Would you date these hotties?...

Written by carino from the blog Carinos Box on 20 Jan 2011
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This article is obviously inspired by the conversation that went on in the other article about men and their looks. (LINK: Would You Date These Rivals In Romance? ...)

#TeamSkobo is of the opinion that it is high time society stops feeding us with the crap that a man has to be "good looking" for him to be considered sexy. In fact, we are saying who has defined the term "good-looking" in the first place. We want to do things the other way round and feed society the information that "everything has beauty in it, but not everyone sees it.

We agree that some men are considered not hott, when in actual fact, there is no set definition of what hott is. Everyone raves about pretty boys and dimpled men. This year, we say, move over Sizwe Dhlomo, Kabelo Ngakane is the new 'it' boy! make some space Lungile Radu, Kagiso Lediga needs to breath!

So on that note, the jury is out on these two hotties. Would you date Kagiso le Kabelo? Just check them out:

1. Kabelo Ngakane

teamskobo KB main

- successful career
- bubbly personality

2. Kagiso Lediga

teamskobo kagiso main

- successful career
- wicked sense of humour

Yes, in 2011, skobo is the new sexy! In any case, who defines skobo, in the first place?

teamskobo david trevor

Looks like David Kibuuka also has dimples. How come noone ever talks about them? #TeamSkobo says enough with that! David is hott.

teamsko kb lungile

Yes, KB has got juicy lips too. How come noone raves about his kissability? hehehe

#TeamSkobo is for the celebration of our brothers who are never called cute, hott and all the sexy names. Apparently people tune in to LIVE on Fridays because all they wanna do is look at Sizwe Dlomo's scar. We say.... It's a Scar, for crying out loud! The guy is wounded. haha

We then reminisce on the days gone by when Tbo Touch held things there.

teamskobo tbo touch

He might not have a scar, nhe.. but just behold that nose.... lol

Let's have fun, bloggers....

Just look at this double dose of hottness...

 kabelo mini        teamskobo kagiso other  
Added Through Replies:

Benson Mhlongo
teamskobo benson

I personally don't think the brother is too bad.

Reneilwe Letsholonyane

teamskobo reneilwe

Isaac Chokwe

teamskobo isaac

Ishmael Morabe

teamskobo ismael


Bra Khaps

teamskobo brakhaps

Pictures courtesy of several sites across the net.


20 Jan 2011 13:34

20 Jan 2011 13:45

HALAAAALAAAH! staff carino. Just awesum. And as you said on the other is relative. Now let me pick one.

I would go for Kagiso Lediga. God knows i love laughing!!!....

I was quite taken by another clean-skobisto (haai but i think o motle)...he was on the top 5 ya the isidingo search for Ace he is pastor ko zone 14. ...hmmm..bless him!

20 Jan 2011 13:45

This article e nhlakanya ke e thlaloganye...let me wait for replies first before i comment.

20 Jan 2011 13:50

ayoba carino,nice read.i like i like

20 Jan 2011 14:05

OMG! Kwakwakwakwakwakwakwa!!!

20 Jan 2011 14:09

hahahahahahahahahahaha, huuuuuu. Noooooo. Kagiso yena, ke skobo sa nnete, esp in that pic. Tjo.  I still think I would go with KB thou. David yena, no i will reserve ma comment for later ka yene. hahaha this is the funniest article. Thanks Carino

20 Jan 2011 14:10

Halalalala!!!! KB I'd definately do *not sure about Kagiso though*

Touch yena I've never really noticed that he is a skobisto until people kept on stressing it. <<<< Me too, he looked manly to me before everyone starting pointing out his skoborisation

But seriously good looks on a man are so over-rated.  Who says men need to look like aboTrevor Noah to be considered as "sexy" and "hott"??

ownah m p
20 Jan 2011 14:12

he he uuuu! he heeeeeeee.... good work

20 Jan 2011 14:13

Askies, but i still can't get over how scruffy Kagiso no....

20 Jan 2011 14:13

eish,you forgot ishmael wa jozi,o matsitlanyana le ene mare o lovable

20 Jan 2011 14:17

lol guys......eish Cheesa maani...*closing my eyes trying to picture Kagiso's teeth*.......i dont recll how they look, infact when i close my eyes i see trevor noah's teech ironically (get thee behind me But im sure them teeth are clean, they never caught my attention the wrong way, they must be aight.

