Day 38: 14 October 2009

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Big Brother Africa 4 Live Blog on 14 Oct 2009
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Big Brother Africa 4 updates - Day 38.

Add your updates and comments about today's live Big Brother Africa action.

To find out who's who and what's what with the contestants visit TVSA's Big Brother Africa 4 mini-site: Big Brother Africa 4.


14 Oct 2009 07:49

be back later...

14 Oct 2009 07:55

is anybody home? sanibonani guys am new here, tell me who is leaving on sunday, this show is driving me crazy

14 Oct 2009 08:20

hello, addicts...

14 Oct 2009 08:29

morning - just suffering from withdrawal symptoms.  

Have they announced funeral arrangements?  Or are they going to pull a MJ on us?  Like bury it 2 months later - 3 Dec?  nnxxx

Ruby Red
14 Oct 2009 08:52


Ruby Red
14 Oct 2009 08:55

this really is a fvcked up show.

 i have since stopped  voting and watching. i only watch the evictions and the nominations and go online to read about/watch the highlights.

14 Oct 2009 08:58

I can't believe that i went to bed at 10pm yesterday...i think thick sis is campaigning for Nkenna to win. she is just getting too much airtime and i can't grasp anything she has ever said....gosh...

Ruby Red
14 Oct 2009 09:28

actually sis is campaigning for nigerians...........i cant believe the amount of exposure kevin and nkenna get, even geraldine.

i refuse to believe taht all that rapping and swagga is the only entertainment going on in the house.......................suerely there must be stuff going on somewhere the squeeze quinn got from mzamo.

14 Oct 2009 09:32

I will only vote when Itai is up, i want him to win the money and yah, i no longer watch like i used to.  Kevin thinks he is God's gift to Africa.

14 Oct 2009 09:52

Ruby...something is always the conversations between Mzamo and Lionel after she declared her interest in him in the DS...what is happening to JEMMA there are never shown nowadays...We watch and listen to BB's favorites...M going to be watching highlights only from now!

14 Oct 2009 09:56

@Ruby Red I couldn't agree with you more

BBA was so much better when the conspiring and strategising was not allowed. Now these people strategise such as we have no choice but to vote off the entertainers. We are still in the beginning phase of the show and already I am bored stiff. Don't even mention this conrades in arms thing, It's the worst thing they've come up with so far. Mncim!!!

Ruby Red
14 Oct 2009 10:06

am with you mathaz.................

14 Oct 2009 10:33

hhayi nami I am bored, don't watch anymore. The loudmouths are out and we are left with boring people............... Eddy might leave and we will be left with Kaone and his knitting.......... Lord have mercy

14 Oct 2009 10:42

This BBA concept has passed its sell by date. They should now stick to BB any country as long as we the viewers can hear what they say.

14 Oct 2009 10:49

Cleve: Be thankful, it cud be WORSE. Nkenna, Granadilla, Leentjie, Jeremy, Itai. Need I say more?  Realist. I have given up even making an effort to hear Nkenna and Granadilla. Try as i might, I cannot pick up what they are saying. I persuaded a friend to upgrade to Pvr. She keeps asking me, "so why did I have to have pvr????"  

14 Oct 2009 10:57

I have given up long time ago due to the way the voting system is done. There is just no way you can prevent the ones that are entertaining to stay in the show.

They should change the voting system and let winner takes all prevail. If Nigeria can out vote SA in terms of voting power so be it. This blog voting is not doing any justice to this show.

I thought when they said BBA revolution it will be indeeed revolution but so far I have seen none of it. 

14 Oct 2009 11:03

No offence intended. I have studied , lived and worked in South Africa. I still have connections to South Africa and I am there quite often. Let me repeat once more, no offence intended. I can hardly understand a black South African when he or she speaks. I have my lucky stars to thank that I had 2 White South Africans and a black East African as my supervisors when I was studying in South Africa. I would have needed an interpreter!!!!!!!!

14 Oct 2009 11:29

Dorothy, you gotta be kidding. Which South African are you talking about. Do you mean when they speak their own language or what? I can hear loud and clear any person coming from the Sub Saharan countries but from the west it is just difficult to hear.

