Sacked: Important news maker
Hello and welcome to Monday World! We kick-start this week with important international headlines. ANCYL President Julius Malema who is affectionately known as Baby Juju, is set to appeal his guilty verdict. Baby Juju was last week found guilty of bringing the ANC into disrepute and sowing divisions within the party. The verdict came after almost three months of an in-house trial of the beleaguered youth league leader.

Our heroine: Public Protector Thuli Madonsela
Juju is also being investigated by Public Protector Thuli Madonsela. Madonsela is taking a closer look into Malema's finances and his Ratanang Family Trust as well as his lavish lifestyle. News Now magazine last week gave a very good description of who Juju is: Rich Man, Poor Man (think the 2-day Sandton and Pretoria march as well as his extravagant lifestyle).

Calculating: President Jacob Zuma is politically calculating
We at Monday World are not Juju fans to say the least. However, the ANC’s National Disciplinary Committee’s (NDC) decision to suspend him from the party for 5 years, saddens us. In fact, we at Monday World headquarters love to hate Juju. Deny it all you want, y'all also love to hate him. When white people at work are giving you bull, you think of Juju and cannot wait for his next attack on white people. When white people start going all nonsense on the government claiming the apartheid government was good, you cannot wait for Juju to take a swipe at them.
Though we at Monday World don't condone Juju's verbal diarrhea, we are going to miss it.

Likely: He may be the acting President after JZ is fired
Juju's sacking from the ANC means the following: President Jacob Zuma wants to secure a second term in office and knows that will happen over Malema's dead body. Therefore, sacking him will ensure JZ secures a second term. Those who Juju wanted as front-runners in the ANC Mangaung 2012 elective conference will have to stand up and fight for Juju with the National Executive committee (NEC) and convince them that the NDC didn't act on the ANC's best interest.
If the Malema cronies manage to convince the NEC to overrule the NDC's decision, this will mean victory for Juju and that JZ will in no uncertain terms, be given his marching orders from the South African Presidency. Tokyo Sexwale will likely be the acting President.

Fighting: Juju is set to fight the NDC ruling
Whatever happens, we haven't seen the last of Juju. If history is anything to go by, Malema will be back in the ANC sooner than you can say Mangaung 2012. JZ rape trial proved so. Akere his rape acquittal saw TM being sacked from the SA Presidency.

Star power: Busi set to star in Generations
In other news, first class actress Busi Lurayi scored a role in Generations. When I saw the snap-shots for what's coming this week, I was like wow, Busi Lurayi in Generations!? This is good news for Generations and we can only hope that the boring soapie that's resting on its laurels will not be giving her some mediocre storylines. Busi is a terrific actress and we are glad to hear she has a meaty and a challenging role in the soapie. Busi will play the role of Swazi Lukhele and she debuts Generubbish appearance on Wednesday. Y'all remember Busi from Sokhulu and Partners, Home Affairs, ER and many more.
Apologise: Meme demands an apology from KK
Staying with the soapies, Muvhango is turning up the heat these days yazi. Meme shot her ex-boyfriend KK two weeks ago because she wants him to plead guilty for emotionally and physically abusing her. KK doesn't see any wrong with his behaviour. However, Meme told the tvplus magazine a few weeks ago that men of KK's nature must seek help.

At a loss: They just lost their baby
Continuing with Muvhango hotting up, mina yazi I was happy for Ranthumeng and Thandaza when it was revealed that her moods were due to her pregnancy. Ranthumeng was delighted and Thandaza was ecstatic. However, on Thandaza's birthday party, Ranthumeng announced that he and Thandaza were pregnant.
The elders were not pleased to say the least. In our African culture, it is an abomination to announce to the world news about your pregnancy. You can only do so when the bun in the oven is already showing, not when you are 6 weeks preggies. As much as I feel for the love-birds, this should teach Ranthumeng a lesson that it is ok for him to be a modern dude and westernised, however, some of our African principles we cannot do away with them. We cannot wait to see if the duo will try again for a baby.

