Day 37: 13 October 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 13 Oct 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 37.

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13 Oct 2009 08:35

Morning addicts.....I guess we have to say goodbye to Kaone and Liz.....Eintlik what's up with Kristal and her jelousy towards Emma.......sies man!!!!!!!!! question to Kristal is....Did she in anywat feel threatened by Emma.....also does she think Emma beat her to Jeremy???  Or is there any particular reason that she CONSTATLY AND RELIGIOUSLY NOMINATED EMMA???????????

13 Oct 2009 08:47

Morning addicts, please we cant give up now.. We need to keep on voting...

13 Oct 2009 08:52

Kaone is my homeboy and his partnership with Liz is getting to my nerves. Miss Know it all is so irritating. she got her publicity to get a rich boyfriend and now she can join the rest of us here. When Thomas asked the housemates why there decided to be in the house all she could talk about was her preference of rich men...while my Kaone had ambitions like his projects with buddies back home. She agreed to the Quinn strategy without discussing first with Kaone and now this. and i hate her for calling Kaone her grandmother...

13 Oct 2009 08:54


13 Oct 2009 09:02

My my my how the tables have turned, Kristal's look was so priceless when they anounced Queen's nomination.  I'm so torn coz i really really like Jemma and i so love TS.  What am i to do????

Queen thank you so much for saving Itai, i shall remember you when your end is nigh....

13 Oct 2009 09:02

Yah Kristal has issues with Emma, poor Emma is not even aware...

should Emma survive, Jeremy will have to choose between Emma and Quinn.....The plot thickens!!!

13 Oct 2009 09:08

Ja, I want Emma in to piss Kristal off....................... Liz and Kaone can go. Eddy needs to taught how to sing Kumbaya..........

13 Oct 2009 09:08

@Mathaz...I thought for a moment there that Kristal was going to faint! she is so angry at Quinn right now with his expressing to put his head on the block earlier. she is not sure of what he did and yesterday she nearly did the Yacob run....

dark knight
13 Oct 2009 09:13

I'm voting K1, he is more desrving of the money than anyone on that house. Atleast he has proper ambitions as for Emma...nothing much to say, she is just there.

13 Oct 2009 09:17

Morning addicts, please we cant give up now.. We need to keep on voting... 

Voting for who Cande.......Liz? We all know she won't survive this. I'm happily voting for Eddie, even though Emma's horrible singing irritates me

13 Oct 2009 09:21

By the way, have you guys noticed typos and glaring mistakes on the news updates posted on BBA -channel 198 and mnet website  e.g.they paired Edward/Nkenna

I can get away with typos here on TVSA but on TV broadcasting to millions of viewers, it is kinda unacceptable...don't they have a script writers,sub editors,proofreaders!!

13 Oct 2009 09:24

Emma's horrible singing irritates me.....That's what i love about her, my Afican Idol.  I still remember her rendition of Alicia Key's Fallen.

13 Oct 2009 09:31

By the way, have you guys noticed typos and glaring mistakes on the news updates posted on BBA -channel 198 and mnet website e.g.they paired Edward/Nkenna 

I've always wondered gore why so many mistakes all the time!

13 Oct 2009 09:37

By the way, have you guys noticed typos and glaring mistakes on the news updates posted on BBA -channel 198 and mnet website e.g.they paired Edward/Nkenna 

I saw that it was just bad. They even write the whole story wrong, spelling mistakes. hhayi it just shows what a monkey show this is. Can't even get basic writing right.  I am voting for eddie, Liz won't make it anyway

Ruby Red
13 Oct 2009 09:43

thanx quinn for saving itai................i just hope he does not do anything stupid thinking they are up for eviction this week.

and i hope this tells housemates to drop this thimg of nominating housemates because they will be saved...................hezvoka! it just backfired on liz.

13 Oct 2009 09:47

Posh..Maybe the writer was traumatised and confused by the results too...maybe the writer was praying that Nkenna goes up for eviction!

13 Oct 2009 10:08

thanx Lex, thanx -:)

13 Oct 2009 10:18

Hey Cande!! From one Libra 2 another,  Fesi dwey dwey babe!! You share with sumone Extremely close to my heart and for that another HAPPY HAPPY day:-)  I am so so happy that this time round, I can go to sleep or do some productive work without worrying or stressing too much. That is how uncaptivating this series is. When I catch it, fine, when I miss it, BIG FAT HARRY DEAL. You know even when I've pvr(ed), it takes two minutes to decide to delete and that's it. It's that "If it aint broke, do not fix!!!!!" I'll still vote for Liz and K1, I like Emms but have more time for my Rascal. 

13 Oct 2009 10:28

I think that Liz might actually have a chance because people like Kaone but the viewers are finding Edward boring since his buddies left and being paired with Emma is not helping his situation. I also find her boring. But really now the most boring ones are still in that house like Geraldine.

I also think the same strategy they used on South Africans and the Namibians will be used against the Nigerians should one of them win HOH.

