BB All Stars Wrap: Pics & Goss!

Written by Tashi from the blog Tashi's TV on 19 Oct 2010
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Sweet Big Brother addicts ... the curtain has dropped on another 91-days of lock'down and once more we've come through it together, aliiive.

Uti's bank account is bulging, the rest of the housemates have zilch (except maybe Munya), and - despite the saliva'ry passion in the pic - there's no ways that Merylisho will stay together unfort.

If they're still together in a month (even a week) I'll eat my TV.

The reason: Mwisho's determined to go back to the bush. I overheard him telling someone at the afterparty and almost choked on my kebab. He said that he wants to go back to the bush and that Meryl will have to live with it!

To be fair, he was spaced out when he said it  - he seemed to have managed to find himself a zol before he left the house. Did you notice how extra-cray'zy he was when he made his exit? ... which left Playmate looking like this:

As Meryl heard that Mwisho had been evicted.

Hearing him talk about his bush-lust reinforced what I've known all along: there's no ways you can take the Playmate out of Meryl and she'll never live in the bush - natch.

Meryl's dress was specially made for the shindig, and sort of prodded everyone around her because of how hard the skirt was.

She spent the party telling anyone who would listen that she wished Mwisho could join the bash - he was in interviews for most of the night.

As you can see from the above pic, she spent copious amounts of time dancing/rocking from side-to-side, looking gloomy - in between looking very pleased:


In contrast, Sammi wasn't pleased at all and vanished.

He was at the Live Show - was very low key - and then went non-existent. As chatted about on the BB Finale Live Blog, he said that wouldn't go to the afterparty if Munya didn't win.

On one hand he may have lived up to his word but the more likely scenario is that it was just excuse to bail 'cos he knew he wouldn't get lucky with any of the party gals.

At the start of the evening I thought that Tatiana had disappeared too. All of the housemates sat in their own cordoned off area in The Venue, Melrose Arch -  on one side of the dancefloor. People could go up to the area and have pics taken with everyone, but couldn't go right in:

Lerato's mom (right), flirting with Yucky-Yakkie-Yacob (left), in the cordoned off area.

Later I discovered that Tatiana had been at the party from the start, except she spent all of her time just outside: on the red carpet, where the majority of official photographers were - obviously wanting to get snapped again and again and again, ha.

Oh Sluttyiana.

Speaking of fame-sletty's, Quinn was there (looking exhausted as usual) riding on Jen's All Star dress-tails. K1 was much more into him than Jen was - she was more interested in ...

... escaping from one of the Moongo twins Edward and Erastus a.k.a twem ...

who were interested in me too and sucked my finger.

One of them - no clue which one -  started a rumour that I like them and then insisted that I take his number, saying that I have to call if I want to have "fun". I listed his digits on my phone as "E & E".

As for who was most surpising ... would you believe it was IK? I was shocked at how dirty he got. First, one of the two bodyguard dudes from the show gave him up-and-down full bodyrubs in a smoky haze upstairs - forgot to take a pic I was staring so much.


Then he sweat danced:

This is how he went off all night, with girls, guys you name it. It's a common problem with BB hosts - KB used to go So too - which means it must be relief that the endless hours of suffering housemates is over. Dancing with him here:

Maud Nale of M-Net publicity. Maud does the publicity for the M-Net movie channels and award ceremonies (the Emmys etc) and helped me grab us snaps through the night.

Speaking of peeps we know  ... any guesses who this is?

Click the tab below to find out.

Click for the answer ...

Another surprise of the night was that Hannington was in the thick of things and bizarrely didn't cringe about his disqualification at all.


In fact, how's this ... if I were to tally up the number of people who wanted pics with the housemates, I'd go so far as to say he was the most popular (besides Uti) when it came to girls wanting pictures with him.

There was a point where he couldn't move from the cordoned-off housemates area because of girls wanting pics with him. A sign that they thought Lerato should have been disqualified too? ... or total madness from the girls?

Of course Lerato and her mom kept their distance from him bigtime - didn't spot them liasing with him once.

Also in high demand for pics, but with both gals and guys:

When Sheila arrived at the party after her interviews people were all over her - to the extent that she had to keep hiding in the back area of the housemates' lounge section to top up on water for sustenance.

She also found sustenance nuzzling Lerato.


Following stacks of requests for pics of Yakkie, here it is: 1 X full frontal.

Another moment not involving Quinn.

Paloma being loud in almost nip-slip purple.