14 Oct 2009 11:39

I'm trying to understand your point D777.

I really am trying. it is relatively easy to understand South Africans when they speak unless they're speaking their home language. I

14 Oct 2009 11:59

Realist, GML:  Imagine living in a country where u understood only three peeps. Two whiteys and a darkie from the East. I cud never subject myself to such a miserable existence, vir jare nogaaal? Nee maan assemblief.

14 Oct 2009 12:03

So Teeza- You're saying that only 3 person from the whole of SA were the only people D 777 understood? lol. I hear you Teeza, I hear you

14 Oct 2009 12:06

lol dorothy...
my situation is different from u
I can hardly understand Nkenna...OMG i lost all hope, she always mumble sumthng or another even Gerrie is much betta than her.

14 Oct 2009 12:21

Realist, GML: Imagine living in a country where u understood only three peeps. Two whiteys and a darkie from the East. I cud never subject myself to such a miserable existence, vir jare nogaaal? Nee maan assemblief. 


Lady D
14 Oct 2009 12:24

i cant understand Nkenna at all,that akcent,aowa!Itai is not from SA but we all can hear and ubderstand him perfectly well,everybody can understand what Karika is saying perfectly well! I sometimes struggle to understandand KeLvin!

14 Oct 2009 12:32

Teeza Tripple LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Eish nawe D777....u ya exaggerate(r) man!!!!!!!!!

14 Oct 2009 12:37

Just registered to say something about that post by Dorothy...

On an American forum I post at...most people seemed to think that white (especially Afrikaans speakers) and black Saffricans had basically the same accent.

That was interesting to me.  Of course there are extremes.
*goes back to lurker mode*

14 Oct 2009 12:41

Dorothy7s: I would love to meet you... 

<<Realist, GML: Imagine living in a country where u understood only three peeps. Two whiteys and a darkie from the East. I cud never subject myself to such a miserable existence, vir jare nogaaal? Nee maan assemblief.
lol @ Teeza...

14 Oct 2009 12:47

Sego: Please tell me how to comment on WSG's blog the joys of splintered life. please.

Is D777 from Nigeria? If so it's  typical Nigerian thinking right there.

14 Oct 2009 13:04

This show is ochestrated to favour Nigerians with their Holy than thou attitude. The money pot idea is not good bcs it forces the housemates to be consciuos and fake. The producers has even managed to kill other housemates characters by not showing them. The cameraman focus on Nkenna, Geraldine, Kevin and Itai when he is talking to Geraldine. I know JEMMA is boring, but I don't think they are mute all the time. I lat saw them together on Friday when they were fighting, Biggie intentionally not showing us what we want to see. The same with other housemates are not given airtym like these 3 boring fake Nigerians. They must just give money to one of the naijas and save us their crap. 

The nomines of this week are all nt bad, why can't Biggie do sumthing to save the show. Ms Fabulosity is likely to leave and she is ready to entertain Africa, Mrs jeremy is also not bad, she is enjoying the BBMarriage and Kaone is interesting and depressing at the same tym with the embroidery thing, but he is cool. Eddie is real.   

14 Oct 2009 14:06

Wat kan ek se mense??  I gave up making SENSE of some of the comments from Segs" griend, a looooong time ago. Last year even. U see I am dumb and slow to comprehend so I leave to u all, seeing as u have the ernegy vir hierdie vroumens. Ask Segs. Ek het die towel ingegooi las jaar alreeds!!  How were the diaries? I missed them

14 Oct 2009 14:37

*sigh*.... Like I said; I refuse to watch deadweights.... my tv doesn't go to 198 unless there are highlights, evictions or addict-excitement on tvsa...

14 Oct 2009 14:42

Tee, Are you saying "my comments" or Dor7s comments...

14 Oct 2009 14:49

GML, you have to have a google account to. and then she has to approve the comment before it shows on her blog

14 Oct 2009 14:58

Ok. But where do I comment. cause I am trying to comment mara there is no place for me to comment Sego.

