SAGT: Singer, Dancer Go Through

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 11 Nov 2009
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Places in the final of SA's Got Talent are filling up fast, after another two contestants were put through to the Final 6 on Tuesday night after competing in the second semi-final.

The public vote went to hearing impaired dancer Darren Rajbal from Durban, who produced a funky routine framed by multiple big screens of him dancing.

The judges' choice came down to eight-year-old singer Cleo Filander from Vereeniging and the father/son music combo of Daniel Petersen and Daniel Petersen III (the Little Drummer Boy with the retro hairband).

Once again it was conveniently split down the middle, with Randall casting the deciding vote this time around. He chose Cleo, who became the fourth finalist in the Top 6 and who will now get a chance to compete for a quarter of a million rand.

Darren and Cleo join beat boxer George Avakian and guitarist Louwtjie Rothman in the final on Thursday night, with a chance of winning the R250,000 prize.

Darren Rajbal

Tuesday night's second semi-final was the end of the road for 13-year-old ventriloquist Adino Trapani & Astro the Dinosaur from Johannesburg; dance group Show Stopaz from Johannesburg; magicians Soccer Mania from Khayelitsha in Cape Town and singing group Umbumbano from Port Shepstone.

The battle for the last two places in the grand finale continues on Wednesday night when the final seven semi-finalists compete in the third semi-final.

Wednesday night’s show features dogs dancing freestyle, girls dancing hip hop, children dancing contemporary, a juggler, a singer, a homemade “keke” horn as well as a man singing to win back the love of his life.

They are: Julian Hepburn, Louis Cason, Ingrid & Yvonne & Dogs; Cadence; Willem & Louis van der Merwe, Gregory Mabusela and Kalon Badenhorst.

Cleo Filander

You can vote for your faves each night via SMS or by calling the IVR line.

SMS "TALENT" followed by the number 1-7 which represents the act each night, eg. "TALENT 4". Send the SMS to 34768.

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11 Nov 2009 06:31

Cleo with an angelic voice deserved to win.......I am happy for her but last night she was not that good she got away with it all because she is just so cute and adorable. Stopaz ka di tsupuna were great too.........anyway tonight hopefully the 'keke' player will go through.

11 Nov 2009 06:58

The gogos with dogs will go through...I'll be voting for them lol.

11 Nov 2009 07:17

I'm with you ngo Cleo, she needs a voice trainer to help control her voice, she didn't do it for me but hey people have spoken.  The dancer is good... i mean very good.  

LOL @ TheLady, labo bona angifuni nokubabona, bachitha nje iskhathi.  

My heart weeps for Show Stopaz, I guess it was a wrong show for bona.

11 Nov 2009 07:35

i knew i was gonna find sumone here lol

11 Nov 2009 07:40

My heart weeps for Show Stopaz, I guess it was a wrong show for bona.

no, i think the way the judges paired up yesterday's and mondays acts was not on. on monday we did not have so much talent as yesterday

for me yesterday's show was really showcasing talent. 

with Show stopaz i think SA failed them by not voting enough

mara what is with the statement of "up to so votes per one number"

guys like show stopaz might have gone through, i believe their families would have voting a 100 times
ag suga to that rule

but the two that have gone through were still my fav, even though cleo was not that good yesterday.

11 Nov 2009 07:40

I love show stopaz..the energy damn! Whatever they do they mustn't sign with 999...Arthur is the mastermind in murdering people's careers...

11 Nov 2009 07:42

I don't like kids...I'm disappointed she went through.

11 Nov 2009 07:45

Eish im so happy i didnt waste my sms on CLEO ... she wasnt that great but i like that young lady so much and she was so cute yesternight, sweet smile i must add ... eish i also voted to Daniel and Darren, but when it was Cleo vs Daniel i wanted Cleo to win ... so all in all my votes yesterday were not wasted im so so so happy.

Darren just takes my heart and soul to Praise ... God do Miracles Bathong, it is true that His ways are higher than our ways because how a deaf person do dance to music real is beyong my mind.

