Real vs Career!1

Written by Lus from the blog Why confuse actors with their real lives? on 30 Apr 2010
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Yesterday i watched securities at Pick 'n Pay throwing out a very angry old man because  he verbally abused a character we all love to hate in a gay/lesbian  drama show on SABC 1. 

I have seen and heard about this treatment on our actors but never in a million years saw so much anger towards a fake person. The old man kept saying i want to rape you and teach how to be a woman 'faggot''
Thankfully the securities came on time and rescued our beautiful actress. 

Now this left me with disbelief and curiosity in how can we make our people differentaite between real lives and acting.
I also want to know from the actors if they seek professional help for the abuse they get from people because that is emotional abuse even if you know wena you doing your job.

I can't imagine myself disrupting myself like that, i must say i bow my head down to characters like Jason, Senzo, Thuli, Beth etc

I just wish South Africans will know they are doing their jobs, and are trying to potray and teach us about a world we all are avoiding to deeply know about which is Gay/lesbian world.
i remember even on facebook the was a group against the scenes between Senzo and Jason. (i never joined but i hated them myself )
What does that mean aboutme and our fellow Mzantsi we can't differentaite between Real lives characters and Acting characters?

 I am asking myself what if that old men is a neighbour with a real lesbian will he rape the poor girl to straighten her up just like the neighbour who did that to a girl in Cape Town?

Thank you Generations, Rythm City, Society, Will and Grace etc for making some of us be aware, as we really have learnt so much and not to judge people on their personal choices!!


30 Apr 2010 10:46

Gee i must say i am a sucker for your articles,  but nonetheless i want to tell you about my own experience; I saw someone swearing at Dumi one time, evry body in Sandton was laughing and agreeing with teh swearer.
I think we really dont diferentaite between careers and real life.

30 Apr 2010 13:55

Thankfully the securities came on time and rescued our beautiful actress. 
@Lus - who was this beautiful actress?

lemme read further

30 Apr 2010 14:11

Thank you Generations, Rythm City, Society, Will and Grace etc for making some of us be aware, as we really have learnt so much and not to judge people on their personal choices!!

Do you think being gay is a personal choice?

30 Apr 2010 14:18

Fk ..tjo dont wanna mention names, maybe Shashwi will spill teh beans on this one.
Calamity...please educate me, as in my own understanding being gay is a personal choice....correct me and enlighten my mind more..

30 Apr 2010 14:31

Was shwashwi there as well? Besides u saw it with your own eyes . Didn't u & u wrote this article. Pls share everything. Lol

30 Apr 2010 15:05

Lus lu was it Beth or Thuli? We wanna have the full picture hau...

One and Only
30 Apr 2010 15:07

as in my own understanding being gay is a personal choice....correct me and enlighten my mind more
You're correct & incorrectly simultaneously according to my own understanding.

There are boys I grew up with who at the tender age of 2 were different from the other boys, when we played soccer/ with cars they played house & with dolls. The way they used to carry themselves and their behaviour indicated that they were not normal boys. How do you make a choice at the age of 1,2,3,4 or 5?

Now you find some guy you have known for the rest of your life as straight suddenly converting to gay, somebody who's never shown not even 1 sign of being gay, somebody who has kids with women and so on.  This can be as a result of being confused and want to fit in with the latest trend. Some former inmates become gays because they got used to you know .......... when they were in jail.

30 Apr 2010 15:18

Ok Fk and Sslave it was teh beautiful Rythm City actor, i really dont know her name she was lesbain sometime in the soapie /drama.

Fk - can never argue about anything when it comes to being gay, i will take your word for it as i really donnt have expereince of any kind and i really dont wanna talk about something i dont know.
Though i would like to ask are all boys who play with dolls ends up gay my friend?

30 Apr 2010 15:36

Guys, my view is that you are born gay, you can never convert, this is not religion or faith, it is all about sexual orientation. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that they can't have kids. You also get bisexual people, you know people who swing both ways. The fact that a boy plays with dolls doesn't automatically mean that they are gay, similar to girls who play with cars. You also get girls who are tomboys, but are totally straight. Well, that is my two-cents worth. I remember in the UK they had a show with both straight men and gay men, the trick was for the girl to eliminate the gay guys and she would win I think it was about half a million pounds. The whole point of the show was that just because someone acts a certain way doesn't automatically make them gay or straight. Guess what, the girl ended up picking a gay guy mistaking him for a straight guy,  He didn't act camp in anyway. he had fooled everyone. Looks can be deceiving. I must repeat that you are born gay, you cannot all of a sudden decide that you are gay or straight. Anybody watch Oprah last night?

30 Apr 2010 16:03

Fk - can never argue about anything when it comes to being gay, i will take your word for it as i really donnt have expereince of any kind and i really dont wanna talk about something i dont know.
Though i would like to ask are all boys who play with dolls ends up gay my friend?
I think the above was meant for O&O neh???? 

30 Apr 2010 16:35

her name is Mbali Ntuli

30 Apr 2010 22:16

Poor Mbali.
That means the man is the rapist mos.

03 May 2010 07:28

yep it was meant for O&O my mistake , and i would really like to know if boys palys with dolls when they are young means they are guy na?
i agree Floh, an old man futhi...

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