I have registered already- I think

14 Oct 2009 15:31

Segs!! Jou vrienden se comments, are u crazy???? Remember al daaai storie from the last BB house??

14 Oct 2009 15:34

Bitchy! GML's question to Segs seems precisely like the one I was trying to ask from u about two weeks ago, only I was clumsy and sounding like an imbecile even to myself, lol.

14 Oct 2009 16:15

lol @ Tee and GML.... there is a comments thingy at the bettom but only after she approves then you can comment.... 

I remember the comments, Tee... mostly because I still check them out since this deadweight BBA is boring

14 Oct 2009 16:16

LMAO Dorothy and Teeza!!

14 Oct 2009 16:48

end of the day on day 38 - is it halfway yet... AND


tjo! This is bad!

14 Oct 2009 17:04

Ok, who is Keri Hilson??

14 Oct 2009 17:18

LOL @ d777 a nigerian ha ha ha

14 Oct 2009 17:29


I hear what you are saying, It is not only the 9ija's that have an "aksunt".  Paloma had one too. I always struggle to hear what the twins but then, luckily, I have their sister WSG to interpret Namlish for me.

Clearly you  can hear the 9ijas perfect.  I suggest that you interpret for us and we will do the same that is if you are struggling to hear Liz .  

14 Oct 2009 17:31

@Sego: there is an option that says post your comment mara it is then blank underneath. So angazi how I post a comment because there is no place for that. Also when I click that pencil like thing it take me to a window to log on ka gmail account yaka. fine. mara once I log on it takes me back there where it says log on

what should I be doing ke manje?

14 Oct 2009 17:44

Diary Sessions - stolen from bba site


Life in the house has been fine -- ummm nothing out of the ordinary has happened since yesterday - life in the house is fun; im trying to have as much fun as i can in the house knowing this might be my last week in the house; (shame, I still want him in the house)

Eddie is my main man now; we are now organizing the pranks together; only me & him are the only fun guys left - the rest of the housemates are so reserved; (I thought his fun left with his half)

the task is coming up; though slowly but i think when people gain momentum it'll go smoothly; kristal says i shd be the leader of the task coz she thinks im the most artistic in the house; i also think i shd be the leader though other people seem to have ideas though they cant speak them out; itai is becoming impossible...he want all of us to follow whatever he says; (but he failed at is mos when he was HoH nx) no body voted that i shd be the leader of this task - it just came naturally - people just say they think i shd be the leader which puts me at a leadership task (besides, you are good at cultural things).

14 Oct 2009 17:47

Diary Session :  Emma: 

Im fine - better than yesterday - just woke up in a better mood - no, nothing exciting has happened yet; the task is going on well so far - the biggest problem we are facing now in the task is that we are not communicating; i think quinn as HoH shd take control of the situation coz he's the leader now; the creative guys like K1 can edit quinn's suggestions...quinn is very good as a leader; we have not decided on the color combination for the cans yet...when there are conflicts i prefer to keep quiet & watch other quarrel over nothing (NOT - i prefer to be next to my hubby so I can hear him say sweet nothings, in bed)

...i dont like to stress myself; i know Liz got my back to a certain point, Kevin also, Elizabeth also...the rest of the h/mates im not sure;

14 Oct 2009 17:49

Diary Session:  Edward

: im tremendous - i feel good...just a little bit of hangover but im proper - i think everybody is my friend in the just gonna mingle with everyone. no cliques. we are trying to figure out how to go about with the task coz we are not on a common stand point yet; we've split the jobs us so that everyone can be part of it; HoH is doing well; i like to be 2nd to HoH coz i like to add fun to the whole thing. (tjo, are they now nominating 2nd to HoH?)  

Eddie - the addicts are currently bored to an extent of quitting, please give us some fun

14 Oct 2009 17:51

Diary Session : KeLvin

everything is alright...tremendous...there alot of arguments & controversies which make it fun...elizabeth is coming closer to me...(poor fiance waiting for her outside.  Is she still wearing her ring?)

every day she comes up with new techniques....when u have a pretty girl making pretty pancakes its just getting closer to her...slowly, but surely; about the task itai is not comfortable with the way we are executing it but me i'll just spin along like a pendulum; i think K1 will make a good leader for this task coz he has alot of artistic ideas.