11 Nov 2009 07:48

I don't like kids...I'm disappointed she went through. ...LOL i thought about you TL when she went thru yesterday ...well nna i love them young and without sin ...LOL

baby e
11 Nov 2009 07:49

Adino deserved to be there. That little boy is CREATIVE, he has so mastered the change in voices. thats talent. Cleo was not really all that yesterday. 
Show stopaz were excellent. 

Yesterday i mentioned that i felt that we blacks dont VOTE much. Cleo i would say she was lucky because of the exposure that she got through morning live and that teh judges had no choice but to put her through because if they hadnt it could be something else. she is didnt do it for me maobane.

the grouping by the judges is also not fair. 

Darren deserves to win this show. he can dance.

baby e
11 Nov 2009 07:51

why Mylady LOL

11 Nov 2009 08:05

because how a deaf person do dance to music real is beyong my mind.
 that is why the bible says His ways are not our ways
praise be to God

11 Nov 2009 08:09

<<Darren deserves to win this show. he can dance. >>
Absolutely baby e,  he was totally great, he was there,  (on David Mathebula's voice)  

11 Nov 2009 08:15

ya those guys that sang the lady smith black mabazo's homeless song looked great and the lead singer is so cute...anyway they shouldn't have sang that song ka di voice tsa first part...phela that song e batla buise. that song worked against them thle. any other song could would have been great.

11 Nov 2009 08:23

I don't like kids...I'm disappointed she went through.>>>>>>kwa kwa kwa kwaaaa! you are evil TL, tl tl tl tl
Shem i wanted Daniel to go through so I agree with Broze lastnights' pairing was full of talent as to the Monaday one.
The Lady please I dont want those dogs going to the final at all...

11 Nov 2009 08:23

Hai I think makgowa a kwatile about the judges choosing Cleo over the drum hitting boy and ngwana wa popaye. Maabane was not Cleo's day and i wish her all the best for Thursday.

Darren is my guy. I'll be votting for him on Thursday!!!

11 Nov 2009 08:30

i knew i was gonna find sumone here lol
.....................LOL dali...don't you have anything to say bout SAGT??

11 Nov 2009 08:31

Cleo need to find the right song fool of emotionsl rollercoster ....LOL

lady gaga
11 Nov 2009 08:46

yesterday i missed Gen, just to see this Cleo everyone is praising but boy i was disappointed. yena she can sing but not the way i expected from what i was heard about her. i even saw the audience going crazy when her name bt ho grand jo!!!

baby e
11 Nov 2009 09:08

lady gaga - do you have anything against u Cleo? LOL 

11 Nov 2009 09:18

As much as I love Cleo and her cuteness, she has never done it for me... not in the auditions not on Morning Live and definitely not last night.

11 Nov 2009 09:19

Darren is my guy. I'll be votting for him on Thursday!!!... me too :-)

11 Nov 2009 09:25

Please VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! 4
I will be Voting! Voting! Voting too!!

11 Nov 2009 09:42

((OMW Tumi's cleavage looked like it was going to pop out gosh that was embarassing.))

Who's Tumi ??

11 Nov 2009 09:49

I wish the judges could have at least let them both go to the semis>>>>>>>>>>no Cheesa that would be wrong cause I feel that Show Stopaz were good. see what happens when results are 100% dependant on voting.

at least they could have done it this way: the judges choose top3 from the 7 and we the people vote the 2 who would go to the finals and then at the finals let everything be entirely up to the public.

this way i think Adino or Show stopaz would have gone through

I dont like it when talented people get eliminated unnecesarily (and I just remembered strictly come dancing --Zwai, Dingaan; Tamara)

OMW Tumi's cleavage looked like it was going to pop out gosh that was embarassing>>>>>>>>saw that and thought to myself "if i ever breastfeed, i will never wear a clevovo revealing top. those babies almost popped out. no Tumi, that is not the talent we wanted to see yesterday.

When the camera showed Anele at another angel her skirt/dress reminded me of the gymdress back in the 90s.
Anele must change accesories if she does not change the clothes colour

11 Nov 2009 09:56

Tumi was in for it with that top ... it was going up, she had to literally pull it down now and then and if she did that breast wanted to come out ..hhayi shame talk about multitasking, women!!!!

lady gaga
11 Nov 2009 10:11

lady gaga - do you have anything against u Cleo? LOL

NO baby e sweety i dnt bt yena u cute and all mara her perfomance was lukewarm

u Tumi yena has no style period!!!