PS:...i think when u are #team skobo, you just dont see ugly in this dudes ,u see something else..its innate le ndaba. ehm,Emphasis on the CLEAN in our skobos bethuna..clean!.

20 Jan 2011 14:18

.. and at this point in time I am falling for KB's arms... They look so loving. Nice fingers.

ownah m p
20 Jan 2011 14:19

People i dont undrstand Kagiso..... is he for real!

20 Jan 2011 14:20

haa e ZaH00...forget scruffy...think clean***

20 Jan 2011 14:23

infact when i close my eyes i see trevor noah's teech ironically (get thee behind me


20 Jan 2011 14:24

Aowa bethuna KB looks cute in the first pic.....

@GA I'm trying...........i really am........... #AccessDenied

20 Jan 2011 14:31

Angazi ngithini! ngaze ngafa bo yinsini....these guys bayangihlekisa nje!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u shuld have been here earlier ! the dj was on fire!!!! hoh its dry but you can drink it!!!

20 Jan 2011 14:36

kwa-kwa-kwa@Cariri you are special ma frend now let me read da comments.thank you!

20 Jan 2011 14:37

heish, Cheesa, hey, thats one theory hey, but  i have several theories about Karabo and Neo...the diplomatic most one is that, they were still young and they hadnt been influenced by the current state of superficial beauty amen!!...?

ZaH00...u are beuing difficult, almost as i expect my mom and sister to be when i take Kagiso home....please soften your heart..pweetty plzzz...*puppy eyes*

I see KB is the most picked....time to narrow down the team,stick with the underdog. #TeamKagiso!!!

20 Jan 2011 14:45

Aowa bethuna KB looks cute in the first pic.....

Aowa Zah... KB looks hot, always! LOL. #teamSkobo

20 Jan 2011 14:46

Gyz ivseen the beautfl wmn lo odlala kwi Soul City obizwa ngo Mbali whr she sty ne any1 cn hlp mi ?

20 Jan 2011 14:49

im still rolling on my bed laughing with tears down my cheeks!kwa-kwa-kwa!remember Isaac Chokoe he dates/d Renata Stuurmaan?i would do both shem with KB being ma first choice ofcoz.he is soo huge in Africa,and he speaks so highly and noble of other Africans/african countries which i find sexy.

20 Jan 2011 14:52

Haai man,Carino,Kagiso ga se skobo,he just needs grooming.If you think he falls in the skobo category,then I'd def date him,Kabelo would give me nightmares. Imagine him cuming,aowa,not a prety sight I tell you.

20 Jan 2011 14:53

@Carino, he's very well groomed *+20 points there*

#TeamSkobo #TeamSkobo #TeamSkobo #TeamSkobo #TeamSkobo *except for Kagiso lol* 

I like them dark too........

20 Jan 2011 14:55

@Zah Kagiso's scruffy is the clean and cute kinda scruffy lol! not the zuluboy scruffy!Kagiso aint no ngcoli-ngcoli!imagine him with a chiskop and clean shaven face tjo!that look kinda compliments his skoboism.

20 Jan 2011 14:57

thank you @Lex...*blowing you a kiss*  Re: Kagiso not being ungly...

Gape nna guys im teamskobos, rough/edgy (ASTHETICALLY)  for real real. @Cnglema...when i leant that Renate Stuurman was married to Isaac Chokoe...i developed a bit of an attitude towards her *sigh*...lucky girl, bless them.

20 Jan 2011 14:57

I can't stop laughing, you guys can talk maan!!

"eish,you forgot ishmael wa jozi,o matsitlanyana le ene mare o lovable"...hihihihiihiiii

20 Jan 2011 14:59

lol...Cnglema...well  praying that Zah00 is sold**....!!!!....

20 Jan 2011 14:59

!remember Isaac Chokoe he dates/d Renata Stuurmaan?<<< Iyoooo!!! The bongo-dreads guy??? Yena he aint bad he just needs to clean up qha

Imagine him cuming,aowa,not a prety sight I tell you.>>>> Hahahahahahaha, i'm pretty sure none of you would be in their senses when reaching that point *wink*

20 Jan 2011 15:01

@Lex aowa lol!no disrepect to elderly but i have a thing 4 Tat'uMantashe and his lips.KB's teeth mmmh...?id just tell maself we all got flaws and thats his.

20 Jan 2011 15:06

Cnglema....bless you and Tat' go gurl!!*serious face*.

20 Jan 2011 15:06

KB le yena ustingy stru,why not fix his teeth look at CHRIS ROCk he got them degapped lol!it wud make so much difference.

