I would like to start off by saying that i love my country but that doesnt mean i must like the people they put in the media to show our kids or my baby sisters what being famous should be like.
I read in the Sowetan that Kanye Mbau is apparently one of the most georgeous people in South Africa wich makes me wonder if she is one of them, how does the rest look like *shock* *horror* *gasp*.
Our generation has forgotten what role models are i can remember Oprah was my role model once upon a time when i actually realised that she stands for nothing at all like my best friend that i have no choice of ignoring because she is everwhere in the paper's on television just because she drove a "lambo" before some of us durrrrrrrrr sleeping your way to the top is something very great, apparently in SA. However when my baby sister comes home and says "I WANT TO BE LIK MISS MBAU" I almost chocked and asked her why and she said
'COZ SHE IS PRETTY" - true story.....
why do you think that our kids follow what they see on tv rather than follow what is real what happend to books, is it because its outdated.
Another girl said i want to marry Weezy oh my word what happend to wanting to meet Shakespear or something.
wich takes me to my last and final point if we are the Youth of S.A should we not stand for something other than Procrastinating. I am not saying everybody but do we not have a say in who we want our baby sisters to look up to other than girls that proclaim they mean something to our country oh and if MY UNCLE julie threw a party for her why didnt he include the rest of us, hence this is not jealousy this is something that we really need to consider if we have a say in who runs our country why are we allowing our media to write stories on people that has no effect on our lives , I HAVE NEVER HEARD MY BEST FRIEND MISS MBAU GIVING A BURSARY TO OUR UNDER PRIVILEDGED KIDS BUT I HAVE HEARD HER FLASHING HER MELLONS FOR PRIVILEDGED PHOTOGRAPHERS ..just something to think about
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