Accusations and Love-life: Karabo

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 30 Aug 2010
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Carol Mdladla is at it again this time accusing former Generations actress Connie Ferguson of breaking her marriage of 13 years with Buyile Mdladla, reports the Sunday Sun.

True Self

Carol accuses Connie of exacerbating her marital woes with her (ex) husband and says Connie should be blamed for everything going wrong in her (Carol) marriage. Contacted for comment, Furgeson said: "I wouldn't judge Carol because of the comments she makes. Divorce has happened to the best of us." But Connie also hit back saying if Carol and Buyile are going through a divorce, they should do it quietly without pointing fingers at outside parties.

"But Connie also hit back saying if Carol and Buyile are going through a divorce, they should do it quietly without pointing fingers at outside parties." 

Connie the brand

The Sunday tabloid alleges that Connie's hubby and Scandal star, Shona Ferguson (Alex Phiri) is unhappy that Connie was working with Buyile and doing kissing scenes with him. Buyile reportedly flirted and had some kind of an affair with Connie while she was married to Neo Matsunyane. Upon finding out about the flirty encounters and the alleged affair, Neo reportedly confronted Buyile with a gun. Theirs is a union history and now Connie is (happily) married to Shona Ferguson, or so they claim. You know the saying, not all that glitters is gold.


Unpacking and analysing the real-life drama: Connie
This unscripted drama happening around Connie and her name being dragged through the accusations and attention-seeking plot by Carol, can be attributed to the fact that perhaps Connie is one of South Africa's most loved actresses. Proof can  be found in that, you put her on a magazine cover or newspaper front page, your publication is guranteed to be an instant bestseller for that edition. Carol's marriage was long over before Buyile started starring opposite Connie. This Drum/Blaqueboi article shows that Carol has been beaten up, cheated on by her husband with many girls and is proof that she is using Connie as a scapegoat.

In Generations, Karabo's love-life has been marred by drama, tragedy and bad luck. One can only hope that detractors will not succeed in breaking her marriage since theirs is going down the drain.

"It can be speculated that of course Shona wasn't happy that Connie will be kissing her ex-boyfriend on screen and maybe even Connie didn't."

As Karabo
Connie announced in March that she was leaving Generations after being with the soapie from episode one, scene one, take one. Essentially, she has been with the soapie for just over 16 years. It can be speculated that of course Shona wasn't happy that Connie will be kissing her ex-boyfriend on screen and maybe even Connie didn't like the idea of working with Buyile. One can safely assume that she spoke with her Generation bosses that she wasn't happy that Buyile will be playing her fling and had to chose between her and Buyille and when the bosses didn't give in, she resigned.

Since her resignation, Connie, who is the highest paid actress on Generations cast, hasn't spoken about her real reasons for leaving the soapie except that it's time to move on. Since announcing her resignation from the series, she has been tweeting about songs on how to handle a difficult situation, how moving on is painful yet a necesaasy move. Connie will probably not speak on her reasons for leaving Generation perhaps until 2012.

"...moving on is painful yet a necessary move."

Connie is currently focusing hall her energy on the Connie Furgeson brand, and what a brand she is! 

A perfect couple: Connie and Shona

Connie 2 Carol 0
Watching from a distance, Connie and Shona are a perfect celeb couple and have even won You Spectecular Awards for two years in row (2008 and 2009) for just being in love. If indeed the rumours and speculations that Connie and Shona weren't happy that Gen bosses brought Connie's ex-fling to be her onscreen boyfriend, I applaud Connie for chosing her marriage over her Generations job. Not that she had to choose between her job and her marriage. It was going to become increasingly difficult for her to work with Buyile because it was kind of going to spark the old flame and we are all human beings with faulty human nature. No one is perfect and even the sweetest of people do fall prey to life's unfortunate situations.

The couple

"it was going to become increasingly difficult for her to work with Buyile because it was kind of going to spark the old flame and we are all human beings with faulty human nature."

