'Allegations are not true' - Euphonik

Written by TVSA Team from the blog News on 05 Jun 2012
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Euphonik 150Themba Nkosi, popularly known as DJ Euphonik, has released a statement regarding the allegations that he assaulted his former girlfriend TV presenter and personality Bonang Matheba.

Reports that he kicked and slapped her were in the Sunday World and Sunday Sun on Sunday (3 June) and resulted in an outcry.

Nkosi released this statement in response, via his publicist Melinda Shaw (former editor of Heat magazine):

I was shocked to see the allegations of assault levelled against me in the tabloids. Those allegations are not true and I am seeking legal advice to clear my name. I will take the matter to court if necessary. Women abuse is a serious crime and I condemn it in the strongest possible terms.


05 Jun 2012 08:59

Is that all he has to say? chini! clear your name properly... one line statement after such an outcry will not appease those baying for your blood...

05 Jun 2012 09:01

Well he will have his day in court earlier than he presumes because Miss Matheba has taken him him half way there anyway!!! He is just being a COWARD... why can't he just etll the truth and apologise. I doubt any woman of Bonang's calibre would make up such a story!!! She also stands to lose a lot so she wouldn't be taht gullible PUNK!!!

05 Jun 2012 09:08

That's not enough bra

05 Jun 2012 09:35

Why should i disbelieve Euphonik and believe Bonang?

05 Jun 2012 10:00

I also doubt Bonang will make such false accusation, i mean she already has attention, sponsors. she is on the cover of every 2nd magazine. Euphonik must just come clean shem.

05 Jun 2012 10:13

@Mbulela ... why should be believe either of them ?

Maybe both have disembled somewhat in their narratives?

showbiz people have been known to forment & create mysery for self gain ... What makes either party immune to the disease?

05 Jun 2012 10:19

@cande, so the more successful party is automatically the truthful one? I should have known that, By the way i am no fan of Euphonk in any form of way but women must stop hiding under the cover of domestic violence (which cannot be defended) to instigate verbal violence in relationships.

05 Jun 2012 10:21

@cheesa, Euphonik might be guilty after all saying lying or scheming is beyond Bonang is a bit disingenuous and elevating her to standards that i doubt she has attained. Relationships are never straight forward.

05 Jun 2012 10:24

i think this is a case of i will teach you a lesson!!

05 Jun 2012 10:30

How come we have accounts of eye witnesses to the beating?

05 Jun 2012 10:32

You are misunderstandigng me Mbulela,  the point i m trying to make is Bonang has everything so she couldnt b seeking attention and she knows what is at stake here and i dont think she will make such false accusations like Euphonik is implying. I am no fan of Bonang either, and even if Bonang provoked him, if he slapped then he did slap and that is abuse in the eyes of the law.

05 Jun 2012 10:36

Who is telling the truth between them??  Bonang should come out clean about what happened before Eupho does, or else her credibility will be judged.

05 Jun 2012 10:41

@cande,then both of us are on the same page on two counts. 1. we are both no fans of Bonang. 2. if Euphonik slapped her, then he is wrong has no defence and should face the law. where we differ is that you tend to think Bonang has no reason to lie. She might be telling the truth but she has several reasons to lie. Reasons best known to both of them in the relationship. A scorned woman is dangerous and irrational.

05 Jun 2012 10:43

Euphonik+Chris Brown+DKB=  

05 Jun 2012 10:44

Bonang le wena phela this guy ga ana s*x appeal... le gannyane

05 Jun 2012 10:54

Men who beat women need psychiatric evaluation. Women who talk like Zainab should see same doctor.

05 Jun 2012 10:56

kikikikikikikikikikiki Zoo Animals .....I was thinking more like ASSHOLES!!!!

05 Jun 2012 11:00

kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Euphonik watsenwa nare do u thnk Bonang will pull STUNTS

05 Jun 2012 11:04

Im thinking cud all this be caused by DRUGS....we all know that the industry is messed up...Yea I said It DRUGS!

05 Jun 2012 11:52

Can anyone who witnessed the smack down come forward .......its a pity these so called celebs want to milk every opportunity the likes of Kelly and Mshoza going to publications with pics of themselves bruised after beatings but Bonang's contract at YFM will most likely not be renewed come next yr Kanthan Pillay doesn't want bad publicity for his station

05 Jun 2012 11:56

.. But why is Bonang so holy that nobody creates the space for her to be the villian ... a beat up villian, but why is it impossible for her to be the villian ?

05 Jun 2012 12:02

@vusiK,join me in wondering. I just don't get it.

05 Jun 2012 12:17

@v& mbu i join the wondering camp. Just like anyone else Bonang can pull stunts.

05 Jun 2012 12:28

@Cande .. Why not ?

