She got sent to the barn, made a comeback for a week and on Sunday night 29-year-old
Tatiana (who doesn't use her surname) was the second housemate to be evicted in the Big Brother double-whammy.
I caught up with her to gather the dirrrt for us in the countdown to Sunday's Final ...
Tashi: What did you get up to immediately after you left the show on Sunday?
Tatiana: I'm very tired - I couldn't sleep man. I went straight to the hotel, then I had to go look for something to eat so I got back at like 12 o'clock and I tried to sleep but I couldn't.
Tashi: Why? Did you keep playing things through your mind?
Tatiana: Yah, I was thinking about a lot of things, a lot of thoughts. Like I'm just concerned about one thing: my family. The rest: bumbos (*spelling??*). And my boyfriend of course. But I spoke to him on Sunday night.
Tashi: (*eye-pop natch*) So you actually have a boyfriend?
Tatiana: I do.
Tashi: Because people asked, when you were flirting with all the guys, whether you had one and I thought you didn't.
Tatiana: But that was part of my game. You know, my fun game, let's call it like that.
Tashi: Do you think you were evicted because you haven't been in a romance this season?
Tatiana: I dunno, you know what, I never thought about it but ... I don't know, really, I don't know. Maybe. I think people like to see Tatiana in a romance.
Tashi: Was that your strategy going into the show - to have another relationship?
Tatiana: No because I have a boyfriend, and once in a lifetime is enough.*laughs* Remember my season.
Tashi: Of course, who could forget it??
Tatiana: Yes, that was
enough. I came to this season, not to make up with anyone in a relationship, so yah.
Tashi: You still got very slinky with the guys - how will your boyfriend feel about it?
Tatiana: Of course he, like any person, even me, I wouldn't feel good but I kept him in my heart. I mean that was part of my fun game, to drive guys crazy - to flirt with them, to drive them mad and tease them like I did with Hannington.
He was the only one that I really got close to. The other guys were just a peck and teasing and whatever.
Tashi: How long have you and your boyfriend been together?
Tatiana: A year. You know before I came into the house, we completed one year on the 6th of July.
Tashi: When you told him that you were gonna do it again didn't he have a heart attack knowing what happened last season?
Tatiana: He didn't quite watch that.
Tashi: Oh - ha!
Tatiana: But he knew, he knew, people talk and he was really very insecure and very concerned - he was scared. He was very sad when I left to go to the house but I went to fulfill my dreams.
It's something about him that I really like - he respects my dreams, what I
want to do in life. My goals. He’s achieved his goals and I need to have my own chance you know.
Going into the house this time round, it was more because of my project - it's already walking so it's much easier to get support and funding being on the show.
Tashi: ... which project? (*having a horror flashback thinking about Sunday night's singing*)
Tatiana: My own reality show.
Tashi: Oh? (*relieved that it doesn't involve the singing*)
Tatiana: The name is: "Oh Tatiana."
Tashi: Oh? Oh Tatiana?
Tatiana: Yes.You know those kinds of reality TV shows about celebrities going round and partying and whatever-whatever but mine is more concerned about promoting the country, the tourism in Africa.
Each country I go and visit, my housemates' countries and do some
charity work. For example, with Code, I will support him with Malaria in Malawi and that will be part of the show. I will show the beauty of Africa - you know so many shows only show poverty and suffering and war and whatever.
The beauty of Africa they never show, they never talk about it. It's going to be international so I'm going to show the world what Africa is about. We are fun, beautiful people with humble hearts.
Our continent's beautiful, that's why the foreigners are taking over - it's so rich so I'll be showing all that with my work, as a model, actress and as a
singer. *laughs*
Tashi: (*Eyes rolling and gulping again.*) Okay. How far is the project? Has it been picked up by somebody? Are you still working on it to get it signed?
Tatiana: Yah, I've already recorded my first episode in Tanzania I've got a teaser already.