Connie also displayed attributes of a true professional, as the Generations press release read after the news of Connie's exit broke. She continued working with her real-life ex-fling right to the very end of the period that producers needed her. "Connie is a true professional in every sense of the word," said Gen publicist Constance in the press release.

Connie shot her exit scenes on Generations last Thursday and will last be seen on the soapie on  October 29 in a tear-jerking storyline.


30 Aug 2010 10:54

If this is the truth I understand Carol's breaking story, I will be very hurt should my hubby act next to her once upon a time lover.

30 Aug 2010 11:01

Oh it's Carol again??? mxciim *sigh*

30 Aug 2010 11:02

True or false,l honestly don't care. This happened 10 years ago, why does she bring this now, does she want the public to think that Connie is a home wrecker? She needs to get a life and solve her problems at home and not with the media. She might think that she is bring down B & C's dignity but she does release that the public is laughing at her.

30 Aug 2010 11:05

Carol should get alive, she kept quite for so many years and now because she can't keep her man she wants Connie to get divorced too.

Connie and her husband are still together and there are kids involved so you should have thought twice before goin to the media.

Gal your marriage is over so don't end Connies.

30 Aug 2010 11:12

Thank you BigMa!! Mina i've heard enough of her attention seeking.......really. Sesikuzwile mfazi. Start acting like a mother

30 Aug 2010 11:13

eish ya nee as they say don’t believe wat u read on the newspaper all the time. Im still not sure about Carol's motive behind every story she portray. Im still questioning myself gore why did she had to wait for so long to expose the guy??? even if its true about Connie and this skinny guy. didn’t this affair happened long time ago.

if yes hw can Connie be the cause of the divorce unless if they both still continuing having an affair!!!!

30 Aug 2010 11:14

Connie bathong, never in a million years would I have accused her of cheating, with a married man nogal? tjo! I guess its true when they say you must never judge a book by its cover.

I have always suspected that Connie was the one who cheated with Lungile but a denialist in me did not want to believe it coz I hold that woman in such high steem.

Now in a way it makes sense ( In a twisted way) why Carol went to the paper. Suddenly Connie and Buyile were in the covers of magazines and they are all lovey dovey on screen,  it is natural that all of that would open up old wounds. In the same breath I still do not condone the way she is handling the whole thing, sometimes being the bigger person tends to be a good thing. Sometimes pain makes people act like fools.

Time and again, people have acted crazy in the name of love and pain. I just hope that more secrets wont be revealed, for the sake of the kids. Imagine how Connie's kids must be feeling right now, especially the one she had with Neo. For years her mom had this squeaky clean image and one day she wakes up to finding out that her mom cheated on her dad, hectic stuff. Not to mention the gossip she is going to suffer, the things our parents do to us!!!

30 Aug 2010 11:14

Before yesterday's article, I pitied Carol but right now she has totally lost my sypmathy. She must grow up and start acting like an adult.

30 Aug 2010 11:17

Connie is so beautiful bathong...

30 Aug 2010 11:19

I seriously don't know what is wrong with this Carol woman. Just because you marriage is over you go around telling everybody what happened a decade ago no women get a life and stop being an attention seeker......

What ever happened in your marriage happened between you and your husband so stop dragging people into your missrable life. 

30 Aug 2010 11:20

I have always suspected that Connie was the one who cheated with Lungile but a denialist in me did not want to believe it coz I hold that woman in such high esteem.
But Connie didn't cheat fruity, Carol is saying Connie made matters worse by agreeing to work with Buyile on Generations.

Suddenly Connie and Buyile were in the covers of magazines and they are all lovey dovey on screen, 
The story was about their work and part of their contract with Generations makes it clear that they shall be available for magazine shoots because it's part of marketing the show.

