I just spent some time catching up on Project Fame. This 24-hour coverage they've got going is freaking me out actually, because I keep feeling as if I'm missing out if I'm not watching. And as luck would have it whenever I change over they're either all singing a song together as a group or sleeping - neither of which I find interesting.
I saw enough of the we-love-each-other-so-much-we-sing-to-a-guitar during Big Brother. Good singers/bad singers - it makes very little difference to me, and I'm very pleased they're not allowed instruments in the common room. I'm certain it's the Big Brother house. The bathroom feels exactly the same.
So, I spent Thursday evening catching up on some of the dailies and watching the 24-hour feed, and I found a room in which they were talking instead of singing. While I still don't know everyone yet there are certainly some who have come to my attention.
Firstly, Steve is as dreadful a musical performer as I knew he would be. He's singing Sting this week and it's awful. Really. I noticed that he's very aware of how he's coming across, because in his phonecall he kept trying to get an opinion on his mannerisms. He kept asking about his grunting and groaning but I got the sense it was to get the person he was speaking to to give him info on how he was being seen.
Of course it's silly doing this over the phone to a loved one because they're hardly going to say: "People think you're self-centred and untalented" are they? Imagine if loved ones had to tell the person what people were saying. How hectic would that be? The person would come out loopy I think, because they'd be trying to fix every fault people found and - as we know - everyone has a different opinion.
My personal opinion on Steve is that he really wants to be a model instead.
The other person who I also think was miscast is Robyn. I can't remember what song she's singing but in the rehearsal it didn't sound good. Her voice was weak, with no feeling. She's very buddy-buddy with Jonathan, I think. At first I thought he was super, then I got irritated and thought him a show-off, and now I think he's just the way he is because it's the way he is.
He also does a lot. He always seems to be in the thick of the action and genuinely seems to want to give viewers a good time.
Someone else who seems to be up to things is Monica. She's definitely got a sexy thing going on. This evening (Thursday) she was talking about Rowan - the contestant who got voted out who was up against Tumi. She was saying she'd been really disappointed he wasn't with them and revealed they'd been friends 'with benefits'.
Then Johan returned from having been on the phone with his girlfriend Natasha and Monica seemed very interested in the girlfriend. Not directly so - but ..... can't remember exactly what she said, but within it there was the sense of a challenge to his girlfriend. He was standing in front of Monica and she said something like: "Move out of the way - I can't see Tumi - only your thing".
With regards Johan, I think he's a nice guy but I don't think he has the emotional connection to be a brilliant performer. He lacks sensuality, which translates into warmth. I find him uninteresting. I don't get the feeling he's gonna share any really interesting part of himself when he's singing.
He's more interesting from the social perspective, because I've noticed the girls really like chatting with him. I saw Monica bossing him around and I'm not quite sure why he obliged - but he did. Happily. Does Natasha need to be worried?
That's the thing about these shows, isn't it? I mean - their relationship is a real one that's been put into a very unnatural world for everyone to comment on.
I'm not sure how much I like these phonecalls. I'm not sure how good they are. It takes the contestants out of the simulated environment and ... ah ... I know what it is ... it puts their most personal relationships on display and I think for a show like this it's taking it too far. In Survivor they do it once and it's different - they're in and out, whereas with this it's a lot.
Then again, if they're happy - what's the problem?
There was a very interesting little something with one of the contestants ... it was Lindiwe I think, and I missed who she was on the phone to but she asked to speak to her baby and the person she was speaking to kept saying he was asleep. She asked a couple of times, kept getting the same answer, then looked at the clock and said something about it not being time for him to sleep yet. Quite obviously the person on the other end didn't want her to talk to the child. I wonder why?
You know what? I'm still slightly weirded out by this show. Simply because before it started I didn't realise that contestants had signed up for us seeing them in their underwear. It's an interesting phenomenon - create pop stars by showing them to us at their most vulnerable. Mmm. Heh-heh. A topic for another day.
I must say I'm looking quite forward to Sunday. I'm very interested to see the week come together. If anything they're going to at least be fitter. How's that fitness chickie? Ha! She should be in the military or something.
I enjoyed watching them do their dance routines and wondered whether they'd be including this sort of thing in their performance. During Idols they seemed to learn to dance, but never did. I'd love contestants to wear a headpiece microphone and do super moves through the whole thing. Will we see this?
I cold go on and on because there really is a lot to say. But I won't. I've already blabbed on too much. As for who I'll be looking out for performance-wise ... for now I'm interested in Bodea, Monica and Dare.
PS: I think Claudia is deep.
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