The Jam Sandwich - Season 2 Episode 1

Written by carino from the blog Carinos Box on 20 Oct 2010
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I don’t know if I was embarrassed, upset or just really entertained.

There I am last night watching Muvhango. I'm not even sure how the TV ended up on that channel after I'd watched the 'steamy' DJ Mo, but anyway, the point here is, after Muvhango I saw this Jam Sandwich thing – (second season was starting last night). I watched season 1 once or twice and I remember there was djCleo le boBricks jamming with some white boy band that just couldn’t understand the culture of making black music.

Anyway, as I was saying.. Jam Sandwich nhe, is this show where they get two completely different singers to collaborate and produce a song in like, four days. I’m not very sure how far the song goes really and if its ever sold and what happens with all logistics after the show. More information is HERE

So yesterday it was Jaziel Brothers (I just love them, shem) and this other Afrikaans gospel group called Back 2 Basics.

Before the first commercial break we are introduced to the two slices.

First, Jaziel Brothers – like who are they where they are from, what they have done, who they have produced, what awards they have won and what what.

jaziel 2

: “We hope we’ll be given to work with people who are older than us and who know music better. This has to be a learning curve. We have to look back to this week and say, this is what we learnt from the experience. So we are really hoping to be teamed with someone who is older and has been in this thing longer.”

Enter Back 2 Basics. They are a strictly Afrikaans not-too-uniform band who do things on impulse and they are passionate about the Lord Jesus. They don’t really belong to a church, they do not practice religion, all they do they worship Christ and through music they can reach the nations. Through very Afrikaans music. Apparently they take normal songs that everyone knows and they put in the name of Jesus and with these they fill up stadiums and preach the Word through song. Very good.

basics main

Comment: We hope to be teamed up with people who also know God and hopefully not some satanic rock band that will make us do those head moves. lol

After the first commercial break is THE REVELATION

The brothers are given a CD of this Back 2 Basics band. Their reaction – priceless! They are like “yho! They sing in Afrikaans bro…”

Comment: “The first thing we looked for was the RISA (Recording industry of South Africa) logo on the CD and they don’t have it. Which means they are not really in the industry, they are just doing their own thing out there. We hope this will work. We also don’t recognize any of the names in the credits”.

Then they google and find only the website with some raw video. So this band seriously does just raw music. They write, they sing, they record and they sell. That’s it!

The Afrikaners are given the Jaziel Bros CD to listen to. Their reaction – Very upsetting!

Comment: “we’ll have to teach them some Afrikaans”.

Well, they admit that they have never heard of the name, they are hoping that they have proper musical instruments.

One comment:oh, maybe their drummer will go like, ‘I also wanna come with!’ heheh. “We’ll write in Afrikaans and they’ll translate into their language so that when their people listen they will hear and when our people listen they will also hear."

At this point my mouth is already wide open.

Then they also decide to rather google. They do find the Bros and even get to know what the name Jaziel means, and they are happy with it coz at least it say something about God.

And the Jamming beginnings.

jam old logo

I’m not trying to say anything racist. I love my white friends. All I’m saying is I don’t think I have ever seen such ignorance in my life. Well, I have… im just saying.

These guys, nhe.. just by looking at the Jaziel brothers they already decided.. oh well… we’ll teach them Afrikaans. Notwithstanding the fact that they themselves know way less about music than the Bros do and they are not even really in the industry. What they are doing is good. Really good. I mean they are preaching the Word of God – in the most relevant way – something a lot of churches struggle to do. They just need to ease on the Afrikaans – maybe they will have a bigger following.

Anyway, all I’m trying to do really is laugh at the situation. If you were watching that show you might agree with me when I say…They got the shock of their lives!

The first recording was at their own home studio and they were showing off n’all. And the Bros were as cool as ever. They did the song, which the Bros took some minutes to put together first to make sure it’s right.

Comment: We understand that some people need time for the words to come together. With us, we just write – we just go for it.”
#shakin my head.

Then the beef begins when the Afrikaners start to feel left out.

Comments: “Die punt was om ‘n toebroodtjie te maak. Almal moet mos deel speel. Een bring eiers, die ander bring botter en ons het n toebroodjie. Nou ek voel dat hierdie mense het mos die hele toebroodtjie klaar gemaak. En ek moet nou probeer om hul te smeek so dat hul sal my jam ook inplaas. Ons het geen deel gespeel nie. Hulle he di hele song geskryf en nou moet ons net translate… Dit bedoel mos dat ons is net hier vir die vertaling. This is not good"


Clearly now when they are the ones who have to do the translating now it’s a problem.