30 Aug 2010 11:22

What ever happened in your marriage happened between you and your husband so stop dragging people into your missrable life. 
True ladyjay, this woman wants Connie's marriage to suffer because because hers is suffering

30 Aug 2010 11:22

Damn Carol must really get a good life after the divorce.Why does she run to the media since her marriage is over.Carol is just an attention seek who does not care about her kids' well being.I think what Carol is trying to do is ruin Connie's marriage.

sexy d
30 Aug 2010 11:30

yoh yoh yoh that woman(carol) gal give it a rest you said you dont want buyile anymore so why are you busy throwing connies name mo seretseng sis woman get a life if you are miserable dont force anyone to join you..

30 Aug 2010 11:32

Hawu makisto, what do you mean Connie did not cheat? Carol and the papers are saying that she cheated on Neo with Lungile when he first appeared on Generations. Carol became angry when she saw them together on screen acting out what happened ten years back.

Carol is saying Connie made matters worse by agreeing to work with Buyile on Generations.  After Connie cheated on Neo with Lungile and Lungile cheated on Carol with Connie.

30 Aug 2010 11:33

This Carol woman is such a bore and a fool.

Connie was a bigger woman because she resigned from Generations...and i suspect they might have just flirted and not gone all the way.

Carol can't keep her man and now she is blamin other are making me so angry.

Where is Pele and Phil we need you guys.

30 Aug 2010 11:36

what is this woman (Carol) trying to do mara, aaaarrrgggggggghhh! Nonsense. and Buyile what is he saying about all this, geewas!

30 Aug 2010 11:37

Carol and the papers are saying that she cheated on Neo with Lungile when he first Hawu makisto, what do you mean Connie did not cheat? Carol and the papers are saying that she cheated on Neo with Lungile when he first appeared on Generations. 
I thought you were suggesting she is also cheating now.
After Connie cheated on Neo with Lungile and Lungile cheated on Carol with Connie.
But Connie is now a professional and handled the whole situation with well. She bowed out of her job of 16 years that paid her appromiately R100 000 monthly because she didn't want to work with Buyile, angithi?

30 Aug 2010 11:43

Carol get a man and stop running after Buyile...i bet if he culd ask you to 4give you would, thats why you stayed with him for so long even through the alleged abuse.

Wa tena wa tseba....

30 Aug 2010 11:47

Well done Connie, at times you have to make decision that you will not regret and I think the decision you have taken is a good one.  walk tall and foucs on your marriage and family.  you have a husband to love and kids to love and take care of.  do not worry much about labo Carol, it is always the case so do not stoop low you have travelled on the right track as a wise women.

I am very proud of you and your husband and May God Shower His Blessing emtshatweni wenu.

take care

30 Aug 2010 11:54

hau..really?connie is leaving her job because she doesnt want to work with lungile?tell me,wasnt  lungile cast[hastily at that] to usher karabo out of the story?and if connie felt that strongly about NOT working with the dude doesnt she have enough clout to demand that it doesnt happen?

haai,no matter,i dont like that guy anyway,i haaaaate the way he speaks yoh!i always wanna scream,'open your damn mouth and articulate your words'kkkkkk.

30 Aug 2010 11:56

I am very proud of you and your husband and May God Shower His Blessing emtshatweni wenu.
Nondi is a true fan shem. Even puts the signature.
connie is leaving her job because she doesnt want to work with lungile?tell me,wasnt lungile cast[hastily at that] to usher karabo out of the story?
There is always a story behind a story dana.

30 Aug 2010 12:04

This Carol is a real character you know, if you are looking for sympath my darling you not getting any instead people are laughing at you even your ex-husband is also laughing.

 I can't believe you are so stupid, you are so beatiful but you don't have brains just grow up. What exactly are you hoping to achieve or maybe you think your husband will ask for forgiveness and ask you to re-marry him again and live HAPPILY EVER AFTER dream on girl.....................

30 Aug 2010 12:10

Did Connie have a Boob job, those boobs look doctored!

