Um, helloo? Is Anybody Home? |
After sitting through a tedious hour watching the Big Brother housemates paint a wall and paint a wall and paint a wall yesterday, I decided to switch over to see if they'd decided to do anything even a smidgen more social this evening.
The show's totally disappeared though - all there is is a blank, dead screen that's had no juice for the past hour.
I don't have one clue what's going on - is this part of the four hours we're not seeing? Are they already asleep and if so -
why? Has the show been pulled and I don't know about it?
It also says the time's something like 18h35 - which it
so isn't. I'm assuming it's a technical difficulty that's happened as a result of them trying to force every paying African subscriber they have to watch differently.
I really can't believe how they can be okay with the extent to which they've killed the fun of this show. It's beyond ridiculous how huge a non-event it is when it hasn't even started properly yet. It's like they're on a campaign to make sure nobody wants to watch and enjoy.
There's no message when the broadcast is down and there's been no communication with us about what's going on action-wise either - espesh with there being no half an hour daily wrap.
Only now does one realise how valuable that catch-up half hour show was because you knew when you tuned in there was defs gonna be at least some action going on.
I honestly don't understand how anyone could possibly hire a director who thinks watching people lounging around on their beds or painting a wall for hours is entertaining.
I was gonna say that it'll take a lot for me to feel excited to switch over to see what they're up to again - I'm thinking it would take booze, con-artists and something new and different - but I may not even have to make that choice if it's not on anymore the way it isn't now.