it.

Just like TS. I think he is not attaching to the other housemates because he knows they will entangle themselves in *bleep!* like Itai.

Those who thought Itai was intelligent may actually get to be proven otherwise this week. He doesnt seem to know what he wants to do with himself. I think he should put himself up for nomination becoz either way he will screw this up and once his term as HOH is over his head will be on the chopping board.

Sego. I say wait for the nominations before deciding who to vote for. It is a tough one but just be patient

Geraldine may come to surprise us. She is thinking about this game and I think she has everyone sussed out....

05 Oct 2009 10:55

WSG....Sorry my cyber friendo....its not personal...

05 Oct 2009 10:57

Say that again Savanah.... Hopefully Piz did well in his exams

05 Oct 2009 10:58

@GML:  My bad,...  I thought in accordance with cyber ethics, you are SHOUTING when you are using caps. 

05 Oct 2009 11:01

It is WSG, Mara you sound like you're taking this personal too.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that 2 of your felow country men have left? lol

Kidding dear.

05 Oct 2009 11:02

Those who thought Itai was intelligent may actually get to be proven otherwise this week. He doesnt seem to know what he wants to do with himself.  Itai is intelligent but he has made friends with some of the housemates and he has forgotten that he is in a game, he feels bad about the Paloma issue and i don't think he would backstab any of his friends for money.

05 Oct 2009 11:04

@GML:  Hah!  You certainly do not know me.  Ask my country people and other addicts, I don't do the P word. 

And how am I taking it personal?  I am not even defending my two favorite housemates.

If I did, I would not have rooted for Mzamo and Leentjie.  Far from my country men.

05 Oct 2009 11:06

Mathaz...and it was funny how Yacob told him to nominate Jeremy coz he has a problem with Gerraldine as they have gotten closer....Mara Yacob thinks that he is the only one who can strategise and see things clearer than the other housemates...

05 Oct 2009 11:07

moving along... nomination updates, anyone!

05 Oct 2009 11:07

Updates on nominations please!!!!

05 Oct 2009 11:09

Ofcoz not WSG. I know you don't do personal.- Am I allowed to say the word Personal?

But you know what they say about denial right? lol.

All I'm saying is wait for the nominations before getting all worked up like this. So early in the morning.

Lets wait and see, then we can decide who should leave and who should go. Clearly the housemates are idiots for real

05 Oct 2009 11:10

Sorry, I am taking this too personal too update!


05 Oct 2009 11:11

@GML:  It is all cool GML.  Whaevvver. 

05 Oct 2009 11:16

Cool WSG> Nothing personal right.

how about that update on nominations then?
I would do it but there is a conference call and I cant switch the TV on.
Pretty please....

05 Oct 2009 11:17

Nominations: Kaone

He has always been at opposite sides with Phil, Hannington and Yacko. Never had a close relationship with them. They also snatch alcohol and hide it. Also referred to the argument he had with Phil way back.

He hopes that she will survive because she is a strong character, and he hopes that she will be swapped. She also has an alter character that sometimes come out, during which she would belittle people.

Nominations: Nkenna

He is not one of her alliance.

The head of house is going to save Quinn because of Kristal. It was an alliance decision.

Nominations: Yacob

He felt that since last week’s nominations, she did not go, she got lucky.

He has no problem with Jeremy, but unfortunately they are trying to eliminate people from the house.

Nominations: Mzamo

Right now it is about eliminating the weakest links. And after her, she thinks that Jeremy is the weakest link.

She would like to see if/how Africa wants her.

Nominations: Jeremy

Based on the whole alliance thing. They are still a pair

Strategic. Hoping that Itai is going to save Kristal.

Nomination: Emma 

Alliance vote, they want to get rid of the other group.

Hoping that Itai is going to save Kristal. Strategic vote.

Meme J
05 Oct 2009 11:17

Eish peeps, have to be out of here for a while, but see the nominations are rolling in. Pretty much going according to alliance decisions at present: Hannington and Yacob Kristal and Quinn and Kaone and Liz Geraldine and Jeremy

Meme J
05 Oct 2009 11:17

Not all are in ... that's just so far. Picked it up on O-boma. Catch ya later!!!

05 Oct 2009 11:25

Can't wait to see who Itai has nominated....

05 Oct 2009 11:29

Mathaz..Mzamo n Elizabeth..

Savanah Dry
05 Oct 2009 11:46

I hope biggie changes the rules , and the HOH does not have any power to save anyone then Kristal will not be saved , hence there goes the alliance...
Or or he is allowed to save an individual and change a team save Kristal replace her with Leentjie since he has nominated him and quinn cna go roast for all i care ,

He did not vote according to any alliance i fear for him nxi nxi might be wrong move

Meme J
05 Oct 2009 11:50

Has Hannington nominated yet?

05 Oct 2009 11:55

Oh my this will be Itai's hardest decision, he should not save Kristal, she thinks highly of herself...well i guess the "Let's save Hannie campaign" better start strategising.  I want to save Hannington but want to see Yacob out, this pairing thing is not on at all....

05 Oct 2009 12:05

I also think the pairing was a bad idea, is it going to be like this till the end or only for this week??

Ruby Red
05 Oct 2009 12:20

who did krystal nominate?

05 Oct 2009 12:28

Hey Ruby

She nominated Hannington and Edward, i want her out of the house.  Can't stand her voice or is accent?

05 Oct 2009 12:35

updates? lol... anything!

let me check Oboma

05 Oct 2009 12:42

Obama peeps are suggesting that Itai will not save Krystal but maybe save Hannington and put up Leentjie or Kevin... 

reaction: If he puts up Kevin, I will so save anyboby regardless of how boring they are for that stupid statement Kevin made!

05 Oct 2009 12:44

What did Kevin say?

05 Oct 2009 12:46

I got this off the website

Kaone: Hannington (Yacob) & Kristal (Quinn)

Nkenna: Yacob (Hannington) & Quinn (Kristal)

Yacob: Liz (Kaone) & Jeremy (Geraldine)

Mzamo: Jeremy (Geraldine) & Liz (Kaone)

Jeremy: Yacob (Hannington) & Kristal (Quinn)

Emma: Hannington (Yacob) & Kristal (Quinn)

Leonel: Hannington (Yacob) & Kristal (Quinn)

Elizabeth: Hannington (Yacob) & Kristal (Quinn)

Edward: Liz (Kaone) & Nkenna (Itai)

Kevin: Kristal (Quinn) & Hannington (Yacob)

Kristal: Hannington (Yacob) & Edward (Emma)

Liz: Yacob (Hannington) & Kristal (Quinn)

Quinn: Hannington (Yacob) & Edward (Emma)

Geraldine: Yacob (Hannington) & Kristal (Quinn)

Hannington: Jeremy (Geraldine) & Liz (Kaone)

& Lastly the HoH

Itai: Elizabeth (Kevin) & Mzamo (Leonel)

05 Oct 2009 12:47

Oboma update: Nkenna is convinced the pairing is for 4 weeks like Yakahahaa told her and she told Leentjie.. she has declared that she now will do anything for Africa to love her. 

Reaction: I don't like her even more..