20 Jan 2011 15:08

Re: Kagiso... Ya well maybe if he cleans up angaba a good looking skobo...... hai but still..... Ngeke GA, maybe i'm beyond redemption over this guy. There's just something ngaye that doesn't sit well with me....maybe it's the teeth, oh well  *shrugs*

20 Jan 2011 15:11

kwa-kwa-kwa!Maki stop it he was on character when the pic was taken.

20 Jan 2011 15:13

Zah00....i love u too much to give up on you. Carinoooo*yelling thru the window*, change kagiso's pic pretty plzz bfore Zah goes home this one is scaring makisto...scares me too actually....And can we have one with teeth so i can see what i missed about them,recommend a fix if i must. twig here and there...

20 Jan 2011 15:16

tjo! seal`s wife is also teamskobo! heheheheheheheheheh!HEY BATHONG I DONT KNOW BOUT MOST GIRLS MARE DIEDRE DROGBA(ASKIES SPELLING)turns me on blind

20 Jan 2011 15:25

Hello ladies and gents

Guys there is nothing wrong with T-bo Touch. I think he is handsome and gentle. 

I will do KB. I think i got used to him and i notice he is not that bad. Dunno why but i find him eatable. 

No i can't do Kagiso. Kuqala my mum will be scared of his hair style and two his jokes are not really funny to me. At lease i will try and train KB to not smile. Nice personality though

UTrevor ke yena he is more sexy when he is speaking isiZulu. Bayazala abanye abafazi i swear!

20 Jan 2011 15:30

oh...i see kagiso's teeth on the last pic..just a bit....*thinking*, but generaly thats a better pic of him than the one above.....*goes to google the teeth*...okay okay, just watched an interview . okay okay...alrryt! his teeeth need a twig here a filling there...but haai ngim'thanda ku njalo..*in Mabbrr's voice*

20 Jan 2011 15:31

the dj was on fire!!!! hoh its dry but you can drink it!!!
True Bezu, Cariri should have included him

I've seen him face to face, DAMN he has a nice body. U know umfana onamagwegwe amnandi uyangihlanyisa.

ownah m p
20 Jan 2011 15:35

ooooooohhhhh my G the double hotties kills me. ijjjjjo am terrified!!!!!!!!!!

20 Jan 2011 15:43

kwaaaaaaaa GA, eish wena kodwa!!! lol

20 Jan 2011 15:47

ha ha ha ha........ Ayi these people look so funny kumina nje it's a big

20 Jan 2011 15:49

ha ha ha ha........ Ayi these people look so funny kumina nje it's a big

20 Jan 2011 15:53

the lasy pic of kagiso and kabelo hai khona they must do something ngalemihlantla ayikho ayoba all.

20 Jan 2011 15:56

The first thing I would do to Kagiso is take him to the dentist to have false teeth specially made,then he'll be competing le bo Trevor *hiding very very far away*

20 Jan 2011 15:58

Lex before u vanish plz dont forget to shave that head BOLD! It looks ntwalish.

20 Jan 2011 16:05

kwa-kwa-kwa@ntwalish!imagining him kachiskop hellno!

20 Jan 2011 16:09

One other thing is that the skobistos always have great personalities. So the person's character would be so on-point that it forces you to look past the skoboism.

20 Jan 2011 16:13

One other thing is that the skobistos always have great personalities. You spot on girl! Thats why i love them. Abafana abahle bayazitchela.

Sana Lwam
21 Jan 2011 08:39

kwa kwa kwa....oh Nkosi yam! I'd rather do the constipated looking Kabelo, uKagiso uyoyikisa shame.

21 Jan 2011 08:48

Thank you, thank you Carino-you are a star. Now let me get my cup of coffee :) ngiyabuya!

21 Jan 2011 09:07

on the 2nd pic Kagiso ain't sso bad-I was gonna go with Kb-but now Kg is starring at me with eyes that say *pick me woman*...I'm sold! Kg it is! Plus he is tall-I love standing on my toes when I kiss my man...yup KISS-K-I-S-S Kagiso Lediga..I bet he kisses well too. Ok let's move on before I start caressing this cup.

Ok-Cariri can we have Reneilwe Letsholonyane up there please. I have to see him maybe I'd leave my KL (ncoooh) for him. 

oh lawdy Professor with his buck teeth-ngingajima embhedeni wakhe strooooongo!

