What do you think???

Written by Savanah Dry from the blog Lounging with Savanah on 05 May 2010
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Okay  my friend met this handsome Adonis of a man like three months ago!!!

They went for movies out clubbing and did everything new couples do except they never really spent time alone i mean really alone in a house or room to do what adults do , so it was always kissing .

Last weekend the my friend put pressure on the dude so he could sleep over , Okay this her version of the story ...

They got home after having a few drinks , then she went to have a bath and found dude already half asleep in bed woke him up and they started kissing warawara anyway , So dude tries to put his hand there and she tells him no they cant go that far its too early in the relationship ...that when all the romance faded dude turns his back and sleeps just like that.

So my friend thinks anyway to hell with him if he only wanted her for sex turns her back also and sleeps

Some where midnight girl wakes after a bad dream says he thought someone had been whispering in her ear about her leaving the dude alone ...
Puts it off as a bad dream , Ten minutes later dude gets up starts talking to himself on how he is sorry and will never sleep out again and he looks all scared and sweaty then goes back to sleep like nothing happened at this point my friend is scared shitless starts praying .......

in the morning she asks the dude what the *bleep!* had happened tells her he knows nothing and decides he doesn't want to discuss this ....
We asked some people what that means and they said dude probably has a tokoloshi as a wife !!!!!

Me am not sure what to think but do you guys believe such things can happen??????


Savanah Dry
05 May 2010 10:56


05 May 2010 11:20

Haaaa....that is weird!

05 May 2010 11:26

oh God! it's possible, i think.. the tikoloshi story..

05 May 2010 11:27

whats even scarier is that the girl might have just made herself enimies with the it sees her as competition and boy..oh..boy...the Lord needs to

05 May 2010 11:39

LOL. That got me cracking up hahah.

Okay what if the girl gave the guy the cake, yho tokoloshe would have been very angry mos and bliksem her like a boxing bag..

And i must say maybe the guy was trying to get the girl jealous and talking to himself  , i really dont believe the tikoloshe would let the man sleep overnight....

Lastly only those who believe in witchcraft would know about this Sava....

05 May 2010 11:44

OMG tjo that is scary. your friend must run for her life what if its evil spirits

05 May 2010 11:47

just a bad dream  happens to all of us..tell her get ova it..and next time she must shag him to a peaceful sleep..

05 May 2010 11:49

If it was the tokoloshi, there was no way the boy could have slept over never. And the relationship wouldn't have lasted a month.

how do you pressure some to sleep over your place and deny him the access to the cake...? hahaha

05 May 2010 11:50

@sponono...true that, it was just a bad dream nje.

05 May 2010 12:02

hhayi why did your friend pressure him to sleep over if she was not willing to give it to girls still put guys into various  tests to prove how much he wants her!!

05 May 2010 12:03

Lus hayi ke

05 May 2010 12:05

No, it was not a bad dream – I disagree. These things happen, people.. shem poor guy. It was probably given to himr by some girl he broke the heart of, and she decided, if I can’t have you, no one will. He needs an urgent deliverance intervention with moruti Ralekgolela in a tent or someone like that.

Savanah Dry
05 May 2010 12:06

just a bad dream happens to all of us..tell her get ova it..and next time she must shag him to a peaceful sleep..

Lol!!!! tl tl sponono spoken like a real man!!!!

I don't believe in such things as well , but my friend was in a state after the incident

05 May 2010 12:19

hey guys 

i know this might sound crazy but what if the guy actually staged the whole thing just to scare ur friend off... i mean he could have whispered whatever your friend heard and pretended to having a bad dream to scare your friend as a punishment/ if kade ubona utikoloshe i doubt ungakwazi ukuthi uphinde ulale kalula as if nothing happened... did the guy call ur friend after the incident?

05 May 2010 12:32

@carino.... do you honestly think that if it was a Tokoloshi he could have slept there till morning, no ways he would have left the house there and there. He wouldn't have waited for breakfast in the morning.

Savanah Dry
05 May 2010 12:38

@ Black  He tried calling and she is not taking his calls !!!

05 May 2010 12:39

Maybe he does vat-n-sit or he's married abadlali abafazi ngamadod'abo. Funny enough aphunyuka kulabotikoloshe!

05 May 2010 12:42

so this tokoloshi things arent myths?