How different is this from those women who have accused men of rape when nothing happened?

How different is this from a woman who lies about the paternity of a child?

... or does she have some secret superpowers that elevate her to some infallible level above the rest of us mortals.

Is she not human, and capable of spite?

If he is capable of a bad things and I think he is very capable of being responsible for violence ... everybody is ... What makes her inelligible for similar scrutiny & interrogation?

05 Jun 2012 12:31

Di celebrity di rata attention and they already have one eish I give up on them. Let them blacksem each other arg

05 Jun 2012 12:35

Shame i dont know what reallly happened here but let us try to be fair here. What if it was Bonang who lost it and give this man moer se klap. What was going to happen, will it be all over in the papers? Will it be all over in the social networks? Just saying

05 Jun 2012 13:01

I still don't know what happened. Either one of them could be lying or telling the truth.

05 Jun 2012 14:22

hache Vusi, ive tried explaining myself. You choose to believe what you think i was saying, i really do not have control over that maybe its my english.
i think this line sum ups everything that i was trying to say
Obviously Bonang wouldn't just do this for publicity, she has one already!

05 Jun 2012 14:46

Obviously Bonang wouldn't just do this for publicity, she has one already!

Nobody cannot speak for her ... nobody can.... I understand your opinion, but you cannot make it absolute ... nobody knows inside her except her.
That is my point ... Nobody is qualified to say "Impossible" ...
How many people said "Impossible for their partner to cheat on them" ... until a child is born outside of the union?

I personally don't care ... they can do whatever whenever, as often as they wish ...

I did not beat anybody, nobody beat me down ... but I think it is poisonous on society for people to be closed minded to the POSSIBILITIES victims are not or cannot be villians.

In this case ... her limits are probably physical in nature.. but truth is ... I do not know, and neither do you, so one cannot make declarative statements. I wait for the facts before having a solid opinion... the facts will come.

05 Jun 2012 14:47

I'm as open to her accusation as I should be to his defense.

I'm an observer.

05 Jun 2012 15:01

....VusiK, well said.

05 Jun 2012 15:02

What is it with men hitting women lately, provocation or not it's plain wrong! We all know that women can talk a lot of rubb!sh especially when they are enraged but that does not give any man a reason for a "smack down", brother just walk away it's not worth it. This is exactly what happens, you attract a lot of unnecessary attention; you might end up in jail and your name being dragged through a whole lot of shyt in the process. Count to 5 and step!

06 Jun 2012 21:04

okay i fil bonang bt y now when they no longer together?i mean she must hv seen it coming!

07 Jun 2012 09:00

noma ningayi analalyza nithini, lomfana uyishayile lengane somehow...
le-statement sakhe has PR -damage-control written all over so impersonal it reads like Michael Jacksons publicity responses to child molestation charges, which he "settled" later out of court..but i digress...
my point is he could have been more vocal and honest about , his innocence, and also how he feels about my verdict...he MOEREd her...
as for the reason, tis porbably was something MAJOR to have pushed him to that level of dragging her ect. not that it justifies it....but only she can explain her part....

he is a zuluboy after

07 Jun 2012 10:39

Bonang needs to do defence classes

07 Jun 2012 10:54

they no smoke without the fire.
morning Mabloger

07 Jun 2012 11:45

well he's been charged with 3 counts of assault and is going to court. We'll see how that goes

07 Jun 2012 12:21

Hello ladies and gentlemen.... damn its been long i've not been here.

I'll wait for Euphonic's story.....

07 Jun 2012 12:22

Naaaaa i jst think that bonag is desperate nje, she might be good at her job, i think she is very insecure, Euphonik does not look like the tpy who beatup women, but ke you never know but nje ubonag should jst be a lasbain couse she cant handle man.

07 Jun 2012 12:28

he is a zuluboy after

@Sponono LOL plz remind me to never date any Zulu coz ke staatmaid i'll cause a scene of the year.......just kidding zithandwa zam. Me I'm the calmiest.  I just had to share this ........

Teacher: class let's show our guests how much we’ve learnt. Let's do comparisons. When I say small, u say small, smaller, smallest. Ok? Let's start; Big... 

Class: Big...bigger...biggest!!
Teacher: Tall
Class: Tall...taller...tallest
(Teacher beaming with pride) Very good.
Class: Very good...very gooder...very goodest!!
Teacher: Hai maan
Class: Hai maan...hai maaner...hai maanest!!
Teacher: Stop it now
Class: Stop it now..Stop it nower...stop it nowest!!
Teacher: Voetsek
Class: Voetsek...voetsker...voetsekest!! 

My stomach still hurts from laughter.

18 Jun 2012 16:45

Come on dude u can do better thn that Hawwu...

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