Dominic Purcell   as   Lincoln Burrows 
Wentworth Miller  as   Michael Scofield

Prison Break - Episode 6

Written by Amazingly from the blog Prison Breakages on 02 Mar 2006
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To be continued? ARE THEY SERIOUS?

How dare they cut me off amid all this mayhem and pandemonium?

In this week’s episode we see what happens when a riot breaks out, how people respond when order is destroyed. Rules, regulations and decorum fly out the window and are replaced by a dark side of human nature. Pure madness.

And it’s all Michael’s fault.

Episode 6 starts off somewhere outside the Prison walls.

Kellerman and Hale approach a civilian, Diamond, at a Fair. Diamond is not too happy to see them and within a few seconds we can see why. They blackmail him to do some favor for them. 

Veronica is in her apartment going over some papers, when she receives a call from her office, saying that Nick is looking for her. She still believes that he is the one that removed the tape from her apartment so she is doing her best to avoid him.

Nick pitches up at her apartment as she is about to leave and she makes it clear that she no longer wants or needs his help.

Nick tries to persuade her that he’s on her side but she wants nothing to do with him. She even gets her building maintenance man to walk her inside so that she doesn’t have to be alone with Nick.

Back in Fox River Penn, Michael & Sucre are in their cell.

Michael makes his way through the hole in the wall again as Sucre plays watchdog.

After following the maze, Michael finds himself in front of a huge wall.
He paces and counts steps and even checks with his tattoos for some markings against the railing. I must say, he looks pretty hot while he’s standing and thinking with his hands in his pockets (what is it with me and hands in pockets??) 

You can see he is setting something up, the question is WHAT?

Back in the cells, you can hear one of the guards call for BED CHECK. (Pretty self explanatory PS for they come around and check if everyone is still in their beds)
Sucre jumps off his bunk and taps something against the toilet, which is a signal for Michael to get the hell out of there.

Sucre also stuffs his pillows under Michael’s blankets so that it appears as if someone is lying underneath them.

When it is their turn to be checked, the guard taps on the rail and asks Michael to show him some skin.

The camera pans from Sucre’s face to Michael’s bed and you wonder if Michael made it back in time.

As it turns out, he did.

After the guard had gone Michael tells Sucre that there is a wall that he can’t get through. Not because he doesn’t know how but because there isn’t enough time.

In order to be on schedule, they would have to break down the wall by the same time mañana.

Let me take a minute to translate this for you. Now anyone who has been to Mexico (and probably anywhere south of the US border) will know that even though mañana, literally translated means tomorrow, what people actually mean when they say that is: NOT TODAY. It could be tomorrow, but it could also be the day after, or the week after. Trust me on this one. But seeing as this has no relevance to PB whatsoever let me continue.

Michael complains that there is no way that he can finish his work with the guards doing count the whole time. Sucre says that the only way to avoid count is to have a lockdown. And the only way to have a lockdown is to upset the inmates. And they can upset the inmates by turning off the air cons.

The following day the inmates are in the yard and we see one of them on the phone. Actually, we don’t really see him; we just see his hand, which has a green bracelet on it. He is speaking to Diamond and he is obviously getting instructions from him as to what to do to Lincoln, because the inmate tells Diamond “Lincoln Burrows is as good as dead.”

Green Bracelet

Michael is busy in the yard when Sara approaches him from the other side of the fence.

She wants to know why Michael has not mentioned that Lincoln is his brother and asks if it has anything to do with the fact that her father is the Governor. She knows that her father has the power to grant Lincoln clemency, but is refusing to do so and she wants Michael to know that she does not agree with her dad.

She says that although she can’t do much for Michael, she can arrange Lincoln’s check-ups and Michael’s visits to coincide so they can at least see each other.

This doctor-patient relationship is growing deeper by the day methinks. 


Am I the only one who doesn’t like the good doctor? I don’t think it’s the fact that sometimes her eyes don’t look like they are focused on the same thing, there is something else about her and I can’t put my finger on. Jealousy? Maybe. But whatever it is, I just don’t like her.

And here’s another person I don’t like. T-Bag.

He has come back the cells after taking time out for recovery. (Abruzzi and his thugs beat him up for trying to knife Michael).