05 Oct 2009 12:48

I hope he nominates Mzamo in place of Quinn. (Itai) that is

05 Oct 2009 12:52

thanks, GML!!! So who is up? anyone with a spreadsheet... WSG help, my dear!!!

05 Oct 2009 12:52

Cleve why Mzamo?  I so will miss Leentjie shelling Geraldine....

05 Oct 2009 12:52

Itai was stupid. Had he nominated Kristal like everyone else it would have been easier for him to replace them with Leonel or Kevin.

that way he would have had the girls all willing to save him next nominations. The guys will not protect him especially the smokers....

05 Oct 2009 13:01

Thanks GML

Here is the spreadsheet

Hannington 11
Yacob 11
Kristal 9
Quinn 9
Kaone 3
Liz 3
Jeremy 2
Geraldine 2
Nkenna 1
Itai 1
Eddie 2
Emma 2
Eliza 1
Kevin 1
Mzamo 1
Leentjie 1

05 Oct 2009 13:04

(Not sure if it is still of any use.  Had to do something else, and just rewinded the nominations.)

Nomination: Leentjie

First person she nominated in the first week. She is playing her own game now.

She thinks Kristal is a threat to her.

This is not an alliance vote.

Nominations: Elizabeth

Alliance has agreed to do that.

Alliance has agreed to do that, and Itai will swap her.

Nominations: Edward

It is about time that one of the Nigerians to leave. Also, Nkenna has never been up for eviction.

She was close to getting out yesterday. Tables should turn now, and she should go out.

Nominations: Kevin

Kristal is a threat to him. She is really really giving him a heart attack (???).

Hannington does not like him because he had to do what he had to do by taking Phil out. Thinks that Hannington is actually thinking about taking revenge, so it is not safe to keep him around. He might just boil water and pour it over his face.

It is not an alliance vote, it is about surviving in the game. This week it is the safest way to vote.

Nominations: Kristal

He has not apologized for the way he went off on that day, swearing like that. It is a very hard vote for her because he is Yacob’s partner. But she dislikes Hannington more than she likes Yacob.

She thinks Edward is just going to go downhill now without his brother. And Emma is his partner.

(Reaction: She voted for Emma during the first combined nominations with the boys. Me thinks she really want Emma out. Because of Jeremy, I am thinking. Edward is now a very good excuse for her to nominate Emma and she won't be seen as betraying the cult alliance.)

Nominations: Liz

She knows that Yacob is going to nominate her. He does not really like her.

She has a feeling that Itai is going to save Kristal.

Nominations: Quinn

It is a strategy according to alliance decision.

It is just strategy, this vote has no meaning because he can’t vote for Kristal.

Nominations: Geraldine

He is paired up with Hannington and they are part of the other alliance. She also heard that he is going to nominate her and Jeremy. So, she had to act fast.

Cause she thinks that the HOH will have no choice but to save Kristal.

Nominations: Hannington

Because Jeremy is definitely nominating him.

Because she is nominating his partner, and he  can’t work with that.

Nominations: Itai

Erastus had some friends and he thinks she is a powerful contender and that she would survive the nomination. Just hoping that it won’t be something that he will have to feel terrible about.

He has never made such promises to her. He does understand that promises that he made before this week became irrelevant. But  It is a nomination that he does think he won't feel terrible about.  

05 Oct 2009 13:07

FK, thanks!!


 look at the idiotz with the least nominations... Leentjie, Kevin and Eliza... the ones I need gone!

I hope he saves my smelly hennie and puts up Elizabeth and Kevin! 

05 Oct 2009 13:10

Hannington     8 

Kristal              8 

Yacob              3 

Quinn              1 

Jeremy           3 

Liz                    4 

Nkenna          1
Edward          2 

Elizabeth       1 

Mzamo          1

05 Oct 2009 13:13

tjo tjo tjo - Oboma peeps wants top 3 (partners).  They badly want Liz up there.  sho

05 Oct 2009 13:15

we need an alliance to get rid of the boring bits... I hope Itai saves Hannington and puts up Elizabeth or Kevin!

05 Oct 2009 13:16

Iati didn't nominate based on alliances.. he might really be playing the game...

Meme J
05 Oct 2009 13:20

I've had it with Hannington, the ultimate sheep!! How cheap of him to put up Liz. He can just go. He's pretty but not entertaining, except in the odd burst and then only maybe once a week. What a wuss!

05 Oct 2009 13:23

Meme: that CUT deep... lol! I would really rather have Hennie in there than Leentjie, Nkenna, Jeremy, Kevin, Emma, Granadilla and Elizabeth

Ruby Red
05 Oct 2009 13:26

and i dont like the way krystal is playing itai...................wish he sees it and doesnt save her.

Meme J
05 Oct 2009 13:29

Sorry my darling, Sego! But in a season in which I've struggled to engage with the show, coz there are just not that many people who engage my emotions, Liz is one of the few I really, really like. She's just so her, and doesn't give a dayum!! I mean he told Liz he has a daughter, and when they get out he wants her to shop for the daughter with him, blah, blah, blah. She was the only one with the guts to tell him about his BO problem, etc, etc. The man doesn't have balls. I know it's a game, but he's just following master Yacob. Punk!!!! Sorry, sorry ... luv u lots!!

05 Oct 2009 13:36

I also think the pairing was a bad idea, is it going to be like this till the end or only for this week??

Mee too...too much at stake. I really hope it only for this week.

Nominations: Kristal
He has not apologized for the way he went off on that day, swearing like that. It is a very hard vote for her because he is Yacob’s partner. 

Argg please get over yourself....eish! this chick irritates crap out of me. 

Ruby Red
05 Oct 2009 13:37

maybe what we need to know is how many couples are up for eviction?

or alternatively, wish itai follows his nominations and puts leonel and mzamo(sori WSG)

05 Oct 2009 13:39

tjo tjo tjo - Oboma peeps wants top 3 (partners). They badly want Liz up there. sho

Well i dont blame them...

Cutie Pie
05 Oct 2009 13:39

Yho, Yho, I want that YACOB guys out.......he's such a lazy bully...did you see how he was controlling Itai? Emma gave him exactly what he deserved, he's such a pretentious snake man.....I'm glad Nkenna and Leonel did not get into Yacob's tricks and web of deceit....HE MUST GO.......

I want K1 to stay though...

05 Oct 2009 13:44

and i dont like the way krystal is playing itai...................wish he sees it and doesnt save her.

@Ruby Red:
  I also don't get it all, they set him up and then all of them are now saying that if he does not save Kristal, all of Africa would see him as not a person of loyalty blah blah,...  So, they can play a dirty game but he is not allowed the same?  

Kristal said in the diary room that Africa will see that he is not a man of his word if he does not swap her, but she is not a woman of her word.  She and the rest crucified Renee for not sticking with the woman alliance but Kristal nominated Emma in that first week, and then she nominated Edward, knowing Emma is his partner.  

Oh, she and Quinn were  was  arrogant, during their diary sessions,  saying that they are strong, so they  are  sure they will survive the nomination. 

Now, they are also on about how  Itai has to do the 'right' thing.  And if he does not do the 'right' thing, he will be in danger with Africa.

