3Talk this week:
Monday, 7 February 2011
Moments in TimeHaving a chronic condition is something that many people dread. It has a huge impact on those who are suffering and their families.
Today Noeleen chats to people who have been diagnosed with chronic ailments. They share their experiences, talk about how they live life fully and how they embrace every moment that they share with their loved ones.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
StigmasMental health, HIV/AIDS, sexuality and a host of other things that people are encouraged to be open about. But what happens when one lets others in on their personal life only to be harangued for being honest?
Today's show looks at stigmas and the emotional effects that disclosures may have for those willing to be open about what is happening in their lives.
How do we overcome our judgements and how can those affected heal from being ostracized by loved ones and their communities? Experts are in studio to give their advice.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
JHB Fashion Week Designers are in studio to chat about the latest trends in world fashion and what to expect at this years’ Jo’burg Fashion Week.
Thursday, 10 February 2011 Habits for Healthy Living Longevity depends on achieving optimum health. Today's show looks at daily habits that can be incorporated into our lives to ensure that we live healthy, happy, balanced lives.
Health and wellness expert Lisa Raleigh is in studio to give advice. Also: the positive impact meditation can make when it comes to health.
Friday, 11 February 2011
J & B Met A look at the who's who of celebville at this year's J&B Met, and the fashions.
3Talk is on SABC3 Mondays to Fridays at 15h50.