05 May 2010 12:44

LOL @ blackstar

05 May 2010 12:53

the night events might have happened for real, I've heard stories of dead husbands visiting their wives at night, that they actually saw the husband he touched the wife and slept the whole night with her..yah so maybe it did happen

05 May 2010 12:56


05 May 2010 12:57

Okay my friend met this handsome Adonis of a man like three months ago!!!
So dude tries to put his hand there and she tells him no they cant go that far its too early in the relationship ...
Gee whizz!!! Three months is early in the relationship. No freaking way!!! With me it is two weeks to get acquainted and then… If you say no you pack and go.

Big brother gives you two weeks to know each other and you start voting the one you don’t like or the one that poses a competition to you. So why must I wait more than three months to bonk.

05 May 2010 12:58

Tjo, bathong things happen neah.....i believe it was a tokoloshi bathong tjo tjo tjo imagine........TJO

05 May 2010 13:01

@Realist, lol with me a guy waits for a year, yep 12 months.........

05 May 2010 13:04

with me a guy waits for a year, yep 12 months.........
Then the guy must be really desparate for sure.

05 May 2010 13:07

tokoloshe is a myth, all of us at some stage have nightmares, where the dream feels real, you wake up shaken but it ends there....I think the term 'tokoloshe' was invented by our creative ancestors to give it an african definition. 

Personally as a teenager I had a dream, it felt so real, I actually felt someone touching my arm sofly and said 'everything will be alright', I doubt it was a good tokoloshe sent by someone....

05 May 2010 13:07

@Realist, lol with me a guy waits for a year, yep 12 months.........>>>>>> to me until we say I DO

05 May 2010 13:09

She should stay away from him, who knows what kind of spirits the guy has...she should be grateful that she was warned, thare are so many people have slept with demons who had possed human bodies.

05 May 2010 13:11

to me until we say I DO 
Are you still a virgin? If so, you better hope he is still a virgin too.

05 May 2010 13:11

mina I WAIT FOR THREE YEARS TO have sex with my new partner..........LMAO

05 May 2010 13:16

shem my first boyfriend waited for 3 years before getting it, when I eventually gave him, he had made another woman pregnant, we broke up after doing it twice in four years we were together...

my boo...we met at a nightclub around 12 midnight it was a blind date, danced for 2 hours, the group decided we were heading to a hotel, we had to send the hotel staff to get CD's *hide* well we've been together for two years now, inseparable 

I was shocked because I had never done something like that in my life, I thought it was cheap to even get a guy in a club

So whether you sleep after a year or a day if you were meant to be together you will be together nje!! it's about following your instincts

05 May 2010 13:22

LoL @mathaz a friend usually makes a joke about sleeping with prostitutes saying you pick up bad spirits from them because they sleep with killers, people from jail, drug dealers,pastors (clearly possessed by evil spirit)...then a man comes back home with all these!! mhhh

05 May 2010 13:24

So whether you sleep after a year or a day if you were meant to be together you will be together nje!! it's about following your instincts....True that, i had sex with my husband on the very first date and have been with him for eight years,

05 May 2010 13:25

Maybe this Adonis is married and the wife has a hold over him so that he cannot perform outside the matrimonial home. Your friend says she found Adonis half asleep in bed after she had gone to take a bath.....doesnt sound like there was any anticipation there...does it? And futhi your friend cant tease a man like was just a hand bantu!!!  I think its a spirit put by a woman on her man,  common in Zimbabwe

05 May 2010 13:26

If it is quicker the relationship normally will last. If a guy gets it after a year or so and goes and have another relationship with someone and get it quicker while still seeing you of course he will leave. Why you may ask, it was not worth the wait. You spontaneously did it quicker and what happened after?

05 May 2010 13:31

tjo why did your friend invite this guy over if she didnt want to be shagged??? testing his patience

05 May 2010 13:34

to me until we say I DO
Are you still a virgin? If so, you better hope he is still a virgin too.>>>>>>>>
i dont care if he is still a virgin or what but me giving him in marriage will make me feel good

So whether you sleep after a year or a day if you were meant to be together you will be together nje!! it's about following your instincts>>>>>>> that is why i dont want to give it to people i am not sure we are meant to be together with

05 May 2010 13:39

that is why i dont want to give it to people i am not sure we are meant to be together with 
You are talking as if you are the one who is going to pay for the lobola. I hope you do find that man who is willing to be married by you, honestly I do.