Modern man: Ranthumeng has no regard for tradition and culture
However, a quick look into Muvhango's future shows that Thandaza cannot be able to bear children again. Kodwa she is woman of prayer. So, with God, everything is possible, including in the soapies.

More trouble: Sundani is back and pregnant
Also, Chief Azwindini's mistress returned last week and she is heavily pregnant. We at Monday World are not really sure if the baby is bafhuwi's or Mulalo's. Akere the first Venda Prince to slice Sundani's cake was Mulalo, not the Chief. But aretse, mothers know best. But then again, Sepedi asserts that only the father of a child is known by the mother.

Starring love: Themba and Bubu are an item
Staying with love stories, Themba Nofemele (Muvhango's Ranthumeng) is dating actress Bubu Mazibuko, reports the Sunday Sun. Yazi at the Feather Awards, I saw Ranthumeng with Bubu and when I went up to him to say hi, he was with Bubu, and he said: "Let me introduce you guys, Bubu, this is Makisto and Makisto this is..." I interrupted him and said: "I know her. I have interviewed her for a couple of times but she probably forgot who I am." When I saw the Sunday Sun article I was like, dammit Makisto, now you lost an exclusive story there. Themba would have told me they are dating and I would have interviewed them right on the spot. From now on, I am going to talk less and listen more, especially with TV stars.

Healing wanted: Madame Gigi is tight-lipped about her illness
Moving onto Somizi Mhlongo and Pastor Mboro. While Somizi remains tight-lipped about what is wrong about his health, Pastor Mboro has revealed that through God's help, he can help heal Somizi with prayer [plus holy water and vaseline]. The Sunday Sun yesterday ran a front page story detailing how the controversial pastor is prepared to work with Somizi for his healing process.

Healer: Controversial Pastor Mboro wants to heal Somizi
We at Monday World offices would like Somizi to receive any kind of help that will make him return to his sound health. Even if it means turning to Mboro. However, we are just concerned about Mboro. Given Mboro's reputation, we hope he will not massage Somizi's shombolozi and bums and give him all sorts of yougetta stock sweets.

Wronged: Sunday World owe her a front page apology
I didn't buy Sunday World yesterday because to be quite frank, the paper was just boring nje. I, however, would like to state that I read Avusa's public editor. Joe Latakgomo's column in last week's Sunday World. Latakgomo found Sunday World guilty of publishing false, unbalanced, uninformed and malicious articles about socialite and businesswoman Uyandi Mbuli. The paper reported Mbuli bought fake Louboutins shoes and quoting un-named sources.

Public editor: Joe Latakgomo. He insists the Sunday World is lazy
Latakgomo stated that the paper only used one source and they couldn't verify their allegations. He described the act of the paper failing to adhere to its very own editorial policy of having 3 anonymous sources confirming one thing as an act of laziness.

Sue or demand: The ball is in her court to play with
We at Monday World would like to petition for Sunday World to publish a front page apology because after the damage they have done, it's the least the paper can do. Failure to do as such, [if I was Uyanda] I was gonna sue the paper for all the lost business due to the publication of those two malicious articles. The paper has remained tight-lipped despite their public editor finding them guilty of laziness and him establishing that Uyanda's Louboutins are in fact, originals. Latakgomo has bank statements of Mbuli's credit cards and all. Sunday World, stop being such a malicious liar and a whore, and apologise to Mbuli on front page, and sit down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sexual culprit: Mbalula
Just like Latakgomo, I also assert that in some instances, it is imperative for papers to go ahead and publish stories with only one source. Like in the case of Sports and Recreation Minister Fikile Mbalula who had unprotected sex with a "whoring" Joyce Molamu. Mbalula initially denied having cut Joyce's cake but eventually admitted to have bonked the model. Both City Press and Sunday World published the articles with one source and it was found to be true that the Minister did have unprotected sex with the model. However, with Uyanda's case, Sunday World could have stopped lazing around and asked Mbuli for credit card statements. Period!