FAST FORWARD… The beef is sort of sorted when the brothers are taken to some community feasting thing and they make potjiekos. Togetherness.

Alright, back to the jamming. The white people enter the Jaziel Brothers’ studio and they can’t stop saying wow! Only now they realize that these people are actually quite big.

Comment by one of the Bros:We take this music business really seriously and we don’t like it when people just wake up and think they have a voice so they can release a CD.”

Of course he’s just saying… not implying that the Back 2 Basics band isn’t clued up with the basics.

Anyway yha… the result of this was a good pop-gospel song in 3 official languages – Afrikaans, Xhosa and English. Of course each group singing in their language and the English part done together…. Just like the national anthem before a big Springbok game. #sigh!

The very last part that killed me finish was when they were in studio recording this Golgotha song... This lady here...

basics anita

just doesn't get why the Brothers have to sing one thing five times to get it right..
Comment: I'm a one-take artist... and she closes her eyes and rocks that "Die Naam" line in vibration. Classic. 

The whole thing really just reminded me of John Vlismas joking… we are a true rainbow nation –. Different colours but each on its own straight line. Not a blot of colours. LOL


So yha..... I just really wanted to share.

Note: Pictures have been stolen from several sites across the net.


20 Oct 2010 12:26

ah i didn't even bother to watch the show.What do they preach since they do not practice or belong to any religious group.Didn't Black Eyed Peas(BEP) say "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH" so I wonder what they are practicing....I also wonder where does that song end up going cos they have been doing the same thing from the previous year.......

20 Oct 2010 12:29

LOL...i sso enjoyed reading this,i wished i had watched but u explained it perfectly thank you very much.
I think the show is good,i watched tht bricks/cleo/"lekgowa" episode on season 1,loling as i recall...bricks having quite time writting lyrics. (and btw, i appreciated cleo's musical skills on tht episode)

This show can be powerfull. It will raise our bloodpressures especially when its racial slices, but it can make is think.....truth be told we need to confront issues in SA and this show can be an usher.

20 Oct 2010 12:38

LOL @ GA and bricks having a quiet time. That was so funny.

And when lekgowa just didn’t get how boCleo can rock up with chips and bread saying they wanna eat first when everyone is under pressure and time is running out

20 Oct 2010 12:39

I still maintain that the Jaziel Brothers were so cool. There is just something about a humble man that just makes me wanna call my uncle.

They dealt so well with the situation.

20 Oct 2010 12:52

I imagine the jaziel brothers holding themsleves the way you describe. Humble and all.
Wish i could have seen the reaction of the other "slice" when they saw their studio after all their bragging. 

tl tl tl....
how boCleo can rock up with chips and bread saying they wanna eat first when everyone is under pressure and time is running out
heish,i recall that..and i was nervous a bit thinking...boCleo ba tlo re segisha ka makgowa coz they already think all we do is eat,binge and laze arround..but shame after they were full and satisfied cleo killed it. What vindication that was!,shame i was proud.

Im not missing next weeks jam sandwich..hope it'll be interesting....
thanx for the heads up by the war Carino coz i wasnt aware of a season 2.

20 Oct 2010 13:39

i watched the show and i'd rather reserve my comment because i might come across as being racist

20 Oct 2010 14:27

Yhu Cariri I was so pissed off at these people,I kept thinking if they only knew how big these people are shem,they were so shocked when thay saw their studios and where they rehears. Worse bayakrasa nje especially that lady who talks too much hayi they annoyed me nje and the Jaziel bros remained calm and humble,hayi I would have told them chancers where to get off with their unknown selves and attitude. Another thing I hated is that they kept going on as if Jaziel didn't know Jesus and I was like yho shem those boys know n love Jesus even though they sing afro pop. Because at some point they were questioning them about their CD not being at the gospel shelves and they said something about two CD left and I was like it's because those boys are selling you mogoes!

20 Oct 2010 16:27

I did watch, at first I was kinda pissed off about Back 2Basics reactions. The JZ shame showed Ubuntu and were so cool, eventhough the younger one was a bit irritated by them at first he kept his cool.
I Loved the end product though

20 Oct 2010 20:18

wow - thanks Cariri, after reading this, I am kicking myself for not watching, But you have recapped so nicely, I feel like I was watching.

Note to self *set alarm for next week's episode*

20 Oct 2010 22:10

kwakwakwa! Cariri i love the way you narrated everything...perfect! I love Sandwich jam, i watched it religously the prev season.

I too think the Jaziel brother were so cool...and that lady who was ''talking too much'' (no pun here) kept on complaining that they are being denied a chance to add their jam &  I was ROTFL .... but I liked the way Lothando replied calmly '' don't shut evrything out before you get the direction...'' wow!!

