I've just freaked out wondering about this and had to share ...
As far as I can see, the dip in the US ratings and usual joyful rantings surrounding American Idol this season has various reasons:
1) The finalists haven't been as good as previous seasons, but this isn't the be-all and end-all of any show.
2) The sound mixing for the guest performers has been terrible: it reached it's worst during Idol Gives Back.
3) They performed Frank Sinatra last week at a
very crucial point in the series when they needed something super-fresh and vibey.
Harry Connick Junior was fab with everything he did I thought, but he couldn't save those terrible, eye-stabbing songs. I switched off two seconds into all of them - except Lee's.
4) The contestants are full of fear and self-doubt. My impression of Americans has always been that they're super-ballsy and brash even: "out there", bold, outspoken, filled with self belief, never questioning themselves.
Yet this crowd of competitors, even the top four, has been riddled with doubt, fear of being judged and apologies almost.
As seen in: Crystal's hiding at the start, Lee's inability to believe in himself, Casey's ridiculous hair that he uses as a shield between himself and his true emotions - even Big Mike uses his muscles as a front to hide behind.
He has his arrogant air but insists on showing that he has "sensitive" side in his songs, clearly concerned that he'll come across as a brusier instead of someone who's a good person. Yet wanting to be seen tough at the same time.
What's up with the chaos? My theory is that it has to do with the war and recession and a fear that the rest of the world doesn't like Americans anymore because of everything that's been happening.
Perhaps Americans don't like themselves anymore? I've heard a lot of Americans bemoaning the way things are done in the US. Concerned about the war, the fact that it's happening, yet worried about safety, generally stressed out about most things.
A strong contrast to the vibe before 9/11.
If you ask me they're being way too hard on themselves if this is the case. With everything that they've given the world, it's hardly like they need to feel this while working through their problems -
espesh if it's affecting American Idol, which I want to keep watching and enjoying
problem-free for many more seasons.
Crazy-talk or is this what's happened? Is AI Season 9 a symbol of America's psyche?