Tashi: Which guy did you find the hottest?
Tatiana: Definitely ... at first it was between two - but then Hannington.
Tashi: Who was the other one?
Tatiana: Uti. I've always said that - even in the house when the guys were playing games.
Tashi: So that was sincere?
Tatiana: Yah, yah, yah, Tatiana always tells the truth - I'm pure, I'm a free spirit, I'm always open, I don't like to lie.
Tashi: There's been a lot of controversy about the Lerato/Hannington fiasco - many people felt it was unfair that he got disqualified but not Lerato. Do you agree?
Tatiana: That's a complicated question. Look, I was in the house but I had a feeling that outside was some boombo (*spelling again?*) happening about that.
I could feel, when Big Brother announced that he was disqualified and he had to leave - when Big Brother announced Lerato's punishment, I was like: "Okay, it means Africans are not happy that Hannington is leaving and she's still here. So that's why they've come up with this punishment."
I dunno ... you know why, I think you guys had more perception of what happened than us - it was so fast. It was really fast, I don't know. Like it was less than a minute and it felt like a dream so I don't know ...
Tashi: If you had been Big Brother, would you have made the same decision? What would you have done?
Tatiana: At some point, at some point - I'm very divided, so at some point maybe disqualified both of them but if we look at the rule book of the Big brother house it says "No violence" so ... he actually hit her. She didn't hit him - so he hit her. That was a problem.
Tashi: How difficult was it for you being in the situation?
Tatiana: It was so complicated, we got really affected.
Tashi: Which did you prefer: the burn or the house?
Tatiana: Ah, the buuuuurn - forever. The house, the competition, people pretending and doing things to get attention from viewers and votes and whatever - that's some *bleep!*. You must just be yourself. It sucked, really.
My first and second week, I even told Big Brother, was really quite tense for me. The game was harder because everyone had been on the show before, everyone thought: "I know this person - she's this, she's that." It made it really, really difficult.
I like to feel comfortable so I can open my wings and fly so I could feel a lot of tension. They were also already forming groups - like the two groups - and it just reminded me of my season. I only had Munya and Paloma by that time to be close to, so I found it quite hard.
And there was someone from my season who I didn't get along with at
all - Lerato. She was kind of like the king of that group outside, the smokers and whatever, so it made it quite tough for me to really spread my wings blah blah blah.
When I went to the burn, ah - it was really nice because that tension of competition was gone. There was no head of house, we didn't nominate each, only watched the others and we just had fun.
Tashi: Lerato was in the burn too though? Did you get along better?
Tatiana: Oh yah, I'm really ... one thing about the season that I'm really glad about is the fact that me and Lerato got along, and we got along so well, I'm so happy - she's changed.
Remember in my season, she was a little bitch you know, so in the barn Big
Brother played a very good role to bring us together. Lerato really put effort into it.
When we had that radio station task, she really put in an effort and I really appreciate what she did. From there we started talking and got really close. I really like her, she's changed.
Tashi: Did she change after the Hannington fiasco?
Tatiana: Ummm, no it was already before that, she was already nice to me.
Tashi: Would you say that the threesome between Meryl, Sheyla and Mwisho was the most X-rated moment out of everything?
Tatiana: Ooooooooooooh, that was crazy. I was shocked because I thought Mwisho was under the blankets so when Meryl flipped the duvet and Meryl was there I was like: "Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! Lerato!" It was crazy.
Tashi: Could you have swapped? Could it have been you under the blankets with Meryl? Is it something you would have done on the show?
Tatiana: No, no, no. You know what, people must get their minds right, I'm not bi-sexuality - I'm very straight, I like men.
Look, people get confused because Sheyla and I pecked but in my season Meryl and kissed. We kissed for five minutes! Do you remember? When we played Truth or Dare and the guys said: "Meryl and Tatiana must kiss."
Tashi: So you'll just kiss girls but you won't go under the duvet with them?
