A reminder/headsup that Oprah will be on SABC3 at 21h30 Mondays to Thursdays, for the duration of the Cricket World Cup. Each episode repeats at 00h30 daily.
Coming up this week:
Monday, 21 February 2011
Waiting For "Superman: The Movie That Could Revolutionise America's SchoolsWaiting for "Superman" is a documentary story about the state of public school systems in America, told through the eyes of five hopeful students.
Each is eager to get an education, but in a system riddled with ineffective teachers, staggering dropout rates and schools that are literally falling apart, the odds are more than stacked against them.
Oprah explores the documentary and what it could do for America.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart and Living Legend Liza Minnelli
Oprah chats to Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central.
They talk about the news headlines and his career accolades: he's a best-selling author, his show has won 14 Emmy awards and, according to a Time magazine poll, he is considered the most trusted newscaster in America.
Then, Oscar winner Liza Minnelli takes centre stage.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Exclusive: The Bravest Mom In The World Set Free: Ingrid BetancourtKidnapped at gunpoint and held captive for six and a half years in the jungle: An exclusive interview with one of the world's most famous hostages, Ingrid Betancourt.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
American Hiker Sarah Shourd's First Interview: Plus the Craigslist Rape VictimShe was held hostage in an Iranian prison for 14 months. Now, just days after her return to the United States, Sarah Shourd talks to Oprah.
Plus, the Craigslist rape survivor reveals her identity.
The Oprah Winfrey Show is on SABC3 Mondays to Thursdays at 21h30, with repeats at 00h30.