I was supposed to have weighed in yesterday but I postponed because i had gone to Venda over the Easter period and there is NO way i'll eat salads and tuna for lunch when everyone else is having 'free range' chicken and pap.
It would have been pointless and dreadful to stand on that scale and see no progress- or possibly weight gain.
In the mean while i have discovered MYPLATE It's an online version of a food diary and it calculates the calories in the food you eat. All you have to do is enter the food on the site as you eat it. My daily calorie intake is 1200 so I can literally watch what I eat so i dont exceed it. Sometimes I am on myfitnesspal.
I also take the following vitamins:
Foodstate multivitamin and mineral complex
At this stage i'm not sure what they do but they were recommended and damn expensive too.
There's a difference, however slight, in the way my clothes fit. I don't think I've lost kilos yet but there has definitely been a centimetre loss.
A typical meal day looks like this:
Breakfast: 1 weetbix, 1.5 cup fat free milk
Snack: fruit and fat free yoghurt
Lunch: tuna salad, 3 provitas, low fat salad dressing
Snack: fruit and yoghurt
Supper: Meat and vegetables
I alternate and add other things to the menu as i feel like it. Like I can have low GI bread instead of provitas, muesli or all bran flakes instead of weetbix, and fish instead of meat.
Part 2 will be after the weigh in, schedluled for later this month.......