05 May 2010 13:43

tjo kukho nama Virgin Active like Kelly Khumalo virginity la kwi-tvsa, hayi ingathi sendizakuzicashela la...*cynical*

05 May 2010 13:52

tjo kukho nama Virgin Active like Kelly Khumalo virginity la kwi-tvsa, hayi ingathi sendizakuzicashela la...*cynical*>>>>>>>>>>> lolment ngi file dood

05 May 2010 13:54

that is why i dont want to give it to people i am not sure we are meant to be together with
You are talking as if you are the one who is going to pay for the lobola. I hope you do find that man who is willing to be married by you, honestly I do
>>>>>> hawu Realist lol

05 May 2010 14:01

i promise to love and cherish you Virgin lam tjo. zozoe..phela awusabatholi labo, yekela wena realist i will pay the lobala man. 
We'll date  4 a week, next week lobola is on your parents doorstep, third week i have my virgn wife with me in my king size bed..mhh life is so interesting tjo,
 hahha*evil grin*

05 May 2010 14:01

Eish Posh ma frend gave it up this year at 27 afta 4years in a relationship and they did it a few times and the guy aint interested in shagging her.i tried coaching her what to do/not to do,sexy underwear,dressing up,porn-nothing works and she is still gaga about sex since its her first guy.the guy is 4eva tired and unwell.

05 May 2010 14:05

Reply from: Mathaz 5/5/2010 7:24:34 PM

So whether you sleep after a year or a day if you were meant to be together you will be together nje!! it's about following your instincts....True that, i had sex with my husband on the very first date and have been with him for eight years,...

l had sex after 8hours of knowing the guy and the relationship lasted for 4years, and we now just buddies. l wouldn't mind doing him again if the opportunite arise...

05 May 2010 14:19

Kweeeeeeee shame your friend Cngle..hayi no she must go get experience ngaphandle.

05 May 2010 14:34

@cnglm kwa kwa kwa kwa at coaching her!!  

Savanah Dry
05 May 2010 14:39

I never had sex with my first Boyfriend we dated for 3 years , shame we met later in life and did it wasn't worth it glad i never mad him my first ...

So my friend wants to give it up when she knows she has found the real thing.. imagine giving it up to every one you date , you can easily sleep with more than 10 men in that case .....

Maybe this guy knew about his tokoloshe and thats why he never put pressure on her when she said no !!!

Cnglema --- Maybe we should give your friend lessons here KuTVSA

05 May 2010 14:49

So my friend wants to give it up when she knows she has found the real thing.. imagine giving it up to every one you date , you can easily sleep with more than 10 men in that case .....
So what!!  Who cares!!

Savanah Dry
05 May 2010 14:56

Haibo!! Realist from your reaction i think we can safely say you reached  a 100 Lol!!!

Would you want a woman who has been around the block a thousand times ???

05 May 2010 14:56

HA!!!!! Cnglema i agree with posh your friend needs lessons and you know rona mo TVSA we have experts ask her to join and write her artilce.........shame man

05 May 2010 14:57

kwa kwa kwa kwa.

I also don't mind having sex on the first date. But I must REALLY be into you which seldom happens. Only been into 2 guys since I was born, and I married one of them and the other one was just a sex buddy. We still talk now and then.

SO it does not matter........... !!!! Flirting is what I do best.

ANd you friend usile yazi, how can she invite a guy over knowing that she doesn't want sex? What did she think was going to happen. Gosh! SHe must stop torturing the guy tu. The dream was just a bad dream shem.

05 May 2010 15:03

ka mokgwa ke batlang nyatsi ya ko  venda,le ntumisa ntho eke sa tsebeng.

his mother bought  him  tokolosi,no women will touch him,is his mama"s tokoloshi......o tla go tima!!!!.

thats why i carry  my small bible on my handbag,slap the guy with the bible!mother in law will hate you...............

05 May 2010 15:05

Tjo Pele you worse, i remember while in high school this other guy will poke me and my friends saying yena if he wants our virginity he will just pay lobala and marry , after he sliced the cake we can devorce coz all he wanted was *it*

05 May 2010 15:07

"you can easily sleep with more than 10 men in that case ....." who's counting?

"thats why i carry my small bible on my handbag,slap the guy with the bible!mother in law will hate you..............." ROTFLMAO yhoooo yhooo the bible is so useful yazi!

05 May 2010 15:10

Would you want a woman who has been around the block a thousand times ???
Trust me, that’s where the fun is. The inexperienced ones they will tell you I can’t do this style and this style is not for me.

 The one that have dated one guy, I tell u they can be cold when you… and it can be boring. Btw, how the hell will I know how many guys you have bedded? I don’t give a damn about that as long as I’m satisfied with your company. That’s what counts isn’t it?

05 May 2010 15:12

lol mathata

05 May 2010 15:14

zozoe i'm glad you know whta i'm talking about *wink*

05 May 2010 15:23

Would you want a woman who has been around the block a thousand times ???