Code laughing nervously - his wife was hovering somewhere close-by I think.

Former housemates: Liz (Khanyi Mbau's BFF and lookalike), Emma and Jen. The three were very clingy and seem to be tight.

At the bar. A lot.

To everyone who's chatted, gossiped, blogged and vibed - big ups and thank you! Rock on ...  or much rather, gulp in horror ... to the next season. The latest word from the show about another season is: "Watch this space."

My prediction on what it will be: a celebrity Big Brother a.k.a. celebrities from each country.



BB Africa Live Show Gallery: snaparazzi_gallery_logo
                                                    (Click banner for full gallery)

All the Afterparty pics: snaparazzi_gallery_logo

More Live Show and Afterparty pics by Snazzy K: snaparazzi_gallery_logo


20 Oct 2010 00:16

mncwah Tashi!you are a darling!

20 Oct 2010 00:26

oh my Yackie chatting up Lolo's mom,sweet!i hope he gets a job offer in SA.he really wants to be based here.where is Sunshine?

20 Oct 2010 00:31

there was a nice chick with Uti wearing maroonish pantihose,who was that?

Savanah Dry
20 Oct 2010 07:38

If they're still together in a month (even a week) I'll eat my TV.

Kwakwakwa Tashi!!!!

Thanks very interesting

20 Oct 2010 08:05

WOW...thank Tashi for that recap :-)

20 Oct 2010 08:09

Naaice pics and goss 

So Munya was at the afterparty?

20 Oct 2010 08:36

Gosh Meryl = bra

Looks like they had fun. Still love you Munyaradzi!! Mwaah

20 Oct 2010 08:43

@Zah000....Meryl doesn't seem to know that she needs to wear a bra.

20 Oct 2010 08:45

Maud & IK whats happening there or was just a dance?

20 Oct 2010 08:47

beautiful pics wow .... keep them coming if you still have :)

20 Oct 2010 08:58

u said sheila wad doing what to leratto? U r naughty Tashi gal. Anywei ta for all this we nided to it. Lol @ munya bng @ the after party where else wld he hav bn? Tli big brother celebrities next yr. It was a nice experience

Mrs Chix
20 Oct 2010 09:12

I know my Mumu was not a sole looser, he was at the party. But Sammi wanted Mumu to win so he didnt go for the party. LOL 
I dont see Meryl going to bush!!!!! Tashi please update us about Merylisho in a month's time

Mrs Chix
20 Oct 2010 09:15

Aaaahhh Tashi how could you, I was so sure the mysterious woman was big brother. Do you have a picture of Big Brother??

20 Oct 2010 09:24

@tash nice one i wish i was there.

20 Oct 2010 09:43

Yeah, i'd also like to see Big Brother "Lady" preeeetttty please Ms Tashi

20 Oct 2010 09:46

Speaking of peeps we know ... any guesses who this is?


i think Big Brother "Lady" is the one sitting on the table wearing a grey short sleeved top LOL

20 Oct 2010 10:49

@ machinjiri.....Munya vowed never to attend the afterparty if Uti won

20 Oct 2010 10:50

@ machinjiri.....Munya vowed never to attend the afterparty if Uti won

20 Oct 2010 11:18

Thanks Tash for the goss and pics

Just a question?  What time did Lerato's mom leave the afterparty?  Isnt she supposed to be in bed kanti?

As for that TVSA Member - I have no clue! She's a TVSA member who likes mystery and wouldn't dish her username. 

Does anyone know?
who is she?  She is pretty

20 Oct 2010 11:24

Errrr, Tash... where was Playmate's spaceship parked? In that drass she must have showed up in a spaceship...

20 Oct 2010 11:27

TVSA member - taking a stab - could it ber our beloved D7s/dorkas/Doti going by the name Dorothy777

20 Oct 2010 11:29

looks like Beachball took our advice on the secret slimmer... her stamza looks a little more organized than when she went into the house when it was 7 bulges from all directions... She needs to wear that SECRET SLIMMER/SHAPER ALL THE TIME... #justsaying

20 Oct 2010 11:32

MA MAn looks good.... Yakie! Yak!

Tash, did you get a chance to ask him how he felt when the farmers got kicked out when the Sheylarella and Flirtyana got LEGITIMATELY voted back into the house?

20 Oct 2010 11:35

anyone with friends in the po-po or narcotics anon must send them a pic of skelempa.... his eyes look a lil dazed... LOL!

