Probably sensing that a lot of people (read me) were confused by Anya's win on season 9, Vuzu promptly brought out a new spin-off in the form of Project Runway All Stars. The premise is simple: take all the memorable contestants from previous seasons, promise them a spread in Marie Claire and watch them try to glue gun their way to the title that eluded them the first time around. Sounds fairly simple right?
I mean, you take a tried and tested formula and youre guaranteed to get a stellar show, right? NOPE...especially if you insist of altering the key elements that make the original Project Runway work so well. So heres what isn't working too well for me:
The judging panel. One of the key changes for this season is the a new judging panel . I kid you not in saying that I did not recognise any of these people at first glance.
So as a concerned viewer, I took it upon myself to thoroughly investigate these new figures that would be determining the fate of our designers. What I found on their Wikipedia pages during my lunch break left me with mixed feelings.
First off we have Isaac Mizrahi who as a fashion designer, I assume is filling in Michael Kors shoes. Call it stereotypical expectations but I really expected him to be as theatrical, biting and witty as Michael "It looked like something a Teletubby would wear to a party" Kors. However Isaac seems more reserved and almost removed from the proceedings. Maybe he's just better at groping unsuspecting actresses?

Next there's Georgina Chapman, the beautiful co-founder of the Marchesa fashion label. Georgina is of course married to super producer Harvey Weinsten, the man who just so happens to be the executive producer of Project Runway. I ain't mad though, Georgina is getting that money! I must admit I was most sceptical about her though but week and week again she proves to have the most concise feedback for the designers.

Then there was the host: a certain Angela Lindvall. Angela got the hosting gig after the aforementioned Harvey Weinstein wouldnt agree to Heidi Klums salary terms. I'm sure Angela is a lovely person but I'm not too keen on her hosting style. Worse still, she often mimics classic Klum moves like crossing her legs when sitting on the judging chair, breathing and giving out double kisses. Her biggest offence though is saying "...and the next day you are out"
WITHOUT an accent! I don't have to suffer long though as Angela won't return as host for next season's of All Stars; auf wiedersehen!
The mentor It's not Tim Gunn and thats all there is to say.
That and this Tim Gunn usurper is also responsible for this:
The returning All Stars The preceding 9th season of PR was made in reality heaven with crazy moments like Joshua McKinley confronting a lesser designer in the ladies' bathroom with his immaculate chola eyebrows and of course who could forget the "girl, you know that's a lie" moment when Anya claimed she'd only be been sewing for 4 months.
So of course the standard for these contestants had been set pretty high. However, the contestants this time around have been so conservative and drama free. What is this world coming to when reality show contestants are friendly and courteous towards each other? Have they no shame?
Even the wise and endlessly shrewd Anthony Williams has been a bit of wilting flower this season. On the flip side, I'm glad to see strong past contestants like Mondo Guerra and Michael Costello give this another jab.

Speaking of contestants, I'm not a fan of Kara Janx. No episode goes by without her being reduced to multiple panic attacks and constantly second guessing herself. How does she expect prospective customers to trust her vision when she herself isn't confident in her work? Her strange quasi-Australian accent had also become a thing of ridicule at my house until we found out that she was actually a South African.
Coupled with Zuma's speech, the Rand didn't stand a chance after Kara sent this down the runway last week.

Project Runway All Stars is an ambitious undertaking but by tweaking a reliable formula, they've lost some of the magic of the original show. Alas I will continue to watch, I guess I am a sucker like that.