What I don't get, is that if Itai swap, he can take anyone else of their alliance. Are they more precious for that alliance then the rest of the alliance?

05 Oct 2009 13:45

I love how these alliances come up with reasons for their nominations when it was really just alliance vote....itai better not put mzamo up, I will be so angry!!!!!! Why are these guys thinking that if itai will not save zimbabwe he is a traitor but they are using that exact thing to "blackmail" him and they think that is fine.....I hate stupid hypocrisy! Kristal and Q think africa loves them.... I want them up (as much as I love kris, I hate that f*ckin boring alliance!!! Nxaa!!!)

05 Oct 2009 13:49

Wsg we are in sync (including the comments about boring jemma)....guys did they announce who is up for eviction? Is it only top 2?

05 Oct 2009 13:49

or alternatively, wish itai follows his nominations and puts leonel and mzamo(sori WSG)

@Ruby Red:
  LOL no sweat really!!!  I can understand why peeps want Leentjie out.  Even Mzamo.  But I just find Leentjie's journey quite entertaining.  I can't help to laugh,... and when he is trying to convince himself that he is a lesbian or whatever, and woe Granadillatjie, I find it  both boring and hillarious. 

As for Mzamo, I can't understand her half of the times, but the way she is rubbing people up the wrong way, I love it.   And I love her 'I don't give a s@#%t attitude.

05 Oct 2009 13:52

Itai is going to save Kristal and replace him with his original nominations (Mzamo).

Watch this space

05 Oct 2009 13:55

@Ruby Red


How can you ask a such a question?

Kelvin, Nkenna and Granadilla are all from Nigeria and they are spoiling her day. Just like Bayo, Ofuneka and Uti did. Is it not surprising that not one of the three Nigers  passed her stringent assessment? At least they won't leave alone. They will be leaving with Elizabeth, Itai and Jeremy!!!!!!! 

I wonder why suggestions are not mooted for another episode of BBA South Africa and/or BBA Southern Africa? Or is it not a lucrative project for Mnet? Nigeria is the honeypot? At any rate we are moving closer and closer to having BBA without Nigeria and Ghana and then we can all watch in peace. Shalom!!!!

05 Oct 2009 13:56

@Pizniz:  No announcement yet. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that Quinn had the arrogance to say that Lil Sis changed the game because she saw that the other housemates in the other alliance have their backs against the wall.  They still have, so partnering thing did not help much.

I never liked the untouchable attitude in housemates.  I certainly do not like Quinn's arrogance.  I never had any type of feeling against him or for him,... he was just neutral.  But his arrogance just surfaced this weekend and it  has been skyrocketing since.

05 Oct 2009 13:57

Ja GML I am just hoping not.... I know africa don't like woman like mzamo does not hide their sexuality....women are suppose to pretend they don't like sex...sigh....where the *bleep!* does quinn come from!!!

05 Oct 2009 13:59

I hate quinn man....yazi!!!! And I am willing to sacrifice my kris as long as he is out!!!

05 Oct 2009 14:00

Hey DOT7s!!!!!! Welcome back!!!! Missed your take on this ish... okay, let me go read your comment... sounds like you are making me sound very xeno towards naija...

05 Oct 2009 14:09

DOT7s.... *sigh* confuse me with some other peeps... I have no patriotic bone in my body especially for idiotz that entered a reality show to enrich themselves... I want value for money for the ish we watch on BBA... so even if Kevi, Granadilla and Nkenna were from South Africa and were as boring to me as they are now, I would be very anti-them... as far as I am concerned they can leave with Quinn!

Anywho, I was a strong Ofunemama supporter, didn't like Uti for his dangerous outburst and opinion on rape... 

Naija's reps this year have not passed my stringent ENTERTAINMENT VALUE CRITERIA... they are not there... they are just as entertaining to me as Tashi's nest that we can't see... 

OH HAPPY DAY! if we have the original BB with no governement intervention!

05 Oct 2009 14:09

Highest Votes:

Yacob & Hannington - 11

Kristal & Quinn - 9

Liz & Kaone - 4

Jeremy & Geraldine - 3

Does anyone know how many pairs will be up for elimination? I hope 2couples, because if all 4 are up then it will be really tough for Itai to choose between his alliance (quinn and kaone) or his fellow country woman (Kristal) or his friend (Geraldine). Tough one for him. I hope the 1st 2 couples are up for elimination. I'm not sure I want to see Geraldine leave just yet...

05 Oct 2009 14:09

ooh NO, not again

05 Oct 2009 14:09

i've started to like Quin.........

05 Oct 2009 14:12

It looks like liz is hoh coz she is taking over the shopping list...

05 Oct 2009 14:14

I hate quinn man....yazi!!!! And I am willing to sacrifice my kris as long as he is out!!!

Eish I hate Kristal...yazi? And i am willing to sacrifice my Quinn as long as she is out!!!

05 Oct 2009 14:14

I don't like Quinn at all and he rubbed me off the wrong way in one of his diary sessions when he mentioned that him and Rene are not clicking (sp) since they are the only white people in the house.  Not impressed by that statement at all.  He paired with Kristal and cant stand her so if they up for eviction i will not be saving them.

05 Oct 2009 14:15

I just want these stupid "non smokers" out....let's keep yacob and H in plz!!!!

05 Oct 2009 14:18

Kwakwakwakwakwa terry N we agree then.... Fsg just asked for menstrual pills...WTF....overshare!!!!!!

05 Oct 2009 14:18

FSG is right on.  Sick again.  Asking for her menstrual pills. 

05 Oct 2009 14:20

ditto, Mathaz...

05 Oct 2009 14:22

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

05 Oct 2009 14:24

There is not a person who's diary session I hate more than kevin...even lil sis asked him the other time to speak and not rap..."I like elizabeth cos she got the passion and drive of a man"...kevin is finally showing his nigerian mentality!!!

05 Oct 2009 14:26

kwa kwa kwa at FSG being sick again - not sure who mentioned it, but one of the addicts did say that come monday, she will be sick.  The HoH privilege made sure that she was FIT.

05 Oct 2009 14:28

@wsg palomas exit was very heavy on her....shame, she didn't really explained what heavy means...she does have bag under her eyes though!!

05 Oct 2009 14:28

@Ruby... What do you mean "how"? how what, dear?

05 Oct 2009 14:31

Oboma peeps say mimi and Kevin are cousins... tjo!

05 Oct 2009 14:35

@Mjj is opera mini browsing also free on BB

05 Oct 2009 14:37

@ Seg - did you see the one they say we must boycott voting this week???

There is no logic in the latest pairing up that BB has put togeter. It is totall unfair to link one housemates fate to another's - All the house house mates are their as individuals so why are they lumped together with no say - and why do the viewers have to waste their votes to save theri housemate qwho is linekd to one they dont like.
I thought only one wins the money so why must we vote for pairs. Its ridiculous. You enter alone and you leave alone so you should be evicted alone. What is this if one is evicted the other must leave as well. This is not fun anymore. Big Brother is really trying to make puppets out of Africa and its not right.

