Set in Durban in the late 1980s , a time of war and revolt in South African History ,follows the film's protagonist Otelo Buthelezi and his friends as they struggle with the division in their KwaZulu-Natal township brought on by the political the political tension.
In their quest for freedom the three young people are devoured by the surfing rush.
Basically Otelo Burning brakes the stereotype of surfing being a whiteman's sport , the three teenagers take each wave as it comes.
This my fellow film Fanatics is not your ordinary apartheid tale , it takes you on an emotional roller coaster ride , where at times you'll feel as if you are in the movie's gritty scenes yourself.
Jafta Mamabolo's portrayal of Otelo is a brilliant one to go down in the history of South African Film Industry's greatest , Thomas Gumede being able to Portray New Year in a brilliant way that will leave most young men with a task of doing an introspection , While Nolwazi Shange's performance is a serene yet jaw dropping one , Without any flaws.
Veteran actors like Harriet Manamela (My favorite female actress in the movie) who plays MaChristmas a shebeen queen who is mother to Dezi , Blaze and New Year , gave a sterling performance and Kenneth Nkosi who gave his all in this role , paints the perfect picture of a Zulu man / Father.
My Favourite was Tshepang Mohlomi (Ntwe) who stole the show as his and Otelo's brotherly love gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "My brother's Keeper" .
It was worth the wait and what I love about it is that the actors embodied their characters and with that came a brilliant story which evokes emotions. I Salute Director Sarah Bletcher for a master's work of art.
This deserves 10over10 due to its intriguing story line.
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