Coming up on
Monday 20 February 2012
Medical Monday: Rare Diseases
How many times have you opened an email from a friend or ordinary citizen pleading for monetary help because a loved one has a rare disease and needs expensive treatment? Rare diseases are somewhat of a non-spoken topic until it reaches your door.
Today's Medical Monday looks at different rare diseases that affect our society and aims to dispel some of the myths and misunderstandings around them.
Tuesday 21 February 2012
South Africa has a growing suicide rate, especially amongst teenagers. What drives our young generation to take away their precious lives? Is it exam stress? Is the fear of disappointing parents of possible poor results?
How do we relieve our generation of this burden and stress? Three Talk gives advise.
Wednesday 22 February 2012
Reinventing Yourself
Can we reinvent ourselves? Today's show chats to people who've changed their lives around.
Stories include former prison mates who have turned themselves into law abiding citizens and women who have converted their physical and emotional selves into fabulous success stories.
Thursday 23 February
Should You Go Back?
Did you leave a broken home? Are you planning to return now that the dust has settled and new promises have been made? Is it safe to go back?
Noeleen invites a panel of guests who talk about the conflicts surrounding: do you go back or not?
Friday 24 February 2012
Healing After An Affair
How does one pick up the pieces to try to reignite a relationship following an affair?
Lies, Deceit, Guilt, Disappointment and Hurt are all the emotions one goes through following an affair. How does one heal and begin again? 3Talk aims to heal your heart after an affair.
3Talk is on SABC3 Mondays to Fridays at 16h40.