OMG! OMG!. I so luvd idols top 10. It was fantastic. I arrived 3 minutes late, which means i might have missed some of the fun! Anyway let me take u to how i saw it (plz giv me your views on the other contestants i never got 2 see) Adeline I liked her, but i didnt like her! I agree with Mara, she was not up to her game. I wont be surprised if shes in the bottom.
Jamie-lee I luvd her, the song choice she made was wonderful. I am confident that she is in the top 5. Even though she was in the bottom 3 last week (which i think waz a mistake). However she will not be in the bottom 3.
Boki I like him, jus simply bcoz we share the same birthday. But on the real, i liked his song choice, even though he didnt sing as i expected. So he should watch out being in the bottom 2.
Sindi. "I kissed a girl". I dont like her song choice, and neither her singing. The song was a guilt-fun song but she was so angry. She is definitely in the bottom 3, again.......
Bongi I like his spirit. I jus dont think i can take him seriously as a singer like Randall. I have a feeling he aint goin no where. But hes not in contendership for the idol title.
Lloyd Cele, I agree with Gareth when he says he looks like Bheki Cele. Beautiful day is not a song for him. However it seems like the public likes him. Which is different from what i can say for the judges. I dnt think they were honest when they said they liked him. I will rank him numba 5.
Jesse, I luv the song Zombie she chose. Its a rock'n'roll 4 sho. The last contestant to sing today was not very loud. I barely heard a word she sang. I dont know maybe it was my tv sound. But i like her and for that i would luv to see her next week.
That is how i saw today's idols guys and im proud to say that one of the contestants managed to convince me to vote for him/her (my vote is my secret). I will see u in the aftermath on tuesday night at the result show! Ciao
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