14 Oct 2009 17:53

Diary Session : Nkenna: 

mmm life is getting along very well. i dont find anyone irritating. leonel confides in me sometimes so this morning we'd discussion about his Kapuera group...

the Liz came all the way from the kitchen & started saying i used to carry my bible every where now i nolonger carry it blah more wrong impressions about me (kwa kwa kwa - hau Liz - the other day you joined them mos for that prayer session???)

. but im happy she spoke it out so i got the opportunity to correct her & other housemates; otherwise everything is fine; the HoH is fine; he's giving everyone space to air out their views. i think the task is all about everyone, combining all ideas; not just the leader's ideas.

14 Oct 2009 17:55

Diary Session : Liz: 

life is exciting...the task is quite nice everybody is doing there best to get it done...not really, there hasnt been any disputes...not that i've seen. may be the loud conversation we'd with Nkenna & Leonel but i wdnt take that as a conflict; my sleeping outside is quite cool...kinda nice...except for the lights thats stay on; the HoH is ok..Itai is becoming a problem...he stressing his ideas alot.

14 Oct 2009 17:57

Diary Session : Mzamo: 

Im just tired...from yesterdays drinking but nothing much (tell me something new)...the task is going well; Quinn is doing well....nothing much else going on between me & him just fun. me & leonel are fine..its just that i cant decide between 2 guys..(who seriously wants vuil pop?) .i cant play leonel & quinn. i dont want to hurt leonel's feelings, i will ask him what he wants & i'll make a final decision of friday. its an emotional strategy not a strategic one. i have no strategy, i take everything as it comes.

14 Oct 2009 18:00

GML: Ditto. Ncedani ke Segs or WSG self. FK: Une similo mntanase:-)

14 Oct 2009 19:01

Thanks FK for the diary sessions!!! Will read now and respond.  Just have to get the wine. 

14 Oct 2009 19:11

Thanks FK for the DS!

14 Oct 2009 19:24

@Dorothy: Then you most probably won't be able to understand me, I have been told that I have a SA accent. But I must say I have not received any complaints from anyone but the peeps in Mozambique and Angola. With them, I just gooi the Namlish and we are on.

<<<Realist, GML: Imagine living in a country where u understood only three peeps. Two whiteys and a darkie from the East.>>>
KWAKWAKWAKWA. I did an internship stint at a halfway house for abused women in Mauritius. I said BYE BYE within a month. Cause not even the supervisors could communicate with me. Only the Director spoke English. She had to write me notes in Creole which I produced ever time that my own version of sign language did not do the thing. I went back for holiday, but it was easier. The peeps at the hotels do the Queen’s language. Mauritian peeps thought I was South African.

<<everybody can understand what Karika is saying perfectly well! I sometimes struggle to understandand KeLvin!>>>
@Lady D: Now who is Karika now? No, hell no! Please don’t tell me they brought another Naija person in.

14 Oct 2009 19:33

@Teeza: Nee man, don’t be so hard on Dorothy!!! LMAO! You will chase her away. I like her input, especially when I am drunk. Then it makes sense. I try to never read it while I’m sober.

14 Oct 2009 19:43

@GML and Teeza': Just click on comments (below every post).  don't click on the pencil.  A new window with only the comments will open.  Below the comments, you will find a space to reply.   Just wrote your reply but before you click on the 'publish your comment' button, you need to choose an identity.    If you do not have a Gmail account or any of the others, just select anynomous.  

14 Oct 2009 19:52

Evening addicts........wondering where cnglemother is......haven't watched 2day..............planing to watch 2moro  and hoping they will get drunk...........Nnkena had the nerve to tell Liz last week that Africa won't respect her cause she does not carry herself like a she gets emotional when being asked about her bible? nc nc nc

Anyway, i said it Monday already that Nnkena and KeLvin r getting 2 much screen time...i c that's stil the case................

14 Oct 2009 19:55

lol @ Karika

14 Oct 2009 20:01

@mjj:  Who is that person?

