EPISODE 5WTF?? Never for a moment did I imagine Trump was even gonna consider firing Pamela so when he did and handled it the way he did – it all makes it sooo impossible because I can’t call him The Don.
Calling him that is way too endearing for how I’m feeling about him. He was clearly so intimidated by Pamela the only way he knew how to cope with not being her equal was to fire and badmouth her.
I haven’t been a Pamela fan in the past because she doesn’t seem a very easy individual to get along with but she was incredible this week and put me on her side so firmly I had visions and hopes of her winning.
Obviously people have to like and get along with the people they work with, but that comes later – once everyone involved grows up and starts behaving as if they’re older than two - which is the average age of the other members of Apex put together.
Before Pamela’s firing happened I was actually delighted they lost to Mosaic yet again – the narrow 10 dollar margin made it even better. I didn’t see it as a reflection of Pamela’s leadership skills and while she didn’t deserve losing, all the rest of them did - which they proved when they immediately ganged up against her before going to the boardroom.
They all looked very pathetic desperately gossiping, sipping from their stupid pretentious glasses while Pamela was madly building muscle, saying she knew it may seem cocky but that she was certain she’d be okay.
That’s what was so appealing about her– the way she was so self-aware of everything she was doing could get her perceived and her not backing down was very admirable.
My ultimate best was the way she beat Stacy J ‘s nasty passive-aggressive Pig into total submission – hehe – she was so terrified of Pamela she became half the evil she’s been, realising there was just noo ways her psycho tactics would ever work on her.
That’s what makes Trump's decision so especially brutal – the fact that yet again Stacy gets to win when she’s so hectically undeserving. Same thing with Maria who – Pamela was 100% correct – went completely over-the-edge crazy during that promo thing.
I don’t believe that they would have sold more sponge things if the price had been lower and even if they had – to place all the blame on Pamela when she’d consistently tried to get reasoned suggestions for the price from everyone wasn’t fair.
I didn’t like that Trump wouldn’t acknowledge how close the competition had been and also that he didn’t give Pamela even a smidgen of recognition nor any type of concession for single-handedly forcing Apex to behave properly.
If you ask me it’s all part of some kind of very deep anti-chick whackjob thing he’s got going on – like he enjoys seeing them losing control and showing their worst sides so he can call them “disgusting” on TV.
It’s all makes perfect sense when you consider the types he’s always got draped around him. It’s also the only logical explanation for why he’s decided to keep both Maria and Stacy instead - I just don’t see how he can possibly realistically believe one of them could run one of his companies.
Also! What was that rubbish about him giving Mosaic the priviledge of going back onto TV to sell more of those grill things as part of their reward? What exactly what will they be getting out of it except getting more sales for whatever that place was called? It would have been okay if it was just something they had to do after the win but to make it sound as if it was part of their reward was a very cheap shot I thought.
Their reward was cool though and Raj’s flirtations with Anna were very funny in a slapworthy yet endearing way. The way she turned the tables on him was brilliant, as was her confidence when she did. That ace serving thing she’s got going is clearly an ultra nifty trick to have up your sleeve for when you’re being pestered by losers who aren’t Enrique.
Seeing John McEnroe was fun too, although I was sorry he didn’t get to scream and go beserk more. The last time I saw him was in an interview with Ruby Wax and my impression of him changed big-time in how fascinating he was. Had Apex won the reward it would have been juicy to see how he responded to ladies – I reckon Pamela would have been the best tennis player and given him a run for his money.
I’m absolutely convinced that this is the reason Trump fired her – out of fear that she’d give him a mega run for his if she went any further.
It’s gonna be very interesting to see what happens next week – whether they’re gonna stay the teams they are so that Apex can return to their mud-pit or whether they'll be juggled.