After years of build-up, The A-Team movie opens in America this Friday (11 June) - I've been watching the trailer and thought you'd enjoy havin' a laugh at it too.
A recap of the lead cast (with links to the original cast in the character names):
Hannibal: Liam NeesonB.A. Baracus: Quinton 'Rampage' JacksonFace (Nipples): Bradley CooperMurdock: Sharlto Copley (of District 9)The latest is that
Mr. T has been pitying the fool who made the movie, saying that it's too violent.
Duh! Like it wasn't violent and full of "I'll kill you" when he was in the TV show - obviously he's just being difficult 'cos he recently turned 58.
He has this to say:
"People die in the film and there's plenty of sex but when we did it, no-one got hurt and it was all played for fun and family entertainment,"
Guardian UK.Of course the trouble is, it wasn't realistic or feasible that the things they did in the TV show didn't result in death. Should the movie have remained true to this imaginative set-up ... ? I'm still thinking about it ... can't decide.
What'eva, Mr T's gonna have to live with it because the movie tagline is: There Is No Plan B.
The trailer:
It opens in South Africa: at Nu Metro and Ster Kinekor on 20 August, 2010.