WHo would know that??? And anyways men will love you whether you've been around the block or not. Love sometimes does not choose. This is the reaosn why I like Khanyi Mbau. This is where she and I agree. A person is supposed to accept who you are or who you were in the past. Not try to please a person who you will probably never ever meet. Don't do it for anyone else but your slef. If it makes you happy, then why not!

05 May 2010 15:29

This sounds scary but i dont it really happened, if it happened then your frien must be very brave, i wouldnt sleep in the same house with the person, ecela uxolo from an invisible that just told me to stay away from him, tjo. I have heard of circumstances whereby pple try to make love and then the man's thing just .........

Inviting someone for the nite and refusing to give them cake, you were really testing the guy. May be this guy has a problem, he was probably asking your friend to forgive him becoz its not there, it happens

Savanah Dry
05 May 2010 15:35

Would you want a woman who has been around the block a thousand times ???
Trust me, that’s where the fun is. The inexperienced ones they will tell you I can’t do this style and this style is not for me.

@ Realist i guess you are right  i was single for a year and whenever i met guys  and didn't want to o it with then i told them i was a virgin waiting for Mr Right believe me they ran now am not sure whether they ran coz they only wanted cake or they were scared i was inexperienced!!!

Inviting someone for the nite and refusing to give them cake,

Comeone guys dont tell me there arent times where you just wanna kiss and cuddle and nothing more !!!

05 May 2010 15:36

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa Mathatha and the bible!

05 May 2010 15:42

Would you want a woman who has been around the block a thousand times ???
Trust me, that’s where the fun is. The inexperienced ones they will tell you I can’t do this style and this style is not for me. The punani does not tell if you have been davazed over a million times. So it really doen't matter.

Comeone guys dont tell me there arent times where you just wanna kiss and cuddle and nothing more !!!
This was their first night together, so hell no l wouldn't wanna to just kiss and cuddle...

05 May 2010 15:46

Comeone guys dont tell me there arent times where you just wanna kiss and cuddle and nothing more !!!

Guys don't think like that, we women are the one's who want to do that.

05 May 2010 15:48

@ sav  kissing and cuddling without sex, what's the point of turning me on if we won't go all the way....

if you don't want sex, don't tease me...

05 May 2010 16:03


I'm about to break a promise I made about commenting on Sex related blogs. lol
*naughty smile*

This blog has moved from the situation to sleeping on 1st dates. lol

05 May 2010 16:06

@GML.......Thus how we rock it on TVSA, there are very few blogs that do not turn to sex

05 May 2010 16:12

I say

Dont take a child to the toy shop if you wont buy him a toy. Same applies with men. Dont let him sample the packaging if you dont want him to open the package hle.

What your friend did was wrong- inviting a guy over, getting him aroused, then telling him no.

It's *bleep!* like that that got me thrown out of a house naked with all that was mine in my hands. Try getting dressed before the neighbours could see you.

Your friend is lucky the guy didnt retaliate or something....

Savanah Dry
05 May 2010 16:16

t's *bleep!* like that that got me thrown out of a house naked with all that was mine in my hands. Try getting dressed before the neighbours could see you.

Lol!!! Gml really???? kwakwakwa!!

05 May 2010 16:21

NO sex?kissing only(aowa) will give back my petrol money ka masepa.

05 May 2010 16:34

SavanahD: Really. I just saw his long D&^% and my brain just said it wont fit my vjayjay. So I said I cant do it. He got up, gathered my things, gave them to me and threw me out. Nje kanjalo.

@Mathata: Imagine the petrol you spend driving over there thinking ore you're gonna get laid then niks??? Moer, that guy was a gentleman I tell you

If she really like this guy I suggest the next time they are together, she carry some garlic in her bag and a big cross just in case. Just like they did in Days of our lives.

05 May 2010 16:44

No you cant tzhavile, unless you want to faka it hole dry.

The reason we decide is because it's our bodies and we can get ourselves all hot and bothered for you- it will take you 30 minutes to get a woman really hot and bothered. But if she is half ready it will take a couple of minutes.

So you can decide if you want to do the work or not....

I'm talking such crap

05 May 2010 17:02

nka tshwara ke dihorise same time.........

Crap...................hell no!this is food for life,thats why some women at  the age of 25 you find some  wrikles on their face or chubaba......blood does'nt flow

i was just gonna say papa ke ya nyaka ka kgapeletso.....slaming the door.

ZCC men  ...  o tlo ntshilafatsa.....i said not in my world ,ko lekganyane YES  taking off the betch phela that moment.