14 Oct 2009 20:04

@Lady D: Now who is Karika now? No, hell no! Please don’t tell me they brought another Naija person in

You guys must stop with this 9ija ish.  You are pissing off Dorothy.  I don't know who Karika is, but I want to believe she's non white south african and that adds to Dorothy's problems

14 Oct 2009 20:09

I don;t know who Karika is, i'm just laughing cause i know sis Dorothy will come here running with full force

14 Oct 2009 20:13

@FK:  You mean she is not PO already?  Where is Teeza, we must get her worked up. I am bored.  And I am too tired to sleep.  I am on my second glass.  And The Apprentice on BBC... I don't know, I am not drunk enough to find British accents sexy.  So, Dorothy should please log on and translate the Naija accents for us. 

Why is my life filled with accents suddenly?

Where is Hovito?  I made a fool of myself today in Spar.  A mature hooker walked in, dressed in leopard print cat suit, a couple of teeth missing.. heavy make up. 
And what came to mind?  Yep, retired hooker trying to make a come back. I was attacked by the giggles.  Could not stop myself.

14 Oct 2009 20:24

I try to never read it while I'm sober.  tl tl tl tl so  jy weet mos exactly wat die suster voel??  Hey wena, all these steps above, including anon were tried by urs trully. The worse part is I DO have a Gmail account so I was even more perplexed.
Yho Lady, I'd missed the Karika person> Who is she vele? Miskien Granadilla?

14 Oct 2009 20:30

Eish this little slut of a girl I like so much. She is sitting there with Eliz, telling the whole world that the 1st thing she'll do when she gets out after speaking to Portia is to call Phil bathong! Is there really a b/f? Shucks he must be either just a check book one or trully imaginary suka!

14 Oct 2009 20:41

@Teeza:  I just changed the comment thing a bit.  It will now open in a new window.  So, it should be easier.  And did you not comment on one post of A Story for Every Picture?  There is a comment by Anon.   Anyway, I just made a deal with a US web designer (money that I should have spent on alcohol and shoes) to redesign the blog for me.  So, it will be much easier to navigate it in a couple of weeks.

<<Eish this little slut of a girl I like so much. She is sitting there with Eliz, telling the whole world that the 1st thing she'll do when she gets out after speaking to Portia is to call Phil bathong! Is there really a b/f? Shucks he must be either just a check book one or trully imaginary suka!>>
I did not hear the conversation.  I switched over when someone started doing the Idols thing.   I can't stand the singing.

14 Oct 2009 20:45

No no, it wasn't me. Will go back and try again. Shem maan let them do idols tog assemblief. They have a heavy manual task and nerves are getting frayed big time.

14 Oct 2009 20:48

This 9ija girl is getting way toooooo much coverage.  Dorothy, she is currently lying on the couch as always and blahbling her lungs away with FSG and Itai.  Me, dont hear, pleare enlighten me.

FSG is ill again -

14 Oct 2009 20:49

@Teeza:  No, no.  I am not drunk enough. I don't even understand the task.  I just know hulle het blikke gekap gister.   I am failing to see the entertainment value of this task.

14 Oct 2009 20:51

I managed to hear a little bit.  Nkenna's mom is a nurse and she is teaching them about swaps and ......

She just told them that you can get infections from using different condoms.  huh???

14 Oct 2009 20:55

<<Dorothy, she is currently lying on the couch as always and blahbling her lungs away with FSG and Itai.>>

She is always on the couch.  The only time that she is not on the couch is in the morning.  When she is peeling potatoes.  For breakfast.  Everytime that I have watched in the morning, she was peeling potatoes. I hope that she was making frittata.  Surely, she has not been doing french fries or mash for breakfast.

14 Oct 2009 21:01

@Realist and GML

I love you both. You cannot imagine what both of you have done. Teeza connected with me indirectly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. She has been ignoring me since BBA 2. She has no respect whatsoever for her in-law (her sister is married to a Nigerian). However, I don't know how fair it is for her to conclude her write-up in a language I don't understand. So I won't be wrong in assuming she was insulting me.


Which language are we going to communicate in if we meet?