Mash 2010
30 Aug 2010 12:17

Carol, if you want to divorce do it quietly. Why did you keep quiet all these years. Stop messing other people lives. You are attention seeker

30 Aug 2010 12:18

Ehe, poshspice, you are very observant. Since she had a nose job (she got her nose re-sized, not the other stupid nose job for schelbs) I wouldn't be surprised if Connie the celeb had a boob job. If it works for her, why not?

30 Aug 2010 12:23

shame though,carol must calm down...connie is with shona now,she wouldnt be tempted by..whats his name again?

30 Aug 2010 12:23

this Carol is seeking for media attention,it seemz as if you steel love Buyile

Sana Lwam
30 Aug 2010 12:27

Ha! I said it on on that blog about the Mdladla's that I suspect Karabs.

30 Aug 2010 12:33

I am sooooo disappointed on Connie....i love her sooo much and all this time since the first article i thought the actress they were talking about is Sophie aka Queen...not that Queen looks like a CHEATER but I never thought CONNIE had a nerve to cheat not even on that SHORTY NEO Matsinyane....

Hayi I give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30 Aug 2010 12:36

Hayi I give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But Chix it happened 10 years ago, that's if it did happen. We are human hle as I say in the article and we all fall prey to life situations.

30 Aug 2010 12:54

thats life for u,,,, full of surprises hey mara it goes on and on and on

30 Aug 2010 12:58

I bet she cheated coz Neo was not that now she has Shona. Big difference

NELLIE ville
30 Aug 2010 13:01

connie is leaving her job because she doesnt want to work with lungile,realy? i dont believe that was her reason for leaving gen.if she didn't want to work with Buyile she wouldnt even do one episode.and how many times did they kiss? i'm dissapointed

30 Aug 2010 13:11

i dont believe that was her reason for leaving gen.if she didn't want to work with Buyile she wouldnt even do one episode.and how many times did they kiss? i'm dissapointed
But Nellie, that would be professional suicide because she probably still wants more acting gigs. The industry is very small and if you bad mouth your former employer, no one will want to touch you. Look at former Muvhango star Mutodi Neshehe (Ndalamo). No one wants to work with except for Lux soap ad.

30 Aug 2010 13:12

NELLIE point exactly.... what is the use of her resigning after so many munchieeesss she received from Buyile on screen...that is why I said "I GIVE UP"!!!!

30 Aug 2010 13:14

@Makisto....what happened with Mutodi....did he leave the show in an UNPROFFESSIONAL manner

30 Aug 2010 13:27

Makisto i must say i love your angle on this story.

Mokema haha thanks for the vote of

To be honest i really dont care what Connie did in the pats ten years, my problem starts with Carol people.
She might be a victim, though i never even in the first article felt shame for her at all. In my oipnion thsi tell all sage she is in is just plain stupid and vindictive. and i dont but the 'she saw Karabo with Buyile, and wounds were opened'' yeah right. 

I dont respect so called victims who splash their 'pain'' in gossips newspapers. if she really is pain she needs to get help soon on how to nurse bruises of a broken marriage, Karabo was not ythe only woman who cheate dwith her husband, i dont want to see her next week on Shashwi dishing more of her ''k's''

Woam please, please, if he starts to treat you like a doormat, cheat on you , get's violent with you, love yourselves to let go Please!!! Media is never goint to sort or heal any wounds this woman is claiming.

Mrs Ferguson dish out sufunukwazi, i know for a fact you were never a princess, you married Neo for fame(stepping the ladder and yes u did) and you dumped him the minute you got your slice, so this is no suprise, but i will cut you some slack  for now asCarol is making me angry.

sexy d
30 Aug 2010 13:37

Carol honey step away when you still have some dignity left so my advice have a break, have a kit-kat

30 Aug 2010 13:47

I find it amusing that there are people who are "shocked" that connie is the cheating woman in question...erm....