05 Oct 2009 14:37

From Oboma

mamma mia :OCT 5, 2009 7:18 AM | Report as offensive
I dont have anything against Nigerians in fact I like them all in the house but why are they threatening HOH and other housemates that if they nominate them they will be sorrry. Kevin tells Itai last night that if Itai makes a swop with a Nigerian he would suffer the consequences, Nigeria would put out a hit list for Itai and come down to Zimbabwe to get him. These housemates are becoming desperate and its a dog eat dog situation. Why do the housemates think they owe all the Nigerians in the house immunity. If Itai swopped Krystal with Kevin and Elizabeth against Hannington and Yacob it would be four extremely strong candidates up against each other and the chances are that Kevin and Elizabeth would stay. Do they not see that they have to start splitting up the Nigerian housemates that consist of 3. Namibia has been reduced from 3 to 1 so why not the same with the Nigerians. What makes any housemate so special in the house that you can not touch him or her but Kevin threatening Itai by saying what he said in my opinion is threatening violence against Itai and that is low and disgusting. If Kevin thought he was so strong then dont be scared to be put up for nomination. At least you will know where you stand in the game. Eddie is the best housemate for not stressing so much and for just following his heart. He is enjoying his time and going with the flow. He should be feeling the worst after losing his twin and Rene but he shows so much character by just playing his own game and not sitting in corners strategising and trying to stab his friends

05 Oct 2009 14:39


I have always been around and check the TVSA website regularly everyday. I have only taken a quality decision to just read the comments and not comment. Ruby Red's question provoked me to comment. There is a lot of Xenophobia about the Nigerian housemates. It is obvious that we are not vibrating on the same frequency on what the definition of Entertainment is all about. Not just you but also your country people. That is ok by me. What is not ok by me is the future participation of Nigeria and Ghana. I hope Mnet will listen and relegate their wanting to make money secondary. Let us concentrate on Entertainment and have the original BBA as you want it. I am 100% for that minus Nigeria and Ghana. Have a nice day.

05 Oct 2009 14:46

and Nkenna wanted none of the nigerians nominated last night, haaibo!!! Geraldine is a bore to me even if she was a South African she will still bore me just like Queen

05 Oct 2009 14:47

Piz - u r now LSM10 what do u want to do with Opera Mini?

05 Oct 2009 14:47

Let us concentrate on Entertainment and have the original BBA as you want it.
On this point I agree with you.

 I am 100% for that minus Nigeria and Ghana. Have a nice day.
Why if I amy ask?

05 Oct 2009 14:50

Mzamo in her diary session .....feels fine she feels happy with her comrade in arms.....the comrade in arms game might changed the game alittle...she feels bad that Rene and Erustus left....Her relationship with the people in the house is great.....she feels good about her allinace...she has no issues with Liz and is still fine with Hannington...She says that she was lucky to be the first to have Hannington in the house........

I came across this on the website. Is Mzamo being serious???  Shame, the girl is still hung up on Hannington

05 Oct 2009 14:51

I think Africa is going to vote Hannington & Yacob out this week irrespective of who Itai replaces Krystal & Queen with...THE PAIRING THING needs to be stopped this sunday!!! If they want to evict 2 housemates then they must evict them individually everyweek NOT in pairs. *sigh*

05 Oct 2009 14:51

Kwakwakwakwa @sego and dorothy....I prefer bba but uncensored and immoral and unafrican... Itai is saying he is ready to save yacob, so surely then he wouldn't put mzamo up who is in yacobs alliance? I hope he puts a nigerian up...and wana cut them and that sasafrican for bf lunch snack supper and late night snack!! Itai is great together with everyone...

05 Oct 2009 14:53

I am 100% for that minus Nigeria and Ghana. Have a nice day.
Why if I amy ask?
Correction for my classwork.
Why if I may ask?

05 Oct 2009 14:54

I wish Dotty was here... I am so confused!... at some point last year, Dotty cried foul at the constestant type being chosen for Naija and suggested that a diversity be chosen... NOW, they chose a diversity with no entertainment value for ME  and Dorothy says I am xeno......

Here is the same response I gave to Dotty... LAST YEAR... my standpoint has not changed!
Dot: Thank you for your comments. they have been noted. I admire your patriotism and need to defend Uti. I am very worried about how you view the comments on this blog about the show. When the IDZIOTS made the decision to enter the house they did not request the nations support nor did they say "I, as ........, represent EVERYONE in this country". They went in there as individuals for PERSONAL reasons, not countrymanship/patriotic or anything related to their countries reasons. They also did not in any way say that their opinions are those reflecting the nation they come from.

No-one mentioned nationalities but you. You mentioned where Uti is from, no-one else did, you mentioned SADC, no-one else did. Kindly check the replies. everyone commented on individual behaviours of the idziots not where they come from. I sincerely hope the between-lines you are reading do not cloud your judgements on what has been commented on this blog. Those between-lines are only visible to you.

WE, speaking for the addicts, really do not care where these idziots are from - we want to see their individual entertainment value since they entered the show to do just that. They could have crawled out of a hole in Zeerust or the Sahara desert and we wouldn't give a damn because if they crawl out and just lie there without adding any entertainment to our lives - we vote them out.

Uti, unfortunately, has been a mix of two extremes. I am seriously offended by his PERSONAL opinions on date rape, rape, women, sexuality and vandalistic tendencies. I am impressed by his way of making myself and the idziots laugh. SO, I may be entertained by bits of him but my personal beliefs and values against the offensive opinions will not allow me to accept him winning the money. AND some people will also share this view, regardless of which country they are from or in.

When I watch the show and make my voting decision, it has nothing to do with where the idziot is from but by how comfortable I am with his potrayal of his beliefs, opinions, values and choices. I dont believe that they are showing me what every countryman of theirs is like. Even in a family of four, each individual has a personality that reflects them, not the family. SO, my dear Dotty, bringing SADC and Patriotic and nationality arguments for voting choices is by no means going to change who Africa wants to see in the house. Let the man/men with the most votes leave on Sunday without us having a web nationality bashing chats.

05 Oct 2009 14:55

Ok...Protocol suggests that Headmistress is to be obeyed....................and i know she got no xenophobic bone in her body..............Afternoon Mistress..... FK - I fully agree on that, people should just not vote @ all...........this pairing is stupid

05 Oct 2009 15:00

@Pizniz:  Do you think Itai even realize that Mzamo is in the same alliance as he is?  I think you expectation of Itai is too high. He is on some other trip.   

He told Granadillatjie earlier that he has people back home, he mentioned his girlfriend, parents and I don't know who else, maybe even people in Switzerland, and he will have to explain to them his decisions.

And his father even told him to behave I don't know how to people in the house, I think good or something.  So, he is not going to PO anyone.  He just basically wants to be nice, and feels nice about nice.

So, all in all, he is a lost cause.  His swapping are not going to be about saving himself or any of his alliance.  It is going to be about him being nice to everyone, and feeling good about being nice, and about him looking good to people at home and him being loved by everyone.

Yeah, be ready for anything. He might even put himself up for nomination. 

05 Oct 2009 15:00

Thanks, mjj... lol! you are a great student, my dear...