T-Bag’s posse welcome him back and even have a “”get-well-soon” present for him. It’s a boy who looks about 12 if you ask me, and he is obviously there to take May Tag’s place. In more ways than one. The boy’s name is Seth and T-Bag is eyeing him lecherously, He turns his pocket inside-out and invites Seth to go for a walk with him *shudder*

Did I mention how much I loathe the vile & villainous T-Bag? His beady eyes and drooling mouth scare the bajeezus out me. Not someone I would want to meet in a dark alley even if it is clear that he does not prefer women. 


Michael is back in the hole in the wall again. This time it is to disconnect the aircon. He doesn’t have much time left until the hole in the other wall has to be completed.

Veronica comes in to see Lincoln, only to find that Nick is already there.

She is furious at him but before she can say anything more, Lincoln says that Nick has a lead for them.

The night of the murder, there was a phone call made to the police from a witness claiming to see Lincoln run away from the scene of the crime. Nick says his sources traced the origin of the call and that the caller could not have possibly witnessed anything because the call was made from Washington DC.

Things are hotting up in Gen Pop or G Pop (which is PS for General Population cells) and the inmates are getting restless. Michael is busy tracing a face off one of his tattoos while vile T-Bag is being fed by his new bitch, whom he now refers to as Cherry. The connotations here are disturbing.

T-Bag is getting real irritable though and picks a fight with one of the guards. (COs) T-Bag wants to be transferred to a cooler place, like Africa maybe, and when the CO refuses to comply, T-Bag and the other inmates start getting noisier and more vocal. The din gets out of hand and the CO orders them all back into the cell for a lockdown.

A lockdown is when all the prisoners are locked up in their cells, behind their bars.

When the CO orders the lockdown some inmates obey orders while others, like T-Bag, refuse.

Michael loses no time and goes through the hole in the wall immediately. He tells Sucre that he needs him to go with him but in order for them not to be missed they have to hang a sheet across their cell door.

Sucre is horrified because hanging a sheet means that you and your cell mate are spending quality time together. *nudge-nudge wink-wink*
Michael reckons that getting out is more important than their reputation, so Sucre does as he is told and follows Michael through the hole in the wall.

One of the other CO’s radios Bellick, who is in sick bay, to tell him about the uproar. Bellick says if they can’t handle a few prisoners then they shouldn’t bother cashing in their paycheck. 


While in sick bay Bellick runs into Sara and he cautions her about being there. She says she can’t deny a sick man help so she goes in and does her rounds.

Back in Gen Pop the CO’s have locked themselves into a small room just off the cells. This room contains the surveillance camera feeds as well as the controls for the locks of the cell doors.

The inmates are getting pretty rowdy now and start pulling on the bars that separate them from the guards.

Bellick walks in and the insults fly. T-Bag insults CO’s by saying that they’re white trash who couldn’t pass the cops exam and now earn less than mailmen.

Bellick retaliates with some juicy gossip.

He has read Theodore Bagwell’s (a.k.a. Teddy a.k.a. T-Bag) psych records and apparently T-Bag’s father raped his own retarded sister and 9 months later T-Bag was born. Talk about white trash hillbilly, no wonder he is like is.

This infuriates T-Bag even more and they start getting more and more aggressive, pulling harder and harder on the bars.

The CO’s pull even further back and move out of the control room into Bellick’s office.

The inmates are now in frenzy and they finally manage to pull the bars off and gain access to the control room.

They open up all the cell doors to release the rest of the prisoners in Gen Pop. A riot erupts as toilet rolls and paper gets thrown all over the place.

Then, as Bellick and the other CO’s watch on, T-Bag finds a set of keys that one of the CO’s dropped. Which means that they now have access to other parts of the prison.

Bellick radios the other prison guards to let them know that the wing has been breached and to tell them shut down the other wings.

Sara is in sick bay attending to the sick inmates when the message gets radioed through. The inmates in sick bay all hear about the goings on and they all start getting excited.

Veronica, Lincoln and Nick are still discussing their plan of action when a CO interrupts them and tells them that they need to leave. Veronica is hesitant to leave but Lincoln tells her she should go to Washington to find out more about the phone call.

Lincoln gets escorted by Officer Bob but before they can get back to his cell, they run into T-Bag and his posse. By this time there is complete chaos, with inmates running free and destroying everything that they can.

T-Bag gives officer Bob the eye and Lincoln tries to protect the CO. Unfortunately he is no match for T-Bag and his gang, he gets knocked over the head and T-Bag makes off with Officer Bob.