I have read all the comments with respect to my posting. I had a good laugh and that can't be bad. At least we are being humourous and civil about it. I never did write that I could only understand 3 people in the whole of SA. I was only thanking my stars with respect to the supervisors God blessed me with during my studies. The point I was making is that I can hardly understand black South Africans when they speak. I do understand the whites, coloured and Indians when they speak and they understand me perfectly. And I am not writing this to offend anybody. It is the plain truth. It does not affect me much because professionally I don't have much dealings with my black  breathen. However, I do also have black South African friends and we make an effort to understand each other. 

The point I am making is that we are from different regions in Africa and speak the Queen's English differently. We all have our different accents.Try and put your dislike of them aside and make an effort to understand what they are saying.  

14 Oct 2009 21:09

She did too, made slap chips! tl tl tl

14 Oct 2009 21:13

<<I do understand the whites, coloured and Indians when they speak and they understand me perfectly.>>.

Ah!  Now for the first time I am actually glad to be COLOURED!  Cause when I would meet Dorothy, she would understand me.  Yeah hear me Piz?  We can invite Dorothy to Rehoboth, she would not get lost.

Dorothy, you get to Namibia, halla at me.  I will be your translator. I am cheap, very cheap.  You can pay me with alcohol.  Wine and tequila.

14 Oct 2009 21:18

@Teeza:  Disrespectful sister-in-law!!! Bad bad girl. 

<<She did too, made slap chips! tl tl tl>>
Euuww!!! Every morning, in the morning? That is just not right.

14 Oct 2009 21:26

FSG and KeLvin are talking in the bedroom.  Please Dorothy, translate for me please.   Who is hating FSG and why?

14 Oct 2009 21:44

U know, Emms will faint on sunday when her name is called She is totally trusting, even plotting way forward with the Patient, that they will stick 2gether. The Patient is also growing very confident re: her chances in the game. Anyone knows the birthcharts of these mates? I do pickup Qand Kristal are Taurus. The Patient is virgo fo sho. That's about all I've heard.

14 Oct 2009 21:45

LOL@ Dorothy

14 Oct 2009 21:53

@Teeza:  You and the tarot things.  
But that conversation, from what I could understand from the bits (FSG has her own accent) is that more than one girl has a crush on KeLvin and they are hating on FSG, can you say BEEF?  Beef made proudly in Naija.

Lady D
14 Oct 2009 21:54

kwakwakwakwakwa,guys when i was writing this i was talking to my colleque Karika,Lol,i wanted to say'eeverybody can understand what LIZ,not Karika! im not watching,link to WSG blog pls.!!

14 Oct 2009 21:59


Ha!!!! Do give these housemates a break!!!!!!!!. If Ihad your e-mail address on my yahoo messenger or Skype, I would have used voice mail to call you. Probably we can have Teeza as a stanby to do the interpretation!!!!!! But then I heard from the grapevine she only communicates in Sotho!!!! That's the only problem I forsee.

14 Oct 2009 22:03

hello so bored..cant bring myself to tune to hannetjie is gone..
yakalulu is more strategising..doin th patriotic thing and voting 4 my home boy K1 online coz dnt wanna waste my money on airtym..givin multichoice money for such a shitty show is not my idea of fun..i'd rather do like WSG nd get me sum booze, shoes nd bag.. me a Louis Vuitton bag today..**me very happy**

14 Oct 2009 22:03

Nkenna's aksunt ..LOL you dont have to ask where she comes from

14 Oct 2009 22:05

She is an african Magic movies material

14 Oct 2009 22:06

true dat Cande - baba????

14 Oct 2009 22:07


Of course. 100% made in Nigeria.

14 Oct 2009 22:07

kwa kwa kwa kwa @ D addressing some people as @others....................that writing made my day.....Tjo i heard FSG telling the wanna-be rapper/midget that she's a strong usually i couldn;t hear what the rapper was saying................but i must say that certain housemates are getting 2 much camera time..there's that one who's always lying on the couch talking non stop about useless she mentioned the word condom......and as usual, i couldn;t make out what she was trying to say

14 Oct 2009 22:10


So you watch Africanmagic. How do you hear what is said?