Lady D
05 Oct 2009 15:01

So Itai will save Yacob no matter what!!!!Hi addicts,Happy belated birthday Savannah Dry,wishing Piz well with the exams!

05 Oct 2009 15:03

WSG: He is not voting on alliance lines.. He is being nice. He will most likely put himself up because he has a death threat on his head and He does have family back home that he doesn't want killed because he put someone else up...

05 Oct 2009 15:04

They could have crawled out of a hole in Zeerust or the Sahara desert and we wouldn't give a damn because if they crawl out and just lie there without adding any entertainment to our lives - we vote them out. 


05 Oct 2009 15:04

Well put Sego.

I know for a fact that I'm looking at the entertainment that the housemates bring to the house. i do not care for the countries they come from. I knw that Liz and Quinn have been boring but I do feel They will bring some entertainment in the house.

like if Mzamo and Liz were to really go off at each other- That would be pure entertainment for me. Does that then mean I will save Liz because she is South African? NO. In fact even if she were to leave now, Mzamo is entertaining already.

It has nothing to do with countries. We would be bored stiff if that's what it's about.

vote for drama people..........DRAMA

05 Oct 2009 15:04

Eish, Piz, I did not like Krystal.  And I even dislike her more.  This Kris and Quinn pairing is just,,.. gadddd... they are just very bad together, they are mean and arrogant.

Ok, I like the gossip sessions,.. but damn they are arrogant.

Like now, they are interrogating Leentjie about his white trousers after they gossiped about his underwear.

05 Oct 2009 15:05

Molweni addicts!!! Isn't it funny how h/mates always think they will survive because they are "strong" a la Kris and Quinn? They thot Phil was strong so will stay, Paloma was strong so will stay. Now my darling Kris and Quinn think they have it worked out too!! I do not mind Quinn but they might just have a rude one. As it is Swiss (as per) Bitchy is quivering and has told Sis he has to save Yakaka come rain or shine. Yho! Gonna watch this space...

05 Oct 2009 15:07

OMW are you for real WSG?? did he really say that??? Jha maybe he will end up putting himself up for eviction..I dont really know who i want him to save

05 Oct 2009 15:08

I want Krystal and Quinn out this weekend... so Itai must not save them!!!

05 Oct 2009 15:10

Itai is a noble person and too good for this game, remember when he gave up that challenge and FSG won HOH?  I thinks he does not want to be HOH, he knows that he is intelligent and clued up about things but he went and won the HOH challenge.  He should have thrown it (this rememinds me of PG and Jamie throwing challenges in Survivor)

05 Oct 2009 15:12

vote for drama people..........DRAMA
Agreed but Africa does not operate in that way. Drama is offensive to them.

05 Oct 2009 15:14

From Oboma


omo W
OCT 5, 2009 3:04 PM | Report as offensive





05 Oct 2009 15:14

HAHAHAH!!!!!!  I told you Piz!  I told you!!!  Kristal will never ever date a black guy.  She is racist.  There, she said it herself, she will never ever date a black guy or a white guy.  

Apparently white guys smell like ham and Indian guys like curry.

Now I need a drink.  I can stand racism.

She was explaining how she has never met a black guy that she finds attractive.

Damn, there while she is expressing her racist attitudes, they showed us the idiots in the house.

Piz, I told you, I know the colored mentality.  Grew up with the mentality attitude.  She wanted Jeremy, Emma got him.  She can't get over that. 

Quinn said he dated any color,... black, colored, white, Indian...

Lady D
05 Oct 2009 15:15

Kaone is in the diary room,he is implying that Liz wanted him when the game started but he kept his cool,he hopes Liz behaves whilst they are comrades in arms.WTF???

05 Oct 2009 15:15

Sego: Aaah!! Good old days my friend, good old days. I remember this discourse as if it was yestrday. Hello Realist!! Glad to c u here, be it for a while or longer!!

05 Oct 2009 15:17

Haa!!!!!!!!!!Sego...even Quinn?????????i love that dude shame...there is something about for Kristal, Elizabeth and Nkenna can go jump in the nearest lake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 Oct 2009 15:19

lol at Liz wanting him TS

kwa kwa kwa - Apparently white guys smell like ham and Indian guys like curry. 

I have to go home and hear all this myself.  

WSG - don't you think it is too early for a bottle?  I hope you have more than one as you are going to need it tonite.

05 Oct 2009 15:19

OMW are you for real WSG?? did he really say that??? Jha maybe he will end up putting himself up for eviction..I dont really know who i want him to save

he is realy on some nice trip. Erastus one night, while they were drunk, told the other guys that Itai is so nice, it scares him.  He even gave examples,..  for instance, if  you would slap Itai, he would say something like:  I don't know you have done that, but I understand that you might have your own issues.

And if he would be eating, and you asked to give his food to you, he would give it to you, and say: I am really hungry, but I understand, you have your reason why you want it, so you can take it.

05 Oct 2009 15:21

heh did Paloma say Itai wanted her from the beggining or was i hearing wrong?

05 Oct 2009 15:23

Why is everyong taking what Kevin said to Itai so seriously? It was clearly a joke and not a threat.

Savanah Dry
05 Oct 2009 15:27

kwakwakwakwakwa @ Kaone ( liz wanting him) 

Itai is a nice guy and he is going home because of it, If he doesnt save Yacob it means that he will not have any friends in the house and next week when it comes to nominations then they will put him up thats ghetting rid of the smokers alliance completly
Yesterday i heard Emma telling Jeremy that if Itai wasnt HOH then they would have put him up , He is not safe with Nkena if thats wht he thinks if the game changes next week wht then .

I think he shouldnt save Kristal as i dont see her saving him if she was put in the same position and her attitude sucks , i used to like her as fellow Hommie but she can go back home for all i care !!!! 

Thx Lady D how you doing !!

Meme J
05 Oct 2009 15:29

@ Hovito, if it's the little bit of action I saw, Kevin was basically telling him not to alienate his fans, etc. Kevin also implied that he, Itai, needs to do the right thing by his country. He was quite animated, but not threatening.

05 Oct 2009 15:29

Hello Realist!! Glad to c u here, be it for a while or longer!!
I’ve been around reading comments. I am waiting for real issues to come out and so far none has been forthcoming. 

There, she said it herself, she will never ever date a black guy or a white guy.
Did she explain the reasons why? If not give her the benefit of a doubt as to why not.

05 Oct 2009 15:29

Erastus one night, while they were drunk, told the other guys that Itai is so nice, it scares him. He even gave examples,.. for instance, if you would slap Itai, he would say something like: I don't know you have done that, but I understand that you might have your own issues.

And if he would be eating, and you asked to give his food to you, he would give it to you, and say: I am really hungry, but I understand, you have your reason why you want it, so you can take it.

I am going to miss Erastus, at least we still have Eddy.
KWA KWA KWA KWA X 60000!!!! what a way to explain a nice person

05 Oct 2009 15:30 heard right.....i was just as puzzled my dear!

05 Oct 2009 15:30

@Hovito:  The way I heard the conversation is that Kevin threatened Itai in that he better not be putting up him or his Nigerian sisters.  Cause he will be in the firing line, also, he should know that if he would take out any of them the whole of Nigeria would be on him. As their villages, his, Nkenna and Geraldine's, are very close to each other. Or something like that.   Meaning, they would take revenege on him by not backing him.