11 Nov 2009 10:11

hao Cheesa, an article within an article, LOL LOL!
..OMW Tumi's cleavage looked like it was going to pop out gosh that was embarassing >>kwa kwa kwa kwaaa!  I couldnt help but imagine how painful the breast can be sometimes when they keep jumping up & down like that..

11 Nov 2009 10:12

lol lol  lol lol lol saw de cleavovo as well tjo! dis woman!

11 Nov 2009 10:19

Anele looked like Bafilista (in that dress and sandals) who were fighting Samson in the bible.

11 Nov 2009 10:31

Tjo missed this AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH

11 Nov 2009 10:33

tjo guys i kept looking at Anele's mouth when she says  'Grand  Fi-na-le'

11 Nov 2009 10:34

Morning, i was crossing my fingers when i saw Tumi's boobs..........i wonder what the f she was thinking??????....doesnt she know she is a mother now????? That was not a good view, trust me. I was praying without amen. Goodness!!!!! Or did Mandla lie 2 her & said she was luking great!!!! nc nc nc nc. You should thank ur ancestors otherwise ngesikhuluma enye into.....

Back 2 the talented ppl. I luv Cleo. She sings like an angel maan & that cute smile & cute face, it made me vote 4 her even though i didnt c the whole show but she was FANTASTIC (in Ian voice)

11 Nov 2009 10:39

Reply from: Best-Achiever 11/11/2009 4:33:19 PM
tjo guys i kept looking at Anele's mouth when she says 'Grand Fi-na-le'  >>>>>>
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwaaaa! why BA? go na le eng mo molomong wa gagwe?

baby e
11 Nov 2009 10:42

@ Mafresh ware Anele e kare mang OH my God i cannot stop laughing hi hi hi hi hi hi 

11 Nov 2009 10:45

Anele looked like Bafilista (in that dress and sandals) who were fighting Samson in the bible.
kwa kwa kwa kwa kwakwa
huuuuuuu wiiiiiiiiiiiii

tjo guys i kept looking at Anele's mouth when she says 'Grand Fi-na-le'
how did i miss this one, i'll be on the lookout tonite

i was crossing my fingers when i saw Tumi's boobs
were you scared of a wardrobe malfunction
kwa kwa kwa kwa 
hi hi hi hi hi

11 Nov 2009 10:52

lmao @ bafilista

11 Nov 2009 10:54

yesterday i missed Gen, just to see this Cleo everyone is praising but boy i was disappointed. yena she can sing but not the way i expected from what i was heard about her. i even saw the audience going crazy when her name bt ho grand jo!!!
LG.....had you watched her when she sang/auditioned the first time you'd understand the hype

11 Nov 2009 10:59

Yesterday was a difficult call for judges the acts were very good... I'm so happy that Cleo went through

11 Nov 2009 11:02


I was watching with hubby and his brother and I kept thinking/praying please dont let her boob fall out.

And the way she tried to keep that top she was wearing down was not on. she knew it would do that when she wore it.

queen B
11 Nov 2009 14:58

queen B
11 Nov 2009 15:01

if i could move Darren !!!!!!!!! Dame u...........

11 Nov 2009 15:05

dat girl can sing, but to go thru finals, for yesterdays show...dont think so..she was just nje!..when she sang in Morning LIVE  i thought she;ll suprise me and I even asked my family to watch...but when she sang the Prayer..she was just  an ordinery little pretty girl little nephew woulda blown them away thru all rounds

but then she's just a kid right..we supposed to be kind to them they are the future..blah blah blah...she still aint all that vocally...there I said it

11 Nov 2009 15:06

What u mean Ndlovukazi B?

11 Nov 2009 15:17

not being insensitive but  the guy who was interpreting for Darren..did anyone notice his "speech impairedness"...LOL donno but somehow he sounded like he couldnt speak  properly himslef..or he stutters, I mean why not get an interpreter that speaks normally

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