EPISODE THREE:I've just caught up with the latest, third episode of The Apprentice and I've never seen anything like the final boardroom battle it all ended with. How
hectic was it?
I don't for a moment believe that Stacie J. was suitable Trump material nor that she thought so herself - she was obviously only there to get as much screen time as she could get but the way her annihilation happened was soo brutal I couldn't help feeling sorry for her.
I was also disappointed in Maria as I really liked her previously but the way she handled her guilt at being responsible for going over budget was cowardly and changed my impression of her completely.
The way she desperately ran to call everyone back to the boardroom for the witch hunt she'd so cunningly been manipulating from the very start of the episode didn't impress me at all. Her getting so hysterical with excitement that The Donald wanted to put Stacie in front of a tribunal made her seem waaay more crazy and scary than Stacie's 8 ball freak-out had been.
That was the worst of everything - the way everyone lied about how terrified they'd been. Puhlease. Some of their faces and the way they screwed them up - even Ivana when she said she'd hidden in a corner - it was all sooo pathetic I wanted to slap every one of them and was hoping The Don would punish them for it instead of rewarding them.
There's no telling what further craziness Stacie got up to behind the scenes but as far as I could see, for the past two weeks she hasn't done anything even vaguely strange. Yes she's been lax and didn't take initiative and got people lost and turned up late to collect the toothpaste but how does that make someone a psychopathic loon??
Throughout everything I had the sense that everyone was very eager to set her up in her madness and ineptitude. Like that Jennifer C who went with her to collect the toothpaste - why did she say she was just there to assist her in carrying the millions of boxes, as if she was doing her a favour?
That Apex could possibly have expected one person to take charge of moving all of them was ridiculous and seemed to be a very deliberate ploy to make things as difficult for Stacie as possible.
Also, right at the beginning, when they were all self-righteously preaching at her about how baby-scared they'd been and told her how she needed to behave - they all asked her not to repeat the incident again, she said she wouldn't and she didn't. When that conversation ended they all gave the impression that they were giving her another chance yet not on of them did, bringing it up the moment they set foot in the boardroom.
I was very irritated with Donald's reasoning when he said he couldn’t not believe Maria and Elizabeth because they hated each other but loathed Stacie more and so it had to be true. Of course they did - she was the easiest of easy scape-goats for them.
The moment they both saw that Stacie could be a possibility for the whack, they were obviously gonna gang up against her and that he didn't he even entertain the idea that this is what they were doing annoyed me big time.
If you ask me he should have fired both Elizabeth and Maria and kept Stacie just to drive everyone else more crazy. I just don’t see either of these two actually being in his company - Maria espesh. You can't have someone who flaps their eyelids and absolutely refuses to take responsibility when they're the only reason for a mega cash mistake.
The two of them, together with Stacey-with-a-Y are bad, bad news. She's the worst of the lot with how she instigated the intense loathing, slothing around on a couch, looking scruffy. Urgh, - her disatisfied-looking mug and pudgy fingers getting nasty about everyone is just so horrible I don't know how I'm gonna control myself from smashing the screen the next time I see her.
I actually don't know how anyone could possibly survive finding themselves trapped amongst Apex. Like the worst thought in the world at this moment is the idea of being in that apartment and needing to work with them as a team.
In contrast Pamela's slap-worthy, tactless grump is actually starting to look quite angelic, particularly with how well she's handling constantly being excluded by every single one of them in Mosaic. The extent to which they ignore her and make her feel she's some kind of non-existant entity is quite incredible. Clearly the only way she can maintain any status amongst them is by being the way she is.
As for the actual task and the promotions of the toothpaste - I thought what both teams came up with was very unimpressive and that they were given way too much credit by the bigwigs.
For $ 50 000 it was hardly as if they'd gathered the most mega crowds for the event. How hysterical was that sports dude when he tried the toothpaste and spun the campaign lines? He was getting paid $20 000 for half an hour so I suppose he owed them that at least.
While I know Stacie J could never be a top Trump executive, I'm really hoping there's some kind of sweet retribution for those who stabbed the stake through her and nothing would please more if the person it happens to is her nasty, fleshy potato namesake.