He then hinted at  the swap, saying, that he better do the RIGHT thing, cause he might end up looking very bad in the eyes of the rest of Africa.  

He emphasised that a lot. Itai looked confused, but Kevin told him that he should just remember that tomorrow (today) when he does that swap.

I don't know where the physical violence threat came from, I did not hear any of that.  I think it has been blown up by O peeps.

05 Oct 2009 15:31

*mouth wide opened* @ Krystal's comments

Tash 1
05 Oct 2009 15:32

Why is everyong taking what Kevin said to Itai so seriously? It was clearly a joke and not a threat.

@Hovito, only Kevin can confirm that n' wat makes u think tht it was a joke? Coz u want it 2 b a joke NO MAN, Kevin is jus insecure n' feels a bit threatened by Itai.

@Cande; ewe, Paloma dd say tht Itai wanted her from the beginning, She mis-tuk a dream 4 reality. lol

Molweni mablogs.

Brown Shuga
05 Oct 2009 15:33

<<<I've had it with Hannington, the ultimate sheep!! How cheap of him to put up Liz. He can just go. He's pretty but not entertaining,>>> @MemeJ Hannington pretty??? tjo!

05 Oct 2009 15:35


Nkenna was only strategising and trying to read the minds of her housemates. Even she knows that that it is impossible not to nominate a Nigerian. There are 3 of them in the house and the other housemates are playing the game just as they are. 

Maybe you did underrate Geraldine because she is quiet. Quiet people in general canb e quite deadly you know. They are playing a game. However after her antics with Kaone in the early hours of this morning, I want her home not fast but very fast before she makes a fool of herself.

05 Oct 2009 15:35

The gossip session bout leentjies panties was funny...gml we are 4 weeks into the show what is this nonsense about "they will be entertainment" either they are or they not!!!

05 Oct 2009 15:36

<<There, she said it herself, she will never ever date a black guy or a white guy.
Did she explain the reasons why? If not give her the benefit of a doubt as to why not.>>

She was busy explaining, but it was obviously not meant for our ears.  But she said that white guy smell like ham and Indian guys smell like curry before they changed scenes.

I am not giving her whatever benefit of what doubt.  I have been saying that for some time, just give her time, she is revealing her true self, slowly but surely. 

I know that mentality.

05 Oct 2009 15:37

She wanted Jeremy, Emma got him. She can't get over that. 

I find it hard that she would want Jeremy as he is black and considers himself black. As far as I am aware the coloured racial profiling thing is a SADC practice. The rest of the world classifies it as black finish and klaar.

That's why I called Kristal a deluded fool, because the rest of Africa does not consider beauty based on the (light )colour of ones skin.  He was never her's and was never going to be attracted to her in the first place.

He was raised according to black culture and beliefs, why did she think he was going to be attracted to her in the first place

Tash 1
05 Oct 2009 15:37

F.. Krystal,Y is she playing a race card? vele wat is she? a LAWU!!!

05 Oct 2009 15:38

Just wanna welcome Realist to our crazy What's up with Kristal and sis Queen? I thought arrogance was Liz's fav subject??????? Tjo all these housemates now r starting to irritate me in a big way........ What is sis Queen thinking by discussing undies of another man?

05 Oct 2009 15:38

Hannington is moody nje. He is sometimes there otehr days he seems to be in a world of his own...

When is itai doing the swap?

05 Oct 2009 15:41

WSG and Meme, yeah I saw the whole convo. Kevin stressed to Itai that when he was HOH, he had Itais back (which he did in a way). He also stated the blatantly obvious, that there are three Nigerians in the house, nominating one of them is not in his best interests because of that as well as the fact that Nigerian viewers are a very powerful vote. Hell, there are so many Nigerians even in SA that it would probably be enough to sway votes against him here. I didn't see it as a threat, it was more like...use your head and swap wisely. 

I actually think next week we'll have another set of random pairings again. So this makes things interesting in my opinion. Shame that Hannington had to be paired with that Amercianized cow tho.

05 Oct 2009 15:41

When is itai doing the swap?

8pm GML

05 Oct 2009 15:42

I find it hard that she would want Jeremy as he is black and considers himself black. As far as I am aware the coloured racial profiling thing is a SADC practice. The rest of the world classifies it as black finish and klaar. 

The first morning after they came into the house, she said in the diary room that Rene was acting weird towards her.  And that might because of Jeremy.  She said that Rene wanted Jeremy but Rene heard that Jeremy is interested in her, Krystal.

05 Oct 2009 15:45

By the way, last night Kaone and Granadilla were a little bit too cozy for my liking.

Tash 1
05 Oct 2009 15:46

Hell, there are so many Nigerians even in SA that it would probably be enough to sway votes against him here.

Ths is a threat, Y shld Itai dance to Kevin's tune?

05 Oct 2009 15:46

@Hovito:  I also saw the convo.  The whole one. My perception is that it was a threat. Not by physical violence, or I am going to kill your family.  But as in, you bring us in, I will make sure you up next.  And my country is going to take you out.  Threat.

Brown Shuga
05 Oct 2009 15:46

<<<I don't like Quinn at all and he rubbed me off the wrong way in one of his diary sessions when he mentioned that him and Rene are not clicking (sp) since they are the only white people in the house >>>
Gosh!! And last night when Rene was evicted he also murmured something about "white people in the house". Mncim.

<<<There is not a person who's diary session I hate more than kevin...even lil sis asked him the other time to speak and not rap >>
Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

<<<I have always been around and check the TVSA website regularly everyday. I have only taken a quality decision to just read the comments and not comment. >>> LMAO @ quality! tl tl tl tl tl

<<<<HAHAHAH!!!!!!  I told you Piz!  I told you!!!  Kristal will never ever date a black guy.  She is racist.  There, she said it herself, she will never ever date a black guy or a white guy.  
Apparently white guys smell like ham and Indian guys like curry.
Now I need a drink.  I can stand racism.
She was explaining how she has never met a black guy that she finds attractive. >>>>
Wow, she was my favourite until I read this....sies!

<<<<Kaone is in the diary room,he is implying that Liz wanted him when the game started but he kept his cool,he hopes Liz behaves whilst they are comrades in arms.WTF? >>>> Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa has he looked in the mirror lately?? LMAO!

Thanks for the updates addicts.

Internet browsing only if you use the Blackberry Web Browser, if you use Mini or anything else, they'll charge you.

05 Oct 2009 15:46

LOL@ Dorothy777, you just cant let a comment that has Nigeria in it pass can you? Geraldine being quiet to me is BORING, and her sharing a bed with Kaone is ENTERTAINING so maybe if he continues with Kaone i will want her to go far. For now she is boring me, that is my story and i am sticking to it..Even if she was from Ethiopia or any country i will still find her boring.OK!!

05 Oct 2009 15:48

Piz, I told you, I know the colored mentality.  Grew up with the mentality attitude.  She wanted Jeremy, Emma got him.  She can't get over that. Coloureds from nam and sasafrica is still like that...sad isn't it...