05 May 2010 17:12

kwakwakwkwakwkakakakkakakakwa mathata!!!!!

05 May 2010 18:14

Tjo!!! mathata,...... o mathata ele kannete!!Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

06 May 2010 06:49

I'm about to break a promise I made about commenting on Sex related blogs. lol
*naughty smile*
You see!!! What a contract does!!! Binding that is what it does.

06 May 2010 07:43

Hawu realist: I made that promise way before signing that contract. It was just starting to get out of control and decided to stop hle

06 May 2010 08:14

@GML, I was pulling your leg. If there somebody who is an all rounder that person is you. Enjoy.

06 May 2010 08:20

"I have heard of circumstances whereby pple try to make love and then the man's thing just ......... " You and I both dear...actually I've had that experience. Brotherman, said he'd have to go try it elsewhere and see if I'm the one with the problem or him..he had the problem and he knew exactly who the culprit was coz he could only screw her.

06 May 2010 08:25

Crap...................hell no!this is food for life,thats why some women at the age of 25 you find some wrikles on their face or chubaba......blood does'nt flow ><><><><><> owe kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa especially the wrinkles and chubaba

Savanah Dry
06 May 2010 09:01

Lol!!!  @ TL  your man trying somewhere else kwakwakwa !!!

06 May 2010 11:35

Have heard the "I dont give it up first time" thing before and minutes later its "I cant believe what I just did" actually a couple of times KSKD..

06 May 2010 11:50

whether you do it the first minute you see each other or 5 months its just the same,
if he will leave you he will leave or should i say she will live you, its not all about man who when they are not satisfired will leave woman also need satisfaction,

can you imagine buying a car without the test drive, what if it stoped before you get to your destination.what a waist,

One and Only
06 May 2010 12:32

With me easy come, easy go. If you have given it up within a day my mind wonders how many times you've done the same with other guys. 

can you imagine buying a car without the test drive, what if it stoped before you get to your destination.what a waist,
The same reason why dealerships don't allow any Tom, Dick & Harry to test drive their cars because what if you can't afford it, what a waste?

To prove this go to any BMW dealership and request to test drive one of their cars and see if they will allow you to without doing risk assessment & affordibility.

06 May 2010 13:40

@ One and Only ? LOL!!  The same reason why dealerships don't allow any Tom, Dick & Harry to test drive their cars because what if you can't afford it, what a waste? kwa kwa kwa kwa you finish me.

06 May 2010 13:44

Guys do you know those Dude..F** othole marete a betha mo phinyeng ..are.. pho.. pho but osa utlwe gore  dintshang or e felletse kae? 

06 May 2010 13:56

Thank you 1 and Only, well said

06 May 2010 14:05

Let me laugh at this first then i will comment *at this point my friend is scared shitless starts praying ....... 

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

06 May 2010 14:15

Yes guys tokoloshi exist.......i rmbr in my case whn we first dated me and my was last year June.....2nd month i started splng @ his plc....this one night...some woman (tokoloshi) also whispered in my ear she said..* o nyaka eng wena mo?*...iyho i woke up and i was so scared...i told my bf immediatly and shame poor thing had to worry look thinking i'm gonna dump him for a tokoloshi

06 May 2010 14:20

True One and only

Nokia 5110
06 May 2010 14:20

@ mstick nyaka eng wena mo?*...What daz that men ?

baby e
06 May 2010 14:24

its not that every tom and dick who comes along you will sleep with one & only. 
so it depends 

06 May 2010 14:24

othole marete a betha mo phinyeng ..are.. pho.. pho but osa utlwe gore dintshang or e felletse kae
LMAO!!!! Yoh, i'm on this article cause of mathata! kwaaaaaaaaaaa!

06 May 2010 14:45

@mstick...are you still together?

@baby e...True that.

06 May 2010 14:46

@ 5110......Translation....* what are you doing here* the tokoloshe asked me that question...and then few nights later me and the tokoloshe were fighting boy was i praying that night.....i'm happy to say i won the ppl like it or not boloi bo gona just like satanism e le gona

06 May 2010 14:49

yes we are BM........i kicked a tokoloshe out of the house...poor soul is probably wondering somewhere in the air looking for a new nc nc

06 May 2010 14:57

and then few nights later me and the tokoloshe were fighting ...cant visualise this ...but Glad you won the fight.
black ppl like it or not boloi bo gona just like satanism e le always the odd one out with this topic because im not convinced. I know someone can poison you, or maliciously mess up your life, but i think it must always be practical.....i just dont see how mystical things are possible...

