Celebration alert!This week we're pleased to celebrate TVSA's fifth birthday.
Built on a prayer, months of sleepless nights and loud, thumping music, the site first went live on Tuesday, 2 May 2006.
The dream, as it has always been: to provide South African TV audiences with a "TV Companion" - a place for everyone to discuss, read about and relive the television viewing experience on a 24-7 basis.
To keep the television experience alive
long after the credits have run their course.
Between the launch of the site and now, TVSA has grown in ways we could never have imagined.
What started with 20 members has grown to over 45 000 members. Our database of South African actors and shows is the largest in the world.
Our readers, members and bloggers are the coolest people in the world. Together we've saved celebs on reality shows and we've had them eliminated. We've suffered through season after season of Big Brother and made it out alive.
Together we've
lived. Vicariously and vibrantly. Notoriously and fably.
Today we'd like to say thank you to you: our readers, our moderators, our bloggers, our members, our advertisers - everyone's who's made the site what it is.
And it's only just beginning. Today we're pleased to be able to spill that exciting things are in the pipeline for you over the next few months. We've been busy working on them for the past few months and will continue to do so. We'll be able to reveal more soon.
In the meantime, we'll continue to dish the entertainment that you're used to. Rock on!