I feel terrible for the woman, Carol. I pray her peace and healing from all she has been thru. And that she moves on the best possible for herself and her children.
On whether what she is doing now (the media spree) is praisewrthy or not i still empathise with her for the cause, which is the alleged abuse. Pain makes people do irrational things and that is even more sad. The condemnation that she is recieving is just so shocking to me...i hope she has a lot of love arround her to cushion her from it all.

And i wish people can stop asking why after 10 years?....its depressing even attempting to answer this question and i anycase several pple have answred the question, although i still see it all over...

30 Aug 2010 13:47

I think Carol needs to take a chill pill.  she mustn't worry Buyile doesnt have the bucks to keep connie happy. her and Buyile were living in a back room at Orlando.  He was good then not now (during his Khaya FM days) i still dont understand why the producers decided to bring him back after what happened there are many good actors in this country.

30 Aug 2010 14:03

@pele hahaha GPY.

30 Aug 2010 14:13

shem Carol wa batho,i understand chick.bitterness and being vindictive can turn you into a biatch!with time you will be fine we all react differently to matters of the heart.rather deal with the dog than innocent people. Im just worried bout your nxt stunt.

30 Aug 2010 14:20

Oh Carol ngwana batho...

Connie cheated on Neo. Neo divorced her.
Great move.

Buyile cheated on you. You chose to stay in the marriage.
Maybe you should have divorced him then.
You chose to be where you are today ausi, deal with it.

30 Aug 2010 14:21

@ Pele
Thanks for the compliment on the angle. I will say this again, it know...
You know what I'm saying Pele ne.
I don't think Connie will ever open up on this because it involves some of her past mistakes. I agree that the media will never sort out her problems, they will just tell her story like any other story and she shouldn't blame anyone when her children come home crying because their fellow students and their teachers said some things.
so my advice have a break, have a kit-kat
hahahahahahahahahahaha to the power million, sexy d, that's great one i'm telling you an the ad pay off line works like a charm on your 1liner shem.
And i wish people can stop asking why after 10 years?
We will never stop asking. I used to kind of understand her plight but since she is just downright nasty, I am no longer empathising. Like sexy d is saying, she must have a break, have a kit kat.
Buyile doesnt have the bucks to keep connie happy.
True Blackie, phela Connie is expensive propert bandla.
what happened with Mutodi....did he leave the show in an UNPROFFESSIONAL manner
, it was everywhere, he accused the show's producers of treating Venda actors in an appaling manner and while the show accused him of under performing. He stayed away from shoots, sent through a medical certificate and voila, no one wants to touch him now, except of course, for Lux touch.

30 Aug 2010 14:23

Thatha Tshd21 thatha, wa tshisa maan.

30 Aug 2010 14:26

@Green.arrow you sound like thee Carol, you 2 get alive and live  the men alone.

@pele wow

30 Aug 2010 14:28

@Makisto, nothing wrong with Connie's decision to enlarge her breasts (if she did), it's her choice, I'd love to do it but anything that has to do with surgeries and operating theatres scare me. But those boobs look 'fake', the space between them and the round shape....hmmm, ok I'll let it go

GA is right,pain (and love)makes people do stupid things

30 Aug 2010 14:29

Green Arrow you the only blogger here who has commented fairly and understanding. I also think that Carol went to the media for comfort, revenge and actually having to regain her power back. Just imagine you in the middle of a divorce which hasnt been your doing and probably still think it is all a game and eventually your husband will get back with you when suddenly he is on the cover with the woman who he cheated with before and actually kissing her on screen. That can drive any woman insane. So please people dont be biased.

30 Aug 2010 14:32

nothing wrong with Connie's decision to enlarge her breasts 
Aowii, poshspice, I didn't say it was wrong. I said if it makes her even a bigger brand, then, why not! Nna I like her twins shem. Fake or not, those twins look ayoba. Le teng, it looks like she decreased the size and manipulated them to be fit for her sexy body frame.
anything that has to do with surgeries and operating theatres scare me
Then you will not have Karobo boobs shem.