20 Oct 2010 12:31

@segololo, Quinn's eyes are mhhh been looking at them! They dont look right!

20 Oct 2010 12:52

hahahahahaha who is Queen, is it Jen?

20 Oct 2010 13:29

I have no clue! She's a TVSA member who likes mystery and wouldn't dish her username. Do you know who?

she is my friend her name is ............... and yes she is behind the Big Brother blah blah blah

20 Oct 2010 15:30

Tash, did you get a chance to ask him how he felt when the farmers got kicked out when the Sheylarella and Flirtyana got LEGITIMATELY voted back into the house?

Segololo.....I asked him that when I met him on Thursday, and he said he felt that he did the right thing by leaving the show. He says he felt it was embarassing & humiliating to leave like that after been given hope that they were still in the running for the money. He says he felt sorry for the guys cause even their time on stage was rushed and they looked like cast outs!

But we lol'ed about it hey!

20 Oct 2010 15:49

It's amazing how Jen always manages to neatly pack her boobs while Meryl's always look like they'll pop anytime... and Emma

20 Oct 2010 16:37

Ta, Vesa... AM proud of MA Man!! Did he have anything to say about the fight?

20 Oct 2010 18:31

Segololo I can assure you, I am not the TVSA member in the photo? Have you called off the strike now that BBA is over? 

20 Oct 2010 18:40

LOL! Was taking a stab... 

Eish! D7s, the strike seems to be permanent, lovie... I will not be writing about anything TV related anymore... too much stress and emotions.

I am gonna take on the challenge of travelling and then writing about that... I will be in all of AFRICA very sooon and will give an account of my travels right here on TVSA... My baby, oh moments and movies blogs will be getting a lot of attention from me...I hope you can still pop by and gimme your take on my take...

20 Oct 2010 23:28

awesome Sego!cant wait for yo travel writings.we will all share our experences.

Mrs Chix
21 Oct 2010 08:59

morning guys, l have been following this Munya story and yesterday in the afternoon he was given $300 000. And apparently Ghana and Moz are saying they voted for Munya, so now l dont know what to think of the counting of votes!!

21 Oct 2010 09:59

@ vesa askies gal i ddnt know he said that and i thot u were saying that coz u thot he cldnt attend coz he was angry sorry again doll. @ segs its gud 2 hear ur views @ last and cant w8 4 what u wonna start. Wil be here all step of the way angithi D777

21 Oct 2010 09:59

i am so happy and estatic that Munya was actually wearing the bright coloured pink tee-shirt Uti gave him on the early hours of sunday before the finale - the guy is so happy and that shows acknowledgment that he is comfortable with uti as the winner. he wear it to Zim and to see his preso mugabe. Big up munya!!! for that alone, u ar forgiven...

21 Oct 2010 15:03

Mrs Chix can you Munya fans just get over yourselves already???where is the link that shows Moz and Ghana saying this or just stories cooked up as usual in Mugabe's chambers. Mimi was campaigning all week for Uti, while old school sammi without a facebook or twitter page wanted to conjur a win...Munya's zim people are busy spreading hate and causing wars on facebook....they opened a page 'I hate Uti Nwachukwu' for those on facebook...Uti won deal with it Mugabe can give Munya a million shillings, but the only winner is Uti and he finished Munya....get on with all your sorry lives.

21 Oct 2010 15:06

Zims that were rigging Moz votes and Ghana that is too far from Zim, there has NEVER been a time, Ghana voted against Nigeria in all the tears of the show, except the week b4 finale cos Zim rigged as usual, but in the finals it was rectified...move over

Mrs Chix
21 Oct 2010 15:41

Okoko thanx for telling me abt the new FB page, am loving Uti in a wheelbarrow kwa kwa kwakwawkwa for your own info l am not from Zim and l love Munya. Not all Munya supporters are from his counrty

21 Oct 2010 18:34

Same way I love Munya in a rabbit suit and the picture of the imbecillic looking child borne by his whore kwa kwa kwa kwa, also am Ghanaian and I love Uti

21 Oct 2010 18:49

And the quotation above was from the site, including the link of Munya in a rabbit suit begging for alms which I just added for your pleasure

22 Oct 2010 12:04

@Cngle there was a nice chick with Uti wearing maroonish pantihose,who was that?

I think you're meaning the chick who was with him when he won? That's Biola Alabi, MD of M-Net Africa.

Still no hint of who our mystery peep is? It's defs not Big Brother - at least I don't think so - her voice didn't sound the same.

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