Hey guys, I thought I shuld send u all a special invite and encourage u to like the Soul City its Real page on FB. I think u can all make an enormous contribution to the topic.
I think the genre is controversial and it touches our lives in every aspect. Esp to Xhosas's cos it talks mostly about circumcision most of us would agree that the procedure is not as medically safe as it used to be in the past and whole lot of our young man died during the process simply becos they ignored the medical requirements that goes with it.
Pls awatch the 1st episode on the 18th Oct @8:30pm and see the kick start to the most CONTROVERSIAL episodes of the Soul City Drama. For instance as a Xhosa woman I have very little say or nothing when it concerns such. And there's more.
Thanks guys I look forward to seeing you all there. Like the Face Book page here:
Soul City - It's Real ...