30 Aug 2010 14:40

That can drive any woman insane. So please people dont be biased.
Msoe, we are just dishing our frank opinions and now you are getting all preachy with us. It doesn't take a psychologist to see that Carol wants  Connie's marriage to Shona to also suffer. Neo Matsunyane divorced Connie and she chose to stay with Buyile. She must get a life because she is pretty bored. Drum wanted a story as Drum journo Gilda told you guys right here on TVSA that Generations makes them money and Generations wanted even higher  ARs by getting someone who will play the role with his eyes closed and it's all money money. Carol must do something for herself about herself that's all money money and stay away from Karabo toe. He banna...Does she know that that story yesterday made Sunday Sun's sell more than any other Sunday publication and catapulated Connie into even higher stardom and if you read the story, Connie was all friendly and didn't take anything personally and said she understands what Carol is going through, essentially, she was very very diplomatic lol.

30 Aug 2010 14:43

Carol should have never gone to the media,she should deal with her divorce quietly nd in a professional manner as Connie has said. But i know that pains nd anger can make u do somethings you wil never thought you wil do but i don't condone what carol has done. As for Connie guys ke mo shapela matsogo for choosing her marriage over her work if what is been said is true.

30 Aug 2010 14:45

But makisto..asking why she waited for 10 yrs and questioning whether she is being nasty with the media spree or not  she is nasty is 2 totally diffrent things. 
And in both cases...i Green.arrow Prime choose to empathise with the "cause" that led her to this "end" that she finds herself irrational/nasty end according to most (not all because bwe see things diffrently) people....But i empathise with her nonetheless.

Cause: alleged abuse
End: her media spree...and i have to say i also shutter to imagine what she will unleash next. 

PS: i also love the angle you took with the article, pele o mpethile ka let me in on the "it know...." a dlala..but i loved the angle too...

30 Aug 2010 14:48

Attention Seeking tactics. Carol should have just moved on. Now she is tarnishing her own reputation. What is she going to gain out of this?

30 Aug 2010 14:53

oh poor Mutodi....He was also in this other ad of Nashua mobile or something along those lines.It was just good riddance with Mutodi...the guy sucks ag!!! @Makisto..Is it for real that Connie was getting approx R100 000-00 monthly? If it is true then I don't think she will have any other acting role in any of other soapies...she will just promote true self and other bizs.

Ya amabloggers can deviate from the topic yoh...look now they are focusing on the dairy of Connie.......CAROL MUST JUST GET A PURE NEW LIFE BEFORE SHE COMMITTS SUICIDE.Wa hlanya ngwanyana oh ag

30 Aug 2010 14:54

Mso we will be biased if we had your understanding, Carol made this a public debate herself, and hopefully she didnt think we all going to fall for her victim act .
Dont be biased yourself as we havent had stories from Lungile yet.

30 Aug 2010 15:15

hi everyone, did anyone look at the matter why did Neo and connie divorce, 
i am not even sure ukuthi she is leaving gen because she doent want to work with Mdladla, i think , and i said i think the husband gave her an alternative you resign or we divorce she had to choose.

i feel sorry for Carol mina, its so hard to fight a powert full woman like Connie when every one things she is a saint

30 Aug 2010 15:16

i Green.arrow Prime choose to empathise with the "cause" that led her to this "end" that she finds herself in
You don't choose what happens to you but you choose how you respond t it and she is responding to her pain in a foolish way.
it for real that Connie was getting approx R100 000-00 monthly? 
Yes, she got that much.
PS: i also love the angle you took with the article, pele o mpethile ka let me in on the "it know...." a dlala..but i loved the angle too...
Msoe we will be biased if we had your understanding
Tell 'em Pele

30 Aug 2010 15:21

For the record: Connie did not earn R100 000 pm

Empathy or not. If Carol thought this expose with garner her some support I think she may have misread the situation. Right now it would be hard, even for the most understanding of all people, to not think she was on some personal vendetta tip.