In the meantime, Michael and Sucre are in the walls. They hear the commotion going on but continue on regardless.

When they reach the wall that Michael found earlier, Michael explains that they need to get through that wall, as it leads to a pipe and the pipe leads to the infirmary.

To show them exactly where the pipe is, Michael takes out the drawing he had traced from his tattoo. He sets up a light and projects the image onto the wall. It is the face of the devil and as Sucre lays eyes on it he crosses himself. 


Michael tells Sucre that in order for them to break down the wall without much fuss, they have to drill 10 holes in to the wall, using the devils head as a guide. They have to drill small holes into his horns his beard and some other places to form an X.

This will weaken the wall and let them break through with ease.

Sucre’s whole skepticism about the entire procedure is hilarious. Especially when Michael takes out an old egg beater which he bought off an inmate and modified, and tells Sucre that they are going to drill though the wall using that. Michael starts drilling to show Sucre how it’s done.

Back in the sick bay, Sarah is treating the inmates for their various ailments. She goes into her office to retrieve a syringe and when she steps back into the ward she sees that the CO on duty has been knocked out. A big burly inmate blocks her way and she stabs him with the syringe, giving herself time to lock herself up in her office.

Clearly the news of the riot had incited the other inmates and they were all going wild. Banging against the door to Sara’s office and trying to break through her glass windows so that they can get to her.

She picks up her phone to try and call for help but the inmates have disconnected the line. In desperation, she arms herself with another syringe.

In the yard, the guards are donning orange riot kits and standing by for orders from Pope. They radio the guard that was in sick bay and he tells them, under duress, that everything is OK with them.

Sara’s father, the Governor, has learnt of the riot and has called Pope to make sure his daughter is OK. Pope assures him that they have had contact with sick bay and that everything is fine.

Pope wants to flush out the inmates and says that they should switch off the water in Gen Pop. Bellick tried to take charge but Pope asks another CO to do it which pisses Bellick off no end.

Back in Gen Pop there is complete and utter mayhem. 


T-Bag drags Officer Bob in, telling the others that they can have a turn with the Officer once he is done with him. Officer Bob takes off and tries to escape but trips and falls. T-bag grabs him and throws him into Michael & Sucre’s cell.

He throws him right up against the toilet which comes dislodges from the wall and T-Bag sees the hole in the wall.

Just as T-Bag is about to tell the whole of Gen Pop what he saw, Abruzzi walks into the cell and shuts him up. 

TBag & Abruzzi

Michael and Sucre are busy drilling away when they hear a noise , which is Officer Bob falling against the toilet. They resurface to check what is going on and discover that T-Bag and Officer Bob know about their secret.

T-Bag is going crazy and not only wants to kill Officer Bob but wants in on the escape plan as well. Otherwise he will sing like Johnny Cash.

The others have no choice but to agree but none of them are happy about it.

In sick bay, Sara is still locked up in her office.
The inmates are banging wildly against the windows and doors and one of them even manage to stick his arm through a hole in the door. 

Sara stabs him with a syringe too and this incites the others even more. 


One of them grabs a fire extinguisher and starts banging on the already cracked glass and Sara is in a state of panic. If they get through to her, there is no telling what they will do.

Lincoln eventually comes to and is still where T-Bag left him. Westmoreland tries to help him and when Lincoln enquires as to where Michael is, another inmate offers to help him find Michael.

Lincoln follows him through a short cut and as the inmate reaches for the door, we see his green bracelet. It’s the same guy that had said Lincoln was as good as dead.

In the control room, the inmates see that the good doctor is in trouble. Michael rushes down to take a look and sees that Sara is in trouble.

Michael rushes back to the hole in the wall so that he can go and save Sara. Before he leaves he makes them promise not to hurt the CO because as long as they have him, they have leverage to bargain with Pope and the others.

Michael dashes through the tunnels until he is on the roof.

He peers down to Sara’s office and sees her frantically banging on the window trying to find a way to escape.

We see Sara crouching behind a desk holding a piece of glass as a weapon, with a terrified look on her face….


The pace was HECTIC. 

Not only do we have a riot to contend with, but now T-Bag and a CO know about the hole and it looks like Sara and Lincoln are in deep trouble.

And now I have to wait another week. Dammit.


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