Human beings are the most complex beings, and to somehow survive in this world there is a certain routine that is introduced in this being's life.
As children, our parents teach us how to behave and in the first two years of life, they decide what is a normal life. What you eat, how you speak and whether you attend church and so on..............Then as you grow up enter friends, neighbours and family who have a lot of influence on your life. Teachers and the whole lot, and you are bound to adopt and pick some habits of all this people that are somehow part of your life.
When you reach a certain age, every one around you is getting married, having babies and it seems like the next logical thing to do. Another way of just going through life.
After reading PruLuv's article about cheaters I began asking myself question about the two major steps ahead. Marriage and kids, in no particular order and I have many questions that I have been asking myself and thought since I have the time to blog I may as well share and get you all thinking about them too:
Why do people want to get married
- Is it part of the routine, and the step that all human beings just go through and you follow?
- Is it because of loneliness?
- The Christian acceptable way to have sex and pro-create?
- Next logical thing to do after dating for a while?
Why do people want to have children, I am not referring to oops babies, I am asking people that plan to have babies. Why, what for?
I cant help think that if a person thinks and decides before hand on their own of their reasons, then they could communicate them to the other person and understand each other. There would be less divorces, abandoned and abused babies.
For those that have travelled down this path, please share why you did it and for those that are thinking about it, why do you want to do it?