We are not our past. Connie has moved on with her and so should Carol.

30 Aug 2010 15:22

... expose' will .....*

30 Aug 2010 15:31

She earned approximately R100 000. If you know Blaque, why not fill us in? I got this info from insiders and obvioulsy I have never seen her payslip but I think there is some truth on the wage figure.
We are not our past. Connie has moved on with her and so should Carol.
I couldn't have said it better.

30 Aug 2010 15:46

This is all getting ridiculous.

She(Carol) said that her hubby was abusive(hitting her).

If Connie was the reason for her marriage to end surely it(marriage) would have ended 10-13 years ago. Why make Connie her reason for her failed marriage when the incident happened so many years ago? Connie's marriage to Neo ended years ago. Her choosing to stay with him is her business and there is no need to bring up something that may or may not have happened 13 years ago.

I'm beginning to doubt the reason for the divorce. Is she divorcing him because he cheated 13 years ago or because he hit her 13 years ago?

Both of these reasons make no sense to me whatsoever. If Connie working with Mandla was a problem for her she should have taken it up with her hubby and found some sort of way around the situation.

Her using Connie as a scapegoat for her problems shows how immature and selfish she is. Wanting other people marriages to fail along with hers..

30 Aug 2010 15:47

Connie is not a saint but she proved to be a true professional. Oh I like her.
So it was Lungile that his husband allegedly caught in bed with.  But the tabloids also said Neo was/ is gay that is why she cheated bcoz she was apparenlty not satisfying her. The source is the tabloid about a decade ago. If all that is true she worked hard to retain her diginity.

30 Aug 2010 15:54

But the tabloids also said Neo was/ is gay that is why she cheated bcoz she was apparenlty not satisfying her.
tjotjotjtotjotjtojtotjotjotjo, this is news to me. The story gets even juicier.

NELLIE ville
30 Aug 2010 16:03

this is not about Neo

30 Aug 2010 16:04

I know lol, but we want to know about his sexual identity story

30 Aug 2010 16:05

Reply from: makisto Monday, August 30, 2010 15:54 PM

But the tabloids also said Neo was/ is gay that is why she cheated bcoz she was apparenlty not satisfying her.
tjotjotjtotjotjtojtotjotjotjo, this is news to me. The story gets even juicier. >>>>>kwakwakwakwaaaaaaa *dies*

30 Aug 2010 16:07

kwakwakwakwkawkakwakwakwkakwakwa @ms.tebby

30 Aug 2010 16:13

yeah, we'll make it about Neo if need be lol...all thanks to Carol.

30 Aug 2010 16:14

Neo wa batho

30 Aug 2010 16:24

Carol Carol Carol It happened 10 years ago so what?????????? This is an entertainment industry either way they will still meet somblief get a life and move on why didn't you divorce the man when it happend 10 years ago and halalaaaaaaaaaa to Connie for cheating with a married man since ahe was also married it was just stealing Lungile is so yummy I will also steal for him

31 Aug 2010 08:25

yeah, we'll make it about Neo if need be lol...all thanks to Carol.
Thank you The Lady, phela on TVSA there is no law that says we should stick to the topic. We have made many Blaqueboi articles to be about his personal life but he is a bigger brand and therefore, we needed to know about him. If the direction takes Neo short-right, we will also take the short-right lol :)

31 Aug 2010 08:34

Makisto long will it take for you to at least interview Lungile/Buyile.

sexy d
31 Aug 2010 10:37

lol guys u really know how to expose facts or should i say opinion  maybe we should right our soapie...