Alternative explanation would was a dreams that felt very real....concience not at rest etc..

I really dont believe in tokoloshi...dont even believe that a human being can create lighning...

06 May 2010 15:02

black ppl like it or not boloi bo gona just like satanism e le always the odd one out with this topic because im not convinced. 
I'm with you on this one.

06 May 2010 15:03

@Green.Arrow go and buy nettie2's cd and dvd koRadio Pulpit and you will be convinced....Boloi bo gona fosho

Savanah Dry
06 May 2010 15:09

Lol!!! BigMama does the Nettie Dvd exist?? i thought it was one of those Tvsa hoax..

06 May 2010 15:10

Green.arrow......believe or not black magic is very much alive......i'm a christian neh but i have this gift ya go bona the unseen or even hear them.....i had a couple of incidients were i saw things while sleeping and believe me when i say they not dreams

06 May 2010 15:10

speaking of tokoloshe's, there's this cough mixture/flu ad that shows this green monster thingie jumping on this men's chest while he's sleeping. for some odd reason, i associate tokoloshe with that green thing and as a result that ad freaks me out!

@mstick, tjo! did u fight with it in your dreams or in real life? what happened in the fight? kanti aren't tokoloshe's sent to a specific person therefore they find their way back?

06 May 2010 15:11

*man's chest

06 May 2010 15:16 home they tend to buy this dvds were the ex "participants" are testifying. Since i was young even at church there would be people coming to tell some scary stories abput their times when they were my grandparents place, we apparently left (my mom says) because they were targets tsa baloi ba mo...but still i dont believe. I never says its a lie because it would trivialise the pain of those who have been affected..however i just dont believe, i cant comprehend mystical activities, perhaps because i have never been affected....

06 May 2010 15:35

@ Tox i fought with it in a dream......its more like a spirit fight, when one fight the unseen forces thats what the dream i woke up from my sleep been woken by the tokoloshe ofcourse it then jumped on top of my shoulders in a way it wanted to over power me by doing that.....i then started praying while fighting it to get of my shoulders after a long fight i managed to crush it on the floor while praying then it dissappeared.....i woke up and i was sweeting like hell

kanti aren't tokoloshe's sent to a specific person therefore they find their way back?

they are send to a specific person, when you spiritually gifted even if they not send to you, you can see them when sleepeing with the person whom the tokoloshe was send to....i've been there so many times seeing tokoloshe's which were sent to other ppl

06 May 2010 15:41

thats interesting sister apparently can see them as well because she tends to pray in the middle of the night. Something i appreciate a lot because perhaps its because she sees and prays that we are not affected.

Savanah Dry
06 May 2010 15:42

Lol!! @ Makisto no if it was me i would have been clearer as to what happened that night

One and Only
06 May 2010 15:45

In my entire pathetic life I have never seen utokoloshe and probably won't till I pass on and become one myself.

People would testify that they had seen one and born agains would say they have casted demons away but always fail to give you the description of what utokoloshe and/or demons look like in physical structure!

Why because these things are normal human beings living amongst ourselves, nakulomuzi-ke wakwaTVSA sinabo otokoloshe, omantindane, izimfakabili, imikhovu.

06 May 2010 15:49

I believe in vampires......... LOL

06 May 2010 15:49


06 May 2010 15:53

Hey i'm speechless if it were me i would have gone home first thing in the morning i'm sure the guy wouldn't even had a chance of saying hi...

Savanah Dry
06 May 2010 15:53

Lol!! One and Only at tkoloshi kwa Tvsa kkkkkkkkkkkk

Makisto - No she stopped taking his calls didnt want to get caught in the mix , she says if he had wanted to talk about it that morning  maybe , but since he didnt want to give explanations she says good riddance !!!

Guys there was a time when we were told not to get lifts from strangers apparently at the time there were these Men who drove around with Hummers who had frogs ..
they would make the frogs suck your tits , i dnt know how far true that you ... or the myth that if you sleep witha Nigerian man who left his wife in Nigeria you would have worms come out of your punani ...????

06 May 2010 15:56

lol one and only

06 May 2010 16:07

thats interesting sister apparently can see them as well because she tends to pray in the middle of the night.