Tatiana: No, no, no, no, no. One thing about Sheyla yah, because a lot of people have said: "Yah, you and Sheyla," - Kaone was crazy about it, thinking me and Sheyla were doing something, and Yacob was paranoid about me and Sheyla.
You know, the one thing I like about Sheyla - from the first time she told me she likes girls - she could see straight away that I'm straight, I don't do girls, I do guys and she respected that from the first moment.
When we played the game with shots, that was fun, yah, we did some crazy things but nothing beyond that.
Tashi: So you didn't stab her with the dagger because you want to see her strip?
Tatiana: No, because she's a bit conservative. This is what people must understand: the fact that she's bisexual doesn't mean that she's not conservative.
There are things that she's conservative about - one thing is that she doesn't like to show her body, like her boobs and stuff so I thought: "Yah, giving the dagger to her will be fun because she kinda keeps her body from the camera's and stuff like that. That's why I gave it to her.
Tashi: Do you think Merylisho's engagement's ridiculous?
Tatiana: Look, I'll be honest, I told Biggie and Africa - on TV it looked so bad guys. Let's not lie yah. Especially because of the elder people who were there, the family - I mean, they had no voice, they gave them no chance to talk.
The only thing I really disagree with was that. It could have been done a different way - it was really embarrassing. In this type of situation, the uncle speaks. He says something like: "Mwisho, what do you want with my niece dah-dah-dah-dah-dah. What are your intentions?" But nothing happened. The whole situation was so awkward.
Tashi: Do you think he'll share the money half-half with Meryl if he wins?
Tatiana: I don't know, they never talked about that - I don't know their plans, Big Brother never showed us anything about that - she only showed us what she wanted us to see so I can't comment on that.
Tashi: Do you think he should?
Tatiana: Uh ... look, if they're going to get together, it's a point of sharing. Don't even talk about that - when you get together you're one.
Everything should belong to each other. There's no like: "Are you gonna give me half? Give me half." That's so like
rwoaaar *cat/lion sound*. But listen, I'll tell you something very honestly: Mwisho, he likes Meryl. He's in love with her.
Tashi: So you believe that's absolutely true, 100%?
Tatiana: Yah, I think he likes her.
Tashi: But you don't feel the same about her with him?
Tatiana: Well, even her best friend said so - Lerato - who am I to say something different? She's a bit crazy - I honestly don't know if this is gonna work.
She's crazy and she likes her freedom and you could see Mwisho's very tight, very jealous. *Mwisho voice*: "No-one comes close to Meryl. Who's calling her?? Who's talking to her?!"
No, Meryl's not that type of girl. But you know let them live their dream. This is how we learn, from our mistakes so give them a chance, they're happy. I wish they'll be happy for forever but if not, at least they tried. Don't blame people for their mistakes, don't judge and blah blah blah.
Tashi: Speaking of mistakes, looking back to your season - was your relationship with Richard a mistake?
Tatiana: No, because it was pure love, and I never ever lied about that.
Tashi: What happened in the aftermath? Did you see Richard again? What was it like with his wife? What did she say?
Tatiana: No, I've never seen him - I've been to Tanzania like three times and nothing, nothing, nothing.
Tashi: After that, not a word?
Tatiana: No. He tried to come to my hotel, to sneak in, to try to get Tatiana to talk but he could never get to me.
Tashi: But you knew he was married - so after you left the show, you were together at the after party on the night of the Finale, what happened next?
Tatiana: He left, I left for my country and he asked for my number. I didn't get his number because he's the one who had things to solve, not me.
So then I went back to Angola and someone from the production called me saying: "Oh Tatiana, you know I think you should call Richard. He's going through a tough time and he needs you because you know you give him strength blah blah blah."
So I'm like: "No, I'm not calling." I'm not the one who's supposed to call. They were like: "Oh please blah blah blah."
