Not Leadership Material |
EPISODE TENSeee?! Omarosa was right. Heidi is totally unclassy. Someone who stands on the streets of New York swearing at the top of her voice the way Heidi did is definitely not classy, which means Omarosa was right. Goooo, Omarosa!
I missed her madly at the start but within moments I spotted Katrina's boobs and let Omarosa slip away, calling out "Goodbyeeee Omarosa" one final time to my TV. I really did. Have you noticed Katrina's boobs as well? In that yellow sweater she was wearing they looked so robust and organised, which is not something I've noticed before.
Noticing them plummeted me over the edge loathe-wise with her, because the way she dresses them totally reinforces her sense of self-righteousness. It's quite amazing. An extension of the way she stands and snips when she's giving someone a put down, and I would definitely far rather have seen her get fired instead of Heidi.
But fortunately for her she was in the winning team in a project Bill won for her, yet all she could do was tell him how useless he was. The argument she had with him about him using her as a sexual object was just pathetic and I'm soooo pleased Bill gave her some back.
If Katrina had given Bill even just a smidgen of something else to work with I'm sure he would have done so, because he's that kinda guy. But she didn't and she hasn't and a couple of weeks ago she was in shops doing business deals by being a cheerleader.
What makes it worse is that she wasn't saying she wasn't being listened to because she's a woman, but rather because she's so beautiful which - if I lived in a man's world - I'd find very unattractive. What's your bet all her iffyness is because the men haven't given her the type of attention she wanted? All in all she's not the sort of person you'd want at a party.
Nor as Trumpy's president. Speaking of which - what company is the person who gets the job actually gonna run? I mean - if it's real estate - surely it should be someone who knows something about it? I don't understand this.
I don't think the president's gonna be a woman, though. Amy's the only real potential woman-wise left. I thought she'd at least try to lead this week but she did nothing except alternate between having curly and straight hair, and continued playing games with Nick (even his name irritate me). Because of her chopping and changing teams she's flown completely under Trump's radar.
All of which suggests she's not a leader in the same way Heidi wasn't. That was very hectic - when it got to that final question and Heidi had to admit that she wasn't a leader and Troy was. I felt an edge of sadness for her because she seemed to realise it so fully.
This I felt even though I didn't like her suggesting she may leave because of her mother, because it was as soon as she realised it was looking like her week to get fired. By the time she left she seemed alright. Feisty/unclassy/feisty/unclassy - which?
And how were Caroline and George after the whole shebang! George saying he "loved it" was made more interesting by the fact that the reasons we loved it were probably different from his.
Even though he stayed I'm still not certain of Troy's leadership abilities as a corporate president. He's always very inspirational to everyone on the team and his ideas are fably unique, but they're not all that successful when you put them together as a whole. Like, they're successful in the moment and sometimes a bit more long-term but I don't see him being able to be President of something that doesn't belong to him personally.
Trump's obviously got him high up on the list though and I'd say that the job is gonna come down to three competitors: Troy, Bill or Nick. And it would seriously traumatise me if Nick won.
Obviously it also depends on what's gonna happen next, because at some point the two-team structure's gonna have to change and it should happen next because there are only two Protege's left. Going solo will certainly start to sort the men from the boys.
It would be a perfect thing to get rid of Katrina. Let her go it alone and have no-one to blame but herself!
Definitely her next, then Nick, because I'd love him to stuff up and be forced to leave. That's the thing - it can look like someone's got it all together and then poof! - in a moment it can all fall apart. I really want this to happen for him.