21 Jan 2011 09:13

#teamSkobo for life

Benson Mhlongo too

21 Jan 2011 10:26

KB on ma screen as we speak on that HD PVR advert ncoh!Benson Mhlongo ngubani?actor? in which drama?

21 Jan 2011 10:29

ignore my Mhlongo question mara he doesnt qualify to be on this list?

21 Jan 2011 11:14

Hilariousness at it's best!! Carino o stout

21 Jan 2011 11:16

Apparently people tune in to LIVE on Fridays because all they wanna do is look at Sizwe Dlomo's scar >>> kwakwakwa ka nnete?

21 Jan 2011 11:32

#TeamSkobinki tl tl tl tl this is hilarious!

Mhlongo does belong on the list tlhe bathong! if anything put Katlego Mphela...or Teko Modise *runs*

21 Jan 2011 11:54

Nkosi yam! I'd rather do the constipated looking Kabelo


21 Jan 2011 12:31

NO COMMENT , wena Carino

21 Jan 2011 13:04

hayi hayi bra Khaps kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no thanks I'll pass!

Eish Reneilwe neh....he's in Zuluboy's league-doesn't look very clean. I'll pass.

Mhlongo doesn't look that bad now.
I'll stay with my KG

21 Jan 2011 13:55

I love seriously! i'd do him any day.

Cutie Pie
21 Jan 2011 15:28

Guys, you know I seroulsy don't find anything funny mna with this at all. Am I serious maybe? I really tried to find the fun in all this, but I'm seroulsly failing. 
First of all, we are all different and GOD had a reason for doing that. I just think its unfair to really laugh at how "not good looking" these guys are. Don't we think that if we had choices we'd all be flawless? They did not choose to look like that nor have teeth like that. So who are we to sit on a high chair and point out other people's flaws while we have ours?

Its not right at all. If you were just commenting "scruffiness", maybe I would find this entertaining as no one is born like scruffy, but this............NO.

21 Jan 2011 15:32

I also would love to do KB his personality is just out of this world. Love him too bits and anyone with his digits please halla at a lady!!!!!!!!

21 Jan 2011 15:52


I don’t think there is anything that you don’t understand here, lahv... The article is saying exactly what you are also articulating. Basically, you are also #TeamSkobo. We say... “everything has beauty in it, it’s just not everyone sees it". and we promoting the hottness of these men.

#TeamSkobo is not sitting on a high chair and judging these fine brothers. #TeamSkobo is in fact saying no one should be called “not-good-looking”. These people are sexy it’s just that they are mostly ignored as more attention is passes on to aboTrevor Noah with their fair skins.

21 Jan 2011 16:12

Keya babona kaofela, wr's Pitch Black Afro, phela he's suppose to be on the list. Ke skobisto

21 Jan 2011 19:10

Cutie the point of the article is not to ridicule any of these men but to give them the shine they never get.ofcoz opinions are gonna differ and sum comments may come across as insensitive but thats blogging 4 many times does KG and KB get the nka-modira compliments in their mature and old enuf to neva diss anyone for physical flaws that they had no control ova.and if this had nasty and mean written all over it GA wasnt gona participate trust me.

La Dolce Vita
21 Jan 2011 22:01

Lolest am dying with laughter here!! Mhhhmmm but shem Benson Mhlongo yena is on point shem...
I think Siyabonga Nomvethe is missing from this hottie line-up heeeheeee,that face just...just...just ja neh!

Ukuthetha inyani shem the not-so-hot l;ooking guys are always #1 in both having awesome personalities and also in the shagging department lol...I guess that is the maknig up 4 not being totally on point in the facila area.

24 Jan 2011 09:44

Haai man,Benson does not belong here. 
Tjo,I had completely fogotten about Reneilwe. 
Carino,loved your response to Cutie Pies'... (I dunno what to call it). And I totally agree with you.

24 Jan 2011 09:58

hai wena LDV!IIIIII i thought i was the only one who noticed how good they are on the shagging dept,man!i think they take time to learn about your g-spots man,they really wanna please you so that you forget their looks and just bo trevor,ke ba sukurusukuru coz they are so full of themselves and they make one feel less of a woman most of the time,but as for me i'll vote a good shag over looks any day

17 Feb 2011 12:40

Eish here are my types....

I've just notice that uDavid Kibuuka unequkunya lenkunzi yempumlo. Yho hayi....its 4 much maan.

17 Feb 2011 12:54

hahahahahahahaha.... dead!.. myname, usile kodwa ntombazana.

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