jesus christ is exposinng the kinngdom of darkness for man to see the cruetly of lucifer and his follower ,disarmming the darkness, destroying the tools of the darkness,cleanig the world of his father , folding the way of the kingdom of darkness and removing all form of deceptlon so that man can know and believe that he alone is the way ,the truth and the life .
JESUS CHRIST is coming back are you ready or not ;JESUS CHRIST is preparing for his second by building the church ,cleanig his church, saving , delivering ,healing and blessing his children.
we present one king for one world; his name is JESUS CHRIST(zechariah 14:9)
he is the ALPHA and OMEGA ,the author of our lives.
Bliever keep under the blood of JESUS CHRIST to defeat the devil ,it has mighty power it raised christ from dead!
Read hebrew13:20.''Now the GOD of peace that brought agian from the dead our lord JESUS ....Through the blood of the everlasting covenant'' there is resurrection power in the blood !
''worthy is the lamb that was slain to rseceive power ,Riches ,Wisdom , Strength ,,Honour,Glory and Blessing'' (Rev5:12)