I loved the final product.
So Carino ---->> sms jam 1(i think) to 3 33 33....and  keep that song for me, im gon get it from you whn i come for the annual G2G kwaaa!   Im running low on airtime
I didnt know that Nick Els had passed on shem may his soul RIP. He was the producer of the prev season.

20 Oct 2010 22:13

I didnt quite get this...B2B doesnt practice any religion, dont go to church but preach they gospel. what do they do with these people who have accepted the gospel afterwards? #curious.

20 Oct 2010 22:18

Awu MsT i was so sad about Nick,he was so sweet shem,RIP. Hayi suka there was no humour pha bebesile qha ababantu and they irritated the gospel out of Luthando,Ntobeko remained calm but his bro was very close to losing it. Yho eworse they cant even sing,JB have no time to play,they just wanna make music that will last and that they will be proud to have their name on. Yes the sandwich was nice at the end.

20 Oct 2010 22:26

It was so funny B2B had a tough time pronouncing the ''Jaziel.." name.!! lol
The very last part that killed me finish was when they were in studio recording this Golgotha song... This lady here...just doesn't get why the Brothers have to sing one thing five times to get it right.. .... ROTFLMBHO *dead*

20 Oct 2010 22:33

I didnt find any humor either. At the community feasting 'that lady' complained that the JB arrived earlier  & they got more vegetables?!... kwakwakwaaa! who told them to come late? hhayi! *SHM* at some point i wished i knew Afrikaans, i wanted to get her complaints direct lol

20 Oct 2010 23:31

i dont understand what TVSAtvsatvsa is saying?

Ntobeko remained calm but his bro was very close to losing it...LOL, poor thing  little brother. Steve Harvey would have let loose and reigned on them with unholy words and then say  "Jesus aint through with me yet" after he had relieved his
But shame from what you guys say, im broud of the brothers for keeping their cool. 

Again...i dont understand what TVSAtvsatvsa is saying???

20 Oct 2010 23:33

At the community feasting 'that lady' complained that the JB arrived earlier & they got more vegetables?!... WUUAAaakakakaka...okay thats new!!....if they had been late they would have thrown the african time thing at them and shame man big ups to JB for representing themselves and us well.....

damnit im beating myslef up for missing it....:(

21 Oct 2010 00:07

I was not gona read since its SA'n music related but yo maditaba typa narration kept me glued to the words.kwa-kwa-kwa!write more often Cariri torhwana.

21 Oct 2010 00:13

justcurious Cnglema, what type of music do you prefer?

21 Oct 2010 00:20

African music babes, especiall y Naijo.

21 Oct 2010 00:25

i will PM u a few artists to check out on youtube.pls check out omarosa vs wendy williams on youtube i know u enjoy such.i finally saw the Jim kimmel and matt damon fiasco you told me bout,thanks.Sorry Cariri.

21 Oct 2010 00:35

do inbox me your music selection preeez:-)....i ask bcos i also dont quite like home brewed (with all due respect)...i recently found a friend whom ive been sharring my quirky music with. 

he know i like such. ..and so i already have watched the Omarosa vs wendy And those jimmy kimmel-matt damon skits are my comic relief when im down. The latest one is "the handsome men club"..the skits continue.

Ngiphinde ngi xolise futhi Carino:)

21 Oct 2010 08:38

kwakwakwaa! GA, yeah she complained about the food LOL...and i bet she was dissapointed when it was announced that 'democracy' won, maybe she would have wanted theirs to be mentioned as ''tastier'' & well cooked ,  LOL

21 Oct 2010 09:02

hahahahaha you guys

As for tvsatvsatvsa I suggest that shim reads shim's reply again... and the article too.

No one is bigger than God. B2B knows that. You missed their sence of humour. JB looked at it out of a bussyness perspective. No one was bragging. No one was joking.

Which sence of humour now if no one was joking?? I would have loved to reply to shim but I'm not very sure if I want to take this conversation to that direction.

Futhi I havent written or read anything here that challenges the bigness of God. Hawu!

Now I hear that song JB cooked up there, is one that been sung in churches for ages. what now?

Hawu tshisa madoda (in djMo's voice) Obviously the words that say 'the blood of Jesus washes our sins we are white as snow" come from a Bible verse. Of course it's been said before in churches. No need for any investigation.

LMAO @ the lady complaining that the other potjie has more vegetables. And they walked in there late saying "today we decided to leave all the baggy clothes at home. We wanted to be stylish."  lol

21 Oct 2010 22:53

Watched it,JB behaved well,l would have lost it. As for the producers hair colour l was left speechless. Lidlekile isameji

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