M-Net Series has announced that the shows that were so unceremoniously ripped from the Compact, Extra, Select and mobile bouquets are being returned to viewers.
During the launch of the three new Series channels, M-Net Series pulled the plug on various shows that were airing on M-Net Series without an explanation or alternative for viewers who don't have the Premium bouquet.
They continued on M-Net Series Showcase which means that only Premium subscribers can see them.
After complaints from viewers, they're back - on M-Net Series Zone.
This release just in ...
[Submitted via press release]
M-Net Series would like to notify you that we have made some changes to the M-Net Series Zone schedule (channel 115 on DStv).
DStv Compact, Select, Extra and mobile subscribers will now be able to watch the remaining episodes of shows that were in mid-season when the M-Net Series channel transformed into M-Net Series Zone recently.
The remaining episodes of Warehouse 13 IV, Glee IV, Bunheads and New Girl II will be screened on M-Net Series Zone channel 115.
These changes will be implemented with immediate effect and the first change to the schedule will take place on Sunday, 21 July.
Please take note of the following schedule changes and double/triple-bills:
- Warehouse 13 IV: M-Net Series Zone will screen the final two episodes (episode 19 & 20) on Sunday, 21 July at 21:30 and 22:30 respectively. This means that episode 4 of Boss I will air an hour later at 23:30.
- Bunheads: The final three episodes (episodes 6,7 & 8) will air on Sunday, 28 July at 21:30, 22:30 and 23:30.
- Sunday, 4 August episode 14 will air at 21:30. This means Boss II episode 5 will air at 22:30.
- Sunday, 11 August episode15 will air at 21:30. This means that Boss II episode 6 will air at 22:30.
- Sunday, 18 August episode16 & 17 will air at 21:30 and 22:30 respectively. This means that Boss II will start at 23:30.
- Sunday, 25 August episode 18 &19 will air at 21:30 and 22:30. This means episode 2 of Boss II will start at 23:30.
- Sunday, 1 September episode 20 & 21 will air at 21:30 and 22:30 respectively. This means that Boss II will start at 23:30.
- Sunday, 8 September- final episode (episode 22) will air at 21:30. This means that Boss II will start at 22:30.
- New Girl II: Get set for double-bill episodes on 31 July and 1 August (Mondays to Thursdays as from Monday, 5 August). The first episode will be at 15:30 and second episode at 16:30 and M-Net Series Zone will screen the second season in its totality - from the start (episode 1) right until the end.