13 Oct 2009 10:48

thanx Teeza, when are the hair dressers coming?? Elizabeth doesnt look rite

13 Oct 2009 11:00

What is so sad is that both Edward/Emma did not even nominate Quinn/Kristal. It will serve Jeremy right if he looses Emma coz he deviated from the plan by voting Mzamo. Kaone also nominated Quinn so I guess he did not deserve for Quinn to swap him.

The problem is Quinn came up with the plan to put Liz up with a promise to exchange her. I mean she was going to be nominated anyway regardless and he should have known that now that most of the smokers alliance have left they will have no choice but to turn on each other. He should have left it to fate and then exchange whomever he wants with a clear conscience and no promises.

13 Oct 2009 11:10

Can we vote to put team Liz/Kaone in the game people, more & more voting now hleng...

13 Oct 2009 11:12

It will serve Jeremy right if he looses Emma coz he deviated from the plan by voting Mzamo. Kaone............Quinn to swap him.

My sentiments exactly. They both listened and agreed to the plan on sunday nite, as a matter of fact it was hatched by Quinn AND Jeremy!! and did not tell him as their alliance partner of any cahnge of heart. It's called stabbing in the back so no croc tears on sunday if she does not make it. Onw wish I pray for is for Big Brother a: to stop the conspiracy IMMEDIATELY. b: disengage this comrade nonsense sooner than yesterday, nxa!!

13 Oct 2009 11:12

It will serve Jeremy right if he looses Emma coz he deviated from the plan by voting Mzamo. Kaone............Quinn to swap him.

My sentiments exactly. They both listened and agreed to the plan on sunday nite, as a matter of fact it was hatched by Quinn AND Jeremy!! and did not tell him as their alliance partner of any cahnge of heart. It's called stabbing in the back so no croc tears on sunday if she does not make it. Onw wish I pray for is for Big Brother a: to stop the conspiracy IMMEDIATELY. b: disengage this comrade nonsense sooner than yesterday, nxa!!

13 Oct 2009 11:18

I just created an extra profile for voting

13 Oct 2009 11:19

The other i use to vote for Kaone & the other for Liz

13 Oct 2009 11:23

@Cande LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Meme J
13 Oct 2009 11:24

Liz has my vote! Though not sure it's going to help ... Namibia will be flat out for Eddie and Emma. But who knows how the final voting stats will break down!! Liz has always been my fave. She's just so Liz LOL!! It's interesting to me how many people just vote on the choices of the week and don't take a long-term view. As much as I like Liz, I don't see her winning, nor Kaone. But I think Eddie and Emma have a good chance if they get to the final five, so those countries with housemates still in the house should be voting them out.

13 Oct 2009 11:24

Oopsie!! Fat finger syndrome:-)

13 Oct 2009 11:25

Thanx Tee -:)

13 Oct 2009 11:29

Í'm so confused rite now. Liz is my homegal and I like Emma so so much. Liz & Kristal are jealous of Emma, they told Quinn that they will nominate Emma and it backfired on Liz's side...shame! Question is why Quinn ddn't nominate Itai, this boy is playing the viewers and he is controlled by Kristal, he actually wants Liz & Kaone out. 

Eish! I wanted to see where Papa Jeremy & Mama Emma will end up. These 2 kids are so sick, they behave like a married couple. Emma is ready for marriage and Jeremy is scared to commit. I wish Emma will stay and Quinn will be in trouble Muscle man will kick his ass. Is Jeremy Liz's next target?

Mara if Emma leaves, there will be no romance nyana bathong though JEMMA is sometimes boring and Kristal will be the boss bcs she cant stand innocent Emma. Liz has no game since Smelly left, her 2 boyfriends and the imaginary one are waiting for her.  

13 Oct 2009 11:44

Jen: Quinn nominated Itai and Liz. I'm not sure which convo u listened to but Liz NEVER mentioned voting for Emma. She actually nominated Nkenna and Graldine!! Emma and Liz get along just fine and has not shown jealousy (Imagined or actual) towards Emma unless I'm missing sumtin u actually heard or saw??

13 Oct 2009 11:47

Liz has no game since Smelly left, her 2 boyfriends and the imaginary one are waiting for her


13 Oct 2009 12:05

Helo addicts:
Eish Quinn, if i remember correctly he told his "alliance" to vote Liz/Kaone and Nkenna and Itai and that he would then swop/sacrifice himself to save Liz.

Does this mean Quinn’s word is not bond or is he simply just playing a game?

Anyway, im saving Kaone although disgusted at Liz. Kaone deserves to win, we can get rid of  Liz later on the game...she's a soft target!! 

Edward misses his other half...he said so himself that he was bored. As for comment cos I wont miss her at all. This Jemma thing is not coming to life.

Ruby Red
13 Oct 2009 12:17

true...................jemma is no romance at all. 
i actually enjoy the friendship, platonic though it may be between itai and geraldine.

