Since I missed the first half of the episode, I'll make this a short one. I'm going to focus on the accident, and what happened regarding Rob and Amber.
The Setup
Brian and Greg were driving along a road in a car in Africa. They had an accident, which didn't surprise any Africans. That's what happens to cars on African roads.
The cameraman was trying to do some X-treme filming by hanging out of the window, thus capturing the entire accident in brilliantly blurred and jittery and bouncy footage.
The car was flipped onto its side (not even a full role - poor by African standards) and a cameraman was injured. This is all bad stuff, 'cos a hurt person isn't nice.
Except, of course, when it's Jonathan from TAR 5. It's ok if he gets hurt. We laugh, even.
The Good Guys
Lynn and Alex, good Samaritans and all round great guys, see the accident and think "Oh my god! Two more cameras to be focussed on us! Let's go do our thing!" and proceeded to gawk over the accident and use up the entire world's quota of "Oh my God!"s. They bravely helped the accident victims by standing in one spot the whole time and thus giving shade.
The Drive By
So, along come Rob and Amber, who are, as we all know, really evil people because they try to win 'games' by 'playing well'. Bastards. Anyway, they drive by and callously don't get out and offer their valuable skills, thus achieving near-unanimous public hatred.
Let's analyse all of the skills/facilities that Rob and Amber could have offered the stricken vehicle:
- Their car. If someone needed to be transported to a bush hospital, a car would be needed. Lynn and Alex had already parked theirs over a termite nest, killing off an endangered species of termite, so this would not be necessary of Rob and Amber.
- CPR, Boston Style. The only thing Rob can resuscitate is his Red Sox baseball cap.
- Moral Support and Cheerleading. The cheerleading was taken care of, thanks to Lynn. "2-4-6-8, let's support that vertebrate!"
- Empty Concern, whilst Driving on to Complete the Race Anyway. This was also taken care of by Uchenna and Joyce. Hell, so did Lynn and Alex, Greg and Brian, and everyone else. No one thought to ride with the cameraman to the hospital, since they're in a race. Hmm, does that excuse sound familiar to you?
- 'Are you ok?'
- 'Yes, numb-nuts. We just like to tip cars over 'cos there're no cows out here.'
So, you see, Rob and Amber did the right thing. So what if they carried on driving. That is what they were supposed to do. It's a game, remember? What could you possibly do if you have no experience? Everyone is saying "They should have at least stopped and asked!" but then, all that does is improve their appearance, and I don't see how that is morally better.
It's ok when they pay bus drivers to open doors only for them, because that's daring and clever, but we arbitrarily draw the line when we think they could have appeared to be better. It's all a game until we decide it isn't? *bleep!*.
none of us can judge whether Rob and Amber cared about those people. I'm sure they cared as much as you and I.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to donate to the Brian And Greg Accident Fund.