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EPISODE TWELVEClosing The Penthouse DealNoooooo - it's appalling that Nick's still there. I have absolutely no interest in going into how he saved the situation for him and Amy by pulling in $40 000 for the rented apartment and ultimately getting Troy fired blah blah blah. Going into it really infuriates me because Nick is obviously Trumpy's favourite, and that's just sooo wrong.
I hated the task of renting out the apartment and would rather die than have to do it. When The Donald said that passion for what you do means you lead a happier life he was very right - and really helped me see that the last thing in the whole world I'd want to do is sell/rent out an apartment or, as Bill called it, a car.
Particularly after what I've been through with car salesmen in the past two weeks! When Troy did that whole forced-urgency-thing with the potential client - saying there was someone hot on his heels for the deal in an attempt to make him sign over more moolah immediately - I wanted to throttle him, because it's just happened to me again and it's horrible. I felt very pressurised - then conned, because it's so obviously dishonest.
In fact, the very car I was supposed to sign for in 10 minutes because it was in such demand was actually standing parked up the road two days later with a For Sale sign on it - for five rand less than the brilliant deal I was supposed to be getting, just for me.
Goodbye CowboyUnfortunately for Troy this has just happened to me and when he did it to the client I totally agreed with what Bill has said about not liking the way he does business. Even though he pulled in $35 001 (the 1 was a very good idea from Kwame), it was the right decision to fire him.
Troy would be best doing business in an environment he really cares about, like the charity in which he seemed to deliver in a totally different way. As for him choosing to take Kwame with him to the boardroom instead of Bill - I reckon it was a combination of being upset by what Kwame had said about him not being CEO material, really wanting to do battle to see if Kwame was wrong, and thinking he had a better chance against Kwame than against Bill.
Iffy Disappointment At AmyYou know what? Within the space of a week I've actually decided they're all useless, except Kwame and Bill - which means one of these two has to win. Amy was such a disappointment. She was excellent in the boardroom last week and I really thought she was gonna kick butt and either forget the whole Nick thing or find some way of using her relationship with him to her positive advantage.
But I didn't anticipate she'd make everything about the relationship and end up being filled with rubbishy nothing subtext and odd eyeball movements. While I loathe Nick I didn't feel any true delight at anything Amy did in relation to him - instead I felt it all gave him more power.
Also, she didn't actually do a lot in the task except tell Nick how wrong he was and then end up looking very stupid because he clinched the deal. And what exactly did Nick say to clinch the deal? That's what I want to know.
I mean, the guy who ended up renting it couldn't even use it for what he intended. He wanted a New Years' Eve party in the penthouse but the lease said everything had to end at 12am - yet he returned, said it didn't matter, Nick spoke to him and he signed, and now Nick and Amy and The Donald think Nick's exceptionally gifted.
Hmfph - as with everything that's happened with Nick it was luck, and Amy's giving him credit sealed her fate in my eyes. I'm iffy about it because I really would have liked seeing a woman truly kicking butt without having to impress a potential father-in-law.
Family Ties Ala TrumpyThe whole meeting between Amy's sister and Nick's dad on the Trump plane was loopy. Amy putting Nick down on one hand but then suggesting marriage on another. Her poor sister didn't seem to have a clue what was going on.
Amy doesn't want to mention their relationship in business, has a blank look when The Donald mentions it but then proceeds to do it all under the surface. Working with someone like that is just soooo much like hard work because you'd always be trying to guess what they're up to.
Which is why my faves are officially Bill and Kwame! With both of them I never have the sense that they've got gazillions of things going on under the surface - nor that they need to impress by talking nonsense. They're both direct and honest and the types of people you could say "I'm uncomfortable about this transaction" to, and when they replied they'd give you something back you could work with.
Kwame's sense of not taking proper ownership of situations in which he leads is an issue but it's something he's now aware of after it was mentioned in the boardroom. Without Troy there I think he'll be oddly liberated. The more I see him the more I reckon these uncertainties with him aren't a problem because he really has lots of other very suitable qualities.
As does Bill, who also has no issues whatsoever. What kinda smooch vessel do ya think he would make? I mean - I wonder how he would relate to someone at a romantic level? It's very odd, because I find it impossible to picture. I find him very interesting - the way he negotiated with Troy, not agreeing with his strategies but supporting him. Not because he wanted to see his downfall but because that's the way he does things.
Nick doesn't have nearly the same pizzazz as Bill and Kwame and if The Donald doesn't see this when it comes to the end then I understand exactly why his casino's went bang. But what happens if Nick wins again? You can't win when it's important and not be the winner.
Next week's gonna be excellent because they're going solo and all four are gonna be interviewed by Trump's advisors, who will report back to him. What will they pick up?
Right here, right now, before this happens, Kwame or Bill are my faves and as far as I'm concerned would make the best Pres. Amy will need to pull something Big out of the bag to make it back and Nick - Nick's a problem.
Goss from you pleeease!