We all like to think that we're in the driver's seat of our own lives. But the truth is,the idea that we can control our fate is an illusion. You can choose the most loyal friends, the dream job, and the truest love.At the end of the day, our fate is decided for us. All we can do is hope we have the strength to cope with the hand she deals us.
Seems like Shakira will found out this the hard way. Hello my fellow bloggers hope non of you have been following in shakira's footsteps. Reality is fate is a bitch someimes, you might be headed for the worse fall ever.
Hope Tino will be honest with Erin pretty soon cause seeing her being played for a fool is heart breaking. Watch out Shakira you know what the say about a woman's scorn, "its like a burning bush it distroys everything in sight". That may include your precious lil Tino. Wait, Wait is the mighty Daniel afraid of Tino, i thought by now he knew that his an old dog that just burks but doesnt bite. What do you all thimk will Tino really accept Shakira's baby or even get Daniel.
Ok quick question before i move right on is it me or does Donna seem to be falling for Tino as well. If so oh hell is gonner break loss.
Moving right on.We all wear different masks for different reasons.. Some masks we put on because it's truly who we want to be. Some we wear because we can't bear to face what's really underneath. Or because it's what someone else needs us to be.
And some masks we wear because we hope to stay hidden. But that's the problem with wearing masks. They can be ripped off at any moment.
All masks eventually have to come off, and with them so do the gloves.
Seems like Gail is about to realise that we give the wrong people the benefit of the doubt sometimes, they wear mask that are to powerful to see thruogh.How can Sick Colllins go for a preagnent woman, this rappiest get sicker and sicker by the day. Cant wait to see what David will do when he founds out the bay is his you know Nothing stays hidden for longer. And Miles........ guess that will be a story for another day. Later my fellow bloggers hopeyou will let me in, in your thoughts
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