14 Oct 2009 22:13

@Lady D:  hella!!! How could you do that?  You almost caused a mini war between Namibia, SA vs Nigeria!  And we would have FLOPPED.  Wit beentjies. Luckilly for us Dorothy did not pick up on the new invisible Naija housemate named Karika.  I wish Nkenna would do some magic trick, and do like Karika, and become invisible.  Just for an hour. How come she is not getting tired of talking?  She talks nonstop.  No wonder Grannadillatjie is partly mute.

For my blog, just google splinteredlife, WhiteSockGirl, blogspot.  But apparently it is complicated to navigate according to GML and Teeza.

14 Oct 2009 22:18

@dorothy777:  You can get me on skype.  Just ask your best friend Sego for my e-mail address and find me.  Sego also has my cell number.  Lets talk.  

But,... but.  I am slow.  Do tell. Do you understand Quinn?  But you can't understand Liz?  Really?  

Now, do you understand Itai?  And what about my Namlish brother, Eddie?  I can't remember the names of the other idiotz now. 

14 Oct 2009 22:22

No Dorothy, not even when i am bored. I'd rather be sleeping or drinking than watching tha. I see them when i am visiting people who watch them

14 Oct 2009 22:22

<<<givin multichoice money for such a shitty show is not my idea of fun..i'd rather do like WSG nd get me sum booze, shoes nd bag..>>>

  Yeah!  The way I see it, if I have to be patriotic and vote for Eddie, say 20 times, I could have bought a cheap bottle of wine.  And I would not even feel bad, cause I have TS loyalties. He is my Riemvasmaak outjie.  Also, it is a waste anyway cause Nkenna or KeLvin is going to win anyway.  So, why not get drunk... they appear slightly more interesting when I am drunk.  

Lady D
14 Oct 2009 22:24

14 Oct 2009 22:28

Queen is singing "u stake e newlands west" and doing the vuma dance!!!! doing the ndihamela phezuu dance! hahahha

14 Oct 2009 22:29

Ja neh, the wine (cheap) has taken full effect nou. U want sum Namlish spoken/interpreted. Naag  mense ek gaan maar slaap nou! I'm ignoring u and the tarot......for now:-)

Lady D
14 Oct 2009 22:34

im loving the lesbo relationship between Dorothy and WSG,reminds me of Jen!tnx wsg,will google it!

14 Oct 2009 22:38

<<im loving the lesbo relationship between Dorothy and WSG,reminds me of Jen!tnx wsg,will google it!>>

LMAO!!!  Dorothy will be back and not to give me some loving,...  Lady D, you have asked for it.

Lady D
14 Oct 2009 22:40

nyt addicts,im watchn dvd's!

Lady D
14 Oct 2009 22:46

WSG,that is why im taking cover,don wanna be around when she comes you me,im out.!

14 Oct 2009 22:47

Kanti u guys are still here??? Naija's music is so unoriginal and tries to hard to be american......guys what is this of dorrothy going to "basterland"

14 Oct 2009 22:48

bck to Nekena *yawn* frostations instead of frustrations

14 Oct 2009 22:49

am going to sleep addicts you ondostand?

14 Oct 2009 22:51

@Piz:  Hihi!!!  Ons hou lykwaak.  BBA is dood.  FK and mjj are organizing the funeral. 

Dorothy likes me.  Since I can't get Uti, I am settling for Dorothy.  I am taking her to meet the parents in Basterland.  She likes the colored uksents.

14 Oct 2009 22:53

Gud night Kunde. Gud night Lady D.

Lawd, this girl can talk.

14 Oct 2009 22:55

this is what its come discussin us instead of the Idiotz..multichoice should just cancel channel 198 nd keep th 199 in Naija..

better yet whay dnt they have their own BB again? nd it wasnt as morally upright as they forcing multichoice to make BBA if my memory serves me well

14 Oct 2009 23:12

kwa kwa kwa kw a@ Kunde and ondostand.....tjo Dorothy will be mad when she reads this....lemme go to bed.......

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