You know what friends life is as easy as eating an apple , but we turn to cpmlecate this things , buy not wanting to face reality , my point is christians should take a lot of time courtshiping so that they are able to know where they are getting themselves into rather than to think that God lives their lives for them what Am I saying Im saying A christian should make sure they choose the kind of man or women they have always been dreaming of cause for the fact that God gave us a mind It means he wanted us to be able to make Good choices, My biggest fear is the the children that are left in pain and as we are continuing to make wrong choices we are creating more serial killers , by this I meant that If you get married to a wrong partner not only does It affect you but It also affect the children and chances they could grow up to kill of abuse the next person that they so claim that they love to endorse that Allow me to tell tou a story that is a reality do not get me wrong that I'm ganst christian marriages but I just want us to do the right thing this story is about a young couple that meet at the church and the were so in love at the begining so one day the guy woke up and realise this women is not what he has been looking for so he tels the women listen here I realised that you not what I was always looking for , now the poor women did not know what to do so se decidede to pack her cloths and she left the guy with the 3 boys and years past the guy reaisin the boys alone and after 6 years he meet this women who could not have her own children and decides to marry her and stay with her after 1 year the woman tells the husband this children they eat to much and they are waisting all the food and mind you the woman is not working the boys father is working and she stays most of the time with the children, one day the child says to his father dad you always not around I want to talk to you about this women that you have married she is namecalling us she even calls here family and makes us clean and cook food for them meanwhile she can't cook for us and the dady wanting to keep peace he says we will talk I don't know in detailwhat happend and one thing I can tell you is that the first born out of anger he took an axe wanting to kill his dad the father had to run away cause the situation was very hectic Now I wanted to share with you that story as It was very touchy I became in the boys shoes and realy felt what he was going through and I have a question I wanted to leave you with Do you realy think the boy was wrong ?
If you have the answer and want to share other real stories that are touchy please tune into my blog and let us talk and some how come up with a solution