13 Oct 2009 12:26

@Teeza, Liz told Quinn that she is going to nominate Emma though she likes her. You know what I wish Emma culd stay, but I won't vote for her since I'm trying to be patriotic and don't hate Liz. Liz didn't nominate Emma, but she told Quinn she is going to. I'm voting for Liz, but hey I prefer Emma to Liz.

13 Oct 2009 12:55

Terry:  I think part of his dilemma was that as opposed to Itai HE was up there with Liz, where as Itai was not up. He had an easy(ish) decision. He cud either save his friends or Kristal her compatriot.

13 Oct 2009 13:00

Coud it be that mayb Quinn wanted to get rid of Liz?  tl tl tl tl tl tl tl

13 Oct 2009 13:06

Guys im trying to register on to able to vote!
Im stuck on passwords...what sort of password is needed
letters? 4 or 5? numbers? or other?

Please help a gal out...gotta votes for Kaone, the earlier the better...:-))

13 Oct 2009 13:18

make your password tack123 TerrN and register with more profiles to vote for both.. remember if Liz has less votes she drags Kaone with even if he has more votes so we need to vote for both

Meme J
13 Oct 2009 13:19

Hey Toxic! The two interviews :)

Meme J
13 Oct 2009 13:20

Eish peeps, my machine and TVSA have relationship issues. WSG does this better. First article:

Meme J
13 Oct 2009 13:21

Sorry about having to do this piecemeal. Second interview:

13 Oct 2009 13:28

mwah @cande...thnxs gal.

dark knight
13 Oct 2009 13:38

@Meme J - thanx for the interviews :)

13 Oct 2009 14:00

Thanks MemeJ!!!!!!!!

13 Oct 2009 14:06

Tell us more about you and Liz. Do you think there’s a future for the two of you outside the house?
When you are in the house, you are just having fun and I don’t think that anything that starts in the house can be taken seriously

LOL!! I doubt Liz felt like that!

13 Oct 2009 14:09

Yacob, have you ever danced before?
(Laughs) Of course I have danced before. I have danced in clubs, at weddings, and at parties, yes I have danced before. I would like to think that my dancing skills are not in question here. I really tried to do everything to the best of my abilities, even when we had that Michael Jackson task. Though it was difficult, I can say I really tried. 

ROTCLMAO!!!!!!! Ahhhh man, so funny!

13 Oct 2009 14:14

A note from one of your fans read: “Please pass on my love to Yacob. He was a lazy arse but I watched the show just to see him.” What are your comments on this? 

Well, people have their opinions, but all I can say is I tried my best. I did my chores, I really tried, I mopped the floors, I cleaned dishes, I cooked, I helped out wherever I could. I basically participated in everything. But then other than do all those chores, I also chilled, I mean at the end of the day it’s Big Brother and not boot camp. We were entitled to our rest and also to have fun. All I can say is that I did all I did to the best of my abilities. 

He did???????? LMAO!!!!!!!!

13 Oct 2009 14:22

Well, people have their opinions, but all I can say is I tried my best. I did my chores, I really tried, I mopped the floors, I cleaned dishes, I cooked, I helped out wherever I could. I basically participated in everything.

tl tl tl tl tl tl tl...when was this?

13 Oct 2009 14:23

What excatly happened between hannington and mzamo....tjo/ could I have missed that!!!!!!!!!!!Thank Meme J......

13 Oct 2009 14:33

I think Liz was also playing a game with Hannington and Phil so that smokers alliance wouldn't nominate her, after she and Paloma were up for nominations she realised she had to be nice to save her ass....Paloma did not bother to suck up and she's gone...

13 Oct 2009 15:27

Thanx Meme J for the links

13 Oct 2009 15:30

I just got home and it was Liz's DS, Lil sis asked her if there's something she wants to says, before she could say something, the cameras switched to garden................sigh

13 Oct 2009 15:37

Toxic - please go to twitter.

13 Oct 2009 15:39

LOL@ Yacob's dancing skills being questioned

13 Oct 2009 15:39

kanti velevele what happened to Ds's today??????????WSG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 Oct 2009 15:45

hey guys check this out

brown shuga has quit TVSA LOL

13 Oct 2009 15:55

LMAO, that explain your scarcity BS.. good luck on your new project -:)

13 Oct 2009 19:08

ja neh, BBA4 is dead - no ds, no updates, no reactions????

We don't know what is this week's task?  Instead of picking up memontum and improving on last weeks, is still fastly going to the grave.

Please let me know when is the funeral service and will

13 Oct 2009 19:38

FK: Funeral Service, lol lol

13 Oct 2009 19:56

<<<kanti velevele what happened to Ds's today??????????WSG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>

Work, work, work and more work.  Plus, I have a whole lot of logistics that I need to take care of because I am moving at the end of the month.  So, no BBA during the day this week for me. I was hoping that someone would do the diary sessions.  Diary sessions are my favorite part.  Will have to record it tomorrow.

13 Oct 2009 20:48

@FK - lemme go buy a black jacket 2moro for the funeral

Lady D
13 Oct 2009 22:59

hi addicts,can we please vote K1,please!

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