05 Oct 2009 15:48

As far as the nominations goes. Everyone should be up for nomination every week since you are voting to keep your favorite housemate in the house or am I missing something here.

 Let us see who has the biggest budget when it comes to Nigeria and RSA. As for the other countries they can decide which of the two countries do they want to support.

The sms strap should give an idea of who has the biggest budget.

Brown Shuga
05 Oct 2009 15:49

<<<Hell, there are so many Nigerians even in SA that it would probably be enough to sway votes against him here.>> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha who said this? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 Oct 2009 15:51

lol @ Hovito fighting for his girl Granadila......don;t worry my friend, TS only has eyes for Leentjie and Itai.......this girl thing thing is just a phase.....shim is confused like Leentjie....

05 Oct 2009 15:52

Geraldine is just a waste of oxygen, does she ever move her mouth. Just wondering how her breath smells since she never utters a word except whne Kaone is talking to her. Boring convo's

05 Oct 2009 15:54

Ths is a threat, Y shld Itai dance to Kevin's tune?

Umm, because the object of the game is to win?

For the reasons I stated, it's better if he lets someone else nominate the 9ja peeps. Like I said they are a strong vote. However, if he doesn't care about winning the game then of course he should just vote them out.

Brown Shuga
05 Oct 2009 15:54

<<<Let us see who has the biggest budget when it comes to Nigeria and RSA. As for the other countries they can decide which of the two countries do they want to support.>> I think Naija does....

05 Oct 2009 15:55

Aaaaag sies tog, Eds is mising Erustus but I'm glad he's not thinking of self evicting. Eish, I saw this Kris convo. Who does she go out with kanti. Come to think of it, do I really care??

05 Oct 2009 15:56

Maybe you did underrate Geraldine because she is quiet. Quiet people in general canb e quite deadly you know. They are playing a game. However after her antics with Kaone in the early hours of this morning, I want her home not fast but very fast before she makes a fool of herself.  kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

@Dorothy...what do you mean???  She is charmed by k1,do you happen to know her boyfrined LOL???

05 Oct 2009 15:57

Cant wait for the swap tonight...

05 Oct 2009 15:58

Braces. Thats the first thing Granadilla needs to spend her money on. Then she'll be complete.

05 Oct 2009 15:59

Teeza my friends....that Meisie ha staken over Ms Paloma and Plus size Mbau...... Mathaz - leave Hovito's girlfriend

05 Oct 2009 16:02

But if naija is so strong why would you wana be up against them? I can't wait for the day that all 3 nigerians are up and at least 3 must go....where did gerry get this personality? All thanks to yacob for wanting to nominate her!!! At the end of the day, the namibians were way more entertaining than those boring alliance members!!!!

05 Oct 2009 16:05

guys - DS updates please? Lemme take a nap - I'm on nite duty 2nite........... Someone please buzz me when it's Liz and Yakob's diary session.....

05 Oct 2009 16:08

lol @ braces..................kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa.............let me really sleep now

05 Oct 2009 16:08

Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwa @ hovito trying to perfect gerry....she is far my friend very far..u must at least have a personality

05 Oct 2009 16:08


Thanks for your response. I am happy that we are able to have a civil exchange on this blog and that aplies to all those that use this blog. One ofthe best blogs on the internet.

I think you misunderstood me. As a Nigerian, you cannot expect me to be happy when any Nigerian housemate in any BBA show isnot always considered good enough. There is always undue focus on them and the wish by your people that they should be evicted. There is this hypocrisy about separating housemates from their countries. 

Now that does not mean that I support my country people blindly. I already mentioned it before that I voted for Tatiana not Offuneka. If I were patriotic as you write, then I ought to have voted for Offuneka. If Geraldine is put up , I will vote her out so will 150m Nigerians. Trust me on this. I want her back in Nigeria with the first available plane that leaves South Africa for Nigeria.

By the way, Nkenna and Geraldine are both Ibo tribe and from the same place as Uti, Offuneka and Bayo's mum. Kelvin is from the North and has performed well in my assessment. He is the best Nigerian in all the BBA so far. So you are indeed having the opportunity of seeing someone from another part of Nigeria. Nigeria is more than four countries merged into one. At least I have not read that Kelvin is loud and rude!!!!! I have not read about all the stereotypes ascribed to Nigerians being mentioned as far as he is concerned. Thaat makes for a change. What a REVOLUTION even if he does not win!!!!!! 

Your wish in your last paragragh is very possible once Nigeria and Ghana are not included in the participating  countries and it is what I am advocating for. At any rate I thank you for adhering to free and uncensored postings.

05 Oct 2009 16:14

Did sumone, sumone hear and understand Granadilla's session??  I cud not make out a single syllable, Gaaad. Same with Mzamo, but then I've come to expect not to hear Mza!!

05 Oct 2009 16:19

@ Cande

Won't  write about Nigerians again. Will go with the flow. I hope that is fine? I will just read your comments. However it is time for Geraldine to head home.

05 Oct 2009 16:23

Geraldine said something bou bringing lil sies poisonous tea or something, funny.... Why is yacob not putting pressure on itai? He must push sand push!!!

05 Oct 2009 16:26

@Brown Shuga

Where have you been? Too lazy to put up any postings? Well yes, "quality decision". Now I have been drawn in again. It is time to take a break and just read.

05 Oct 2009 16:26

Teeza why waste your time by trying to listen 2 Ms Twang.............even the housemates can't hear her

05 Oct 2009 16:30

Itai tells Granadilla that if Kristal is up, he will save her.

Ruby Red
05 Oct 2009 16:34

if itai did say he has to save yakaka in his diary session, then maybe he is beginning to see the light.
if both hanni and yaka leave, then him eddie, mzamo, are suddenly in a very weak position. remember they are regarded as belonging to the OTHER alliance. howeve if he saved yacob, and put u say kevin and eliza, then they are assured of a smaller opposing alliance.
patriotism or not, itai must NOT save Krystal, rather put another string team there, like that liz and kaone, his reason, he can always say kaone told him he doesnt mind being swapped.

05 Oct 2009 16:35

itai is saying to gerry that country loyal is not all that coz at the end of the day you come first....

05 Oct 2009 16:42

<<By the way, Nkenna and Geraldine are both Ibo tribe and from the same place as Uti, Offuneka and Bayo's mum. Kelvin is from the North and has performed well in my assessment. He is the best Nigerian in all the BBA so far. So you are indeed having the opportunity of seeing someone from another part of Nigeria. Nigeria is more than four countries merged into one. At least I have not read that Kelvin is loud and rude!!!!!>>

Ah, who is this Kelvin now, and what is he doing in the house?  Did Lil Sis bring in another Nigerian?  Does he at least have a voice?

05 Oct 2009 16:45

No he shouldn't put liz and kaone up...kaone could be a future partner... He must put up eliza and kevin he will eliminate two people....he a very good chance...they will then be 6 if they can swing leentjie and the other side would be 6..mif itai swaps zim for mzamo he then def does not deserve to win coz if he comes up against naija boy..he will be eliminated....