Ja......thats have ot be strong in prayer or spiritually gifted to see them...and unfortunately you cant predict when next you will see them

I remember this one time 5 years ago...i was working a night shift job...we will knock of ka 03:00 AM and a few of us had a little place where we will so happend that this one night i shared my sleeping area with a girl named Nthabiseng....while we were sleeping i could sense this spirit walking towards our slpng area i tried opening my eyes with no luck

The spirit which happend to be a tokoloshe kneeled on Nthabiseng's head..... i looked up with my eyes slightly opened....and then the spirit in a form of a woman....said to me " hey wena robala a o bone gore ke nako ya rena "

When we woke up i was so scared i didnt knw how to tell Nthabiseng....but i told lady who stays in the same area with Nthabiseng asked me how the tokoloshe looked like i told her it had a small face and the legs were very thin....iyho there and the that lady i forgot her name called the tokoloshe by name and said to Nthabiseng i've told you so many times about Mme mang mang gore wa loya bona nou...eish it ws said cause Nthabiseng was in tears 

Savanah Dry
06 May 2010 16:11

Lol!! mstick

06 May 2010 16:13

With me easy come, easy go. If you have given it up within a day my mind wonders how many times you've done the same with other guys. 

@one & only   it doesn't mean that if she gives it to you after a month you'll marry her or keep her either, how many have you dumped after waiting for that period of time that you think is acceptable...the point is sleeping on the first day or after 6 month does not guarantee that the relationship will last. Yes  one can meet people like you who  feel it's cheap, while other men don't give a hoot! on their book of principles and values it really doesn't matter.. 

06 May 2010 16:15

" hey wena robala a o bone gore ke nako ya rena "

Buahahahahahahahaaaaa tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl KSKD  tjo, LMAO kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwaaaaaaaa
this is sooooo cool, lo nkhiile gompieno, lmao

One and Only
06 May 2010 16:24

Agree with you poshspice & I was not implying that anyway, ever wondered why most yezifebe ezaziwayo elokishini are getting married left, right & centre, while abo ms too good & virgins are struggling to find partners?

Why do I sometimes feel that you have to be a demon/utokolloshe to see that another person is possessed and be able to fight with them and win?

06 May 2010 16:24

please translate

06 May 2010 16:27

eish guys black magic........its not nice to see stuff like that i tell you.....Green.arrow you can ask your lil sis as well she will tell you....its really not nice..i use to curse the gift of seeing or hearing things until i made peace with it and appreciate that God gave me this gift i had to embrace it

06 May 2010 16:33

Sho know that thing called segateledi (sp)? the way u describe that spirit kneeling on nthabiseng's bed, made me think of it.

06 May 2010 16:34

Why do I sometimes feel that you have to be a demon/utokolloshe to see that another person is possessed and be able to fight with them and win?

thats your opinion 1 & O and u entitle to it.......but in this world its not like that......we have different evil spirits, demons/ tokoloshe and ofcourse there is the holy spirits.....I need to go wish i can talk more but i have to be out of here

bye bloggers 

06 May 2010 16:35

kwakwakwakwa hihihihihihi @OneandOnly na bo tokoloshe ba mo TVSA! LOL

06 May 2010 16:36

thatha mistic....i have a friend who i suspect is a tokolosh...she is forver doing crazy and stupid things...pls lets arrange to meet so that you can prove to her that she is a tokolosh friend

06 May 2010 16:36

eish it ws said cause Nthabiseng was in tears ....shem. 
Reminds me of this girl in my neighbourhood who was told she had demons recently at this new miracle church that was planted in the neighbouirhood. Apparently she cried so bad,she  was scared because never had she supected that there is a demon in  her, she refused in tears and the pastor insisted...and the pastor pin pointed her cousin a re she is responsible,shem i felt so said for her ....she is a devout member of that church now. And you see people dont undertsand, bo mamgo....they dont take the part were you are delieverd, to them you will always be known as the person with madimone.

When i heard that though, i imagined what i'd do if someone (say a pastor at church) told me that they see a demon in me,or a snake wara wara. I still  picture myself getting very upset (patronised), id think wa nhlolela...and if he insist on telling me (with a mic out loud and all)  id get really angry, i wont cry, and then perhaps i'd walk away because if i stay ill take the mic and get all philosophical/political on them and they'd think i really have a demon...but i think if i walk away it would be like im running and theyd' say its the demon trying to run so they'd have the ushers arrest me, and then id fight because i mean how dare they, and then now they'd really  think the demon in me is fighting .....hai no....#imagination-running-wild...

06 May 2010 16:43

but i think if i walk away it would be like im running and theyd' say its the demon trying to run so they'd have the ushers arrest me, and then id fight because i mean how dare they, and then now they'd really think the demon in me is fighting .....hai no....#imagination-running-wild...

kwakwkkakakkakakaakakakakakakakakakakakakaka!!!!!! it's so how i imagine it would be too! and they'd klap you on the face, screaming PHUMA DEMONI, PHUMA!