So then I called and he was apparently at a hotel and his wife was there and the guy was so confused. He was like: "I'm having a beer and my wife is here and we're talking dah-dah-dah-dah-dah."
I'm like: "Cool, sort your things, whatever you do what's best for you, whatever you do, I'm cool."
Then, one day, after a few days, I received a call from his side, but it was his wife, the wife: "
Hi Tatiana," but very polite you know:"Hi Tatiana, this is Ricky
speaking, Richard's
wife. I'm just calling because he wants to talk to you. Wait a minute ..." - just like that you know!
I was like:"Okay," then she gave the phone to him and I could feel, you know when you're being listened to or in a police station and you're being watched and someone's saying:" Hey say this, say that," - it felt like that.
He was like: "Yah Tatiana, uh ... uh ..." he was so confused. You could hear from his voice: "Ah Tatiana, me ...uh ... you know I like you very much, you are a very special woman and I like you a lot but I'm back with my wife blah blah blah."
I'm like: "Okay, yah, if that's how you feel that's fine you know, happiness blah blah blah, ciao." From there, never. We haven't spoken. Friends have said things that he's said and I've said but we never talk.
Tashi: Where you hurt by it?
Tatiana: Look I was ready for it, I'm not a kid, I'm not a girl. I know what life's about, I knew I went into something - that I could leave with nothing - or with everything. I was ready for both of them. And I did well. I got over that and focused and I'm fine.
Tashi: Do you think he should have won?
Tatiana: You know I did, you know what, I did everything for him to win because I really thought: "Yah, he needs it more than I do."
Tashi: So you don't feel resentful that you didn't win?
Tatiana: No I don't, no.
Tashi: Who do you think should win this season?
Tatiana: Talking "
should", I think it's time for a woman to win. It's very sad that women don't support women, like viewers and people outside. It's sad that there's no support for women, always for guys - it would have been nice if a lady could win but it seems like Munya is the favourite. I like him, we got together, we're very good friends and stuff.
Tashi: Yes you had that whole thing at the beginning with him where he liked you and Jen warned you that he was playing you. When she said:"Beware."
Tatiana: Yah, I think she told me, yah. Ah but, you know what, what counts, my heart speaks louder. That's the same thing that happened with Richard. My heart was taken you know.
With Munya, he was the first one I clicked with, and then it was Paloma. We got close, with him I could be open and shout and really have fun so I didn't really care.
Jen advised me, and Paloma also said a few things and Sheyla came and told me what happened in their season, that he was like a snake.
I told myself: "Look, if this guy does something to me it's fine but I'm never gonna speak to him again, ever, outside because I'm giving ... not heart but it's me, it's my soul.
I found him a nice person and I want to believe that, until he proves me wrong and I did it, even when I went to the burn, I got disappointed a few times at the things that I watched but I never gave up.
At the end I told Big Brother: "Biggie, apart from what I've seen and there are people who don't like him here and talk crap about him, nothing's gonna change the way I feel.
When I went back to the house I told him and he felt bad and said: "I did it because of what you told me when you left." Before I left I told him: "You better win." So he took that - he told me he did whatever he did, he did because for me. He told me that he's there in the house because of me.
Tashi: Okay, interesting. (*mmmmm?? do you think it's true or something he just said? Just said it surely?*) So you'd be happy if he won?
Tatiana: Very much, yes.
Tashi: And if one the girls wins?
Tatiana: I'm divided. I don't know, I like both of them. I'd be happy if either of them won.
Tashi: Is there anyone you
don't want to win?
Tatiana: No I'm not that kind of person. If a girl can't win though, then Munya.
EndsTVSA will be in the thick of the live Finale action on Sunday night, as well as the after party to gather as much to spill as poss. We'll also be
live blogging and
For more from Tatiana, check out her interview with The Namibian's Selma Shipanga, right here:
Big Brother Africa: Tatiana - A Woman Of Many Talents