05 Oct 2009 16:54

Hey addicts, He he I cant wait for tonight to see how the swiss melted chocolate is going to swap because he is expected to save his fellow country person and also he promised Yakaka he will save him if he is put up. He was making a lot of promises to a lot of people last night. I think either way he is fcuked.

05 Oct 2009 16:55

Do we know how many people will be evicted this Sunday?  Or is mnet waiting to see who ends up in the nomination list before making that announcement?

I want them to give them booze - i really enjoyed Yakahaka campaign last nite.  He is fairly quiet for me today.  Is he not aware that in the next 3 hours Itail will be making a switch?  He must mobilise now.

kwa kwa kwa @ kelvin - another Nigerian in the house, lol lol lol

05 Oct 2009 16:57

Yo these people can eat all that food!!!

05 Oct 2009 16:57

No guys, if he wants to win he needs to put up Yakob and H. Why? Because if he manages to take at least 2 9jas to the final five, 9jas votes will be split, which works in his favor. He must let someone else nominate Kristal, now is not the time.

Anyway I don't want him to win, I want Eddie to take the cash.

05 Oct 2009 17:01

Yes FK, I thihk they are waiting to see if any naija will be up so they will try to save them. Hey Dorthy!!!

05 Oct 2009 17:02

It irritates me that people call him kelvin...

05 Oct 2009 17:06

If at the final five its three niajas him and some other person a naija will win. And what entertainment will we be getting from that combination? I shudder to think, rapping Kevin, mute granadilla and Nakena and the swiss gaaadddd!!!

05 Oct 2009 17:07

Why? Because if he manages to take at least 2 9jas to the final five, 9jas votes will be split,

@Hovito - I don't want any naijas in the final five.  All these naija's don't deserve to be in the final five.  They have done nothing to be in the final five.  Kevin has tried - but not enough to be in the final five.  Nkenna - I'm not feeling her at all - has nothing to offer.  Granadilla - the less said about her the better.

They can leave now it is okay.  I rather have arrogant, drunks, gossipers, politicians in the house than mute idiotz.

05 Oct 2009 17:09

I hate Kevin and his peopo LoL

05 Oct 2009 17:13

Onna, thats the flaw in these games. It's like "Weakest Link" you must vote out the strongest players or you lose.

05 Oct 2009 17:14

that goes for all other non naija idiotz - I want entertainment in the last final five.  It does not matter where they are coming from.  P word not be used here.  Only entertainment - one addict said DRAMA - thats all I want.  If it comes from Zambia - so be it.

I asked you to keep queen for another week with the hope that he will improve - he failed me.  Has not improved - he can walk home now.

05 Oct 2009 17:18

the idiotz are currently eating - saw in their plate: spaghetti, veggies and meat - tjo

Yakahaha was sitting next to Itai mumbling things but could not hear as Yakahaha did not have his mic on.  By the time lil sies asked him to fix the mic - it was too late.  No prize for guessing - he was asking him if he knows who will be switched.

I know WSG and Piz like mzamo - but can't help it - she is vuil.  I'm glad im not in that house.  Sies, these idiotz are brave, eating food prepared by this vuilpop.

05 Oct 2009 17:32

Shoprite has got this advertising thing down to a science.

05 Oct 2009 17:35

Smelly acting like a true CEO of a spaza shop.  They have just placed the idiotz groceries in the storeroom - He is waiting, directing them, telling them to move the stuff out from the storeroom.  

Not even lifting a finger to help but ordering them around.  Ja ne, CEO.

05 Oct 2009 17:39

he banna Leentjie is still eating 30 minutes later.  I just hope the food is not archived. Imagine an archived spaghetti from 5 idiotz?  eeeuuwww

05 Oct 2009 17:40

<<I know WSG and Piz like mzamo>>

LOL, I know she is a bit hard on the digest system,... but I am just way tooo happy to see a girl in that house who has a mind of her own, and who is not being manipulated by the cult.

Truth, half of the time I do not even understand what she is saying.

05 Oct 2009 17:44

<<he banna Leentjie is still eating 30 minutes later.>>
So, she started eating with the other idiotz?  I thought she was doing something else and start eating later.

05 Oct 2009 17:49

If anybody needs a translator for Mzamlish, just ask.

05 Oct 2009 17:55

I know WSG and Piz like mzamo - but can't help it - she is vuil. I'm glad im not in that house. Sies, these idiotz are brave, eating food prepared by this vuilpop.
Hawu, what has she done to be called vuil????

If anybody needs a translator for Mzamlish, just ask.
ditto (if hov is not being sarcastic,lol)

05 Oct 2009 17:57

must I create a blog for Opera users?

05 Oct 2009 18:03

sure Piz - we already over 200 replies

05 Oct 2009 18:04

Pizniz,..  I think you must do it.

The racist caramel girl and Itai are talking strategy.  Quite interesting.  I am liking it cause it seems as if he is thinking strategy.

05 Oct 2009 18:09

Piz - she is untidy - sometimes I even ask myself if she takes showers on a daily basis.  Never seen her tidy, hair, clothes and she has a tendecy of wearing 2 tshirts and all straps showing + bra strap.  That is a no no no.  Underwear must be kept there - under.  Plus her stuff is alway pere na donki (mismatched).

Her hair - someone please help her.  She looks like the type that pokes her nose, using fingers to remove ear wax.  I can go on and on with this girl.  I wonder if she even takes time to shave her punani.  She looks bushy, haai man - she must just clean up

05 Oct 2009 18:10

uys new article for tonight.....Cngle better check in...

I might as well rename my blog BBA 4: The Rebolucion

05 Oct 2009 18:11

Come to think of it - where will she get the time to clean up cos half the time she is dronk. nx  When she is not dronk - she is outside.  How can I forget her kanga - that is when I started noticing her vuil self

05 Oct 2009 18:13

Piz - she is untidy - sometimes I even ask myself if she takes showers on a daily basis. Never seen her tidy, hair, clothes and she has a tendecy of wearing 2 tshirts and all straps showing + bra strap. That is a no no no. Underwear must be kept there - under. Plus her stuff is alway pere na donki (mismatched).

Her hair - someone please help her. She looks like the type that pokes her nose, using fingers to remove ear wax. I can go on and on with this girl. I wonder if she even takes time to shave her punani. She looks bushy, haai man - she must just clean up

I saw her with a towel on her way to the shower...we cant judge since we don't see shower nc nc nc

05 Oct 2009 21:22

Itai is sooooooooooooooooooo predictable, bathong!!!

05 Oct 2009 21:37

<<Ah, who is this Kelvin now, and what is he doing in the house? Did Lil Sis bring in another Nigerian? Does he at least have a voice?>> ROFLFFBBBMAO!! yoh! you killed me, WSG

06 Oct 2009 09:26

Thanx fo the info Addicts, Mzamo is untidy man, no wonder Smellington moved to Liz bcs his Smell and Mzamo's was making housemates uncomfortable. Addicts,  what is happening b/twn Smelly and Liz, I saw the sleeping together in de morning. Liz voted for Hanni & Hanni dd the same.  What is going on, no emotional attachment, jst sharing a bed.

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