06 May 2010 16:45

i use to curse the gift of seeing or hearing things until i made peace with it and appreciate that God gave me this gift i had to embrace a kheshisha mstick...we are given diffrenet gifts and God only gives us what we can handle indeed...I may not understand , i probably can never , But for the most part i do believe that i have never been affected because of those at home who can see and are fighting in prayer so that we are not affected.

06 May 2010 16:59

When i heard that though, i imagined what i'd do if someone (say a pastor at church) told me that they see a demon in me,or a snake wara wara. I still picture myself getting very upset (patronised), id think wa nhlolela...and if he insist on telling me (with a mic out loud and all) id get really angry, i wont cry, and then perhaps i'd walk away because if i stay ill take the mic and get all philosophical/political on them and they'd think i really have a demon...but i think if i walk away it would be like im running and theyd' say its the demon trying to run so they'd have the ushers arrest me, and then id fight because i mean how dare they, and then now they'd really think the demon in me is fighting .....hai no....#imagination-running-wild...

Kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwaaaaaaaaaaaa tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tl tjo kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwaaaaaa KSGSKD

06 May 2010 17:08

LOL...they'd klap you on the face, screaming PHUMA DEMONI, PHUMA! are perpetuating my silly thoughts....lolest...

07 May 2010 08:36

Triple LOL @ Green.arrow and Tox........thats crazy ish

07 May 2010 08:48

thatha mistic....i have a friend who i suspect is a tokolosh...she is forver doing crazy and stupid things...pls lets arrange to meet so that you can prove to her that she is a tokolosh friend

LOL @ MaWiNiZa i cant do that......i'm not a prophet unfortunately i'm just spiritually gifted, i turn to hear or see dark spirits when i'm sleeping or about to sleep....and another thing ke gore i cant even control when to see or hear the evil stuff it just happens when least expected

07 May 2010 08:56

Guys there was a time when we were told not to get lifts from strangers apparently at the time there were these Men who drove around with Hummers who had frogs ..
they would make the frogs suck your tits , i dnt know how far true that you ... or the myth that if you sleep witha Nigerian man who left his wife in Nigeria you would have worms come out of your punani ...???? l don't know if it was sleeping with a Nigerian man who left his wife, but its true. l paid R30 to see that at our local clinic and a friend took a pic with her phone.
Just to minimize the worms from coming out you had to put liver underneath and the man who did that gave all his victims R30 000 for funeral cost as the victims did not last for more than two weeks.

07 May 2010 09:09

"otokoloshe, omantindane, izimfakabili, imikhovu." Hayi no wakhula eNkandla serious wena!

In 2001 I was a fresher ko Durban, I shared a room with a lady from EC and she went to ZCC, but she used to wear isipeletu on her bra. I was woken up by some funny noises in the room -I have no clue why we slept with the lights on that day- I looked at her and saw that the black part of her eyes (iris?) was gone! Her bed was near the door, I tried getting to the exit she stood up I went back, jumping out the window was out coz we were on the 12th floor. 

I screamed for my flatmate she came and my roommate asked her what she was starring at in a baritone...we just stood there for like 5 minutes which was like forever and then my roommate became her normal self and asked us what's up? I told her and she just said "Oh ja, I fort to tell you guys that it happens to me sometimes-I have no clue what it is"

Apparently it happened once more when my flatmate was alone with her-she says she just left her there and came back after a couple of hours.

07 May 2010 09:10

err-I meant forgot-fort...

07 May 2010 09:29

Iyho the TL thats something...did you carry on staying with her?

07 May 2010 10:31

Yip mstick...for a whole year, I wonder what happened to her yazi.

07 May 2010 10:41

nna way abck at boarding school, this chick from limpopo was ironing a white shirt when she suddenly screamed that she saw a snake, none of us saw it but there were yellow, green and orange marks on the iron and on the shirt that weren't there before. she left school a week later and i don't know what happened to her.

07 May 2010 10:47

@ TL and you managed to sleep in the same room, did she ever do those strange things again

07 May 2010 11:13

told her and she just said "Oh ja, I fort to tell you guys that it happens to me sometimes-I have no clue what it is" 

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa sy is mal, how can she forget to tell you something like that. NX!!!!!

So Big Mama I heard about that story, so sis you see it vele. Did the worms eat the liver and which clinic is that? 

@ GreenArrow.......... and your over active imagination LOL

Savanah Dry
07 May 2010 11:23

Yho Toxic that scares me!!!

07 May 2010 11:35

hhmmm.....different topics from one article, interesting!

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