31 Aug 2010 11:13

She can say what ever she likes or go 2 hell i dnt care(Carol), I love Shona and Connie wow what a perfect couple,Connie is a professional she chose her marriage despite her fame and career,nobody is perfect in this world indeed wish u all the best Connie u will always be my role model this is the beginning of the new adventure.Well honestly i dnt know how i feel about Lungile Mabena becos he is the reason why she's leaving so i will rather keep my big mouth shut before i say something that i will regret later :-(

NELLIE ville
31 Aug 2010 11:44

@Ntoko,i think Makisto said she assumes that Buyile is reason.Makisto?

31 Aug 2010 12:21

Dear bloggers help me understand sumthin' here: Wasn't Buyile's part made after Connie resigned?, I do not think there was a man in India until Connie submitted her resignation.

Lungile's part was only integrated then for ushering Karabo out of the soapie. All this insecurity ka-Shona and Carol happened after Connie has resigned from the soapie and there were photos of Buyile and Connie as Karabo and Lungile in the mags.

MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NELLIE ville
31 Aug 2010 12:35

heita Theoza.and why did Buyile accept this job?

31 Aug 2010 12:40

Nah man Karabo announced her resignation in March she knew then that Lungsta was being intereviewed or hired and due to their past it wasn't a good idea to work wid him that's why the entire thing was made up we are only confused because it takes some months for shootings and viewing those scenes aren't they???

01 Sep 2010 11:55

I do not think that was the reason Connie resigned. Apparently Connie resigned before even knowing that Buyile was coming onboard. We don't really know what made her resigned but like Makisto said, it will be revealed when we have all forgotten about it.
But ja, keep the comments cuming, i like the way u analyse things and it also makes me wonder what is really happening.

01 Sep 2010 12:00

S.K, what would you say is the reason for her resignation. I don't buy that story in the Move! magazine.

02 Sep 2010 22:12

Knowing Carol as I do I knew this whole nonsense will be twisted and she really got you all there with her lies.  Do you really believe that Connie had an affair with Buyile?  Do you really believe that Carol was abused all these years?  Do you really believe that Carol is a business woman?  Only time will tell but sooner or later truth will surface.  

When I saw the Drum issue with Carol on the cover page I knew it was bad news.  Buyile made a huge mistake to fall in love with this woman and he probably know it because signs were there from the beggining and he ignored them.  He wasted his 12 years trying really hard to protect this woman by making her look good in public and in front of his family.  

What you are actually seeing in this woman is axactly what Buyile had to deal with through their 12 years of marriage.  I for one not suprised on all these false allegations because I knew she always wanted to be on the Drum Magazine's front page and the only chance to be there was all for the wrong reasons.

03 Sep 2010 04:00

03 Sep 2010 07:20

Vegas it looks evryone who knows her personally agrees with you, and most of us who dont know her, can see she is a spiteful woman no matter what happened to her. She is fame hungry, she can be friends with KHanyi Mbau and be famous in just one day not spreading HER personal stuff in our faces for us to recognise her.

03 Sep 2010 07:22

@vegas how do you know all of this? or you are just asuming?

03 Sep 2010 08:11

Makisto write something maan, it's a Friday, come back form the Imbizo please tltltltlt

i have no ambitious of starting a blog here, i love coming here and reading and debating thought provoking stuff with people who can stand up for their own opinions, not cry babies who when their creative brains runs dry  act as if they are hated...

03 Sep 2010 08:36

Cry babies? Now I am pissed off. I am tired of your nonsense san. You can't help it you always have to take a dig at ths blogger. "creativity brain runs dry" are kidding me? How the hell is he suppose to write something when everytime he does you and your bashing start attacking him. Yeah I'm fkn angry now because you people ruined this site and sucked the fun out of it with your jealous. Leave the guy alone and stop writtin sarcastic comments taking a dig at him. Enough bro.

03 Sep 2010 08:44

You probably want someone 2 second your comment and you start a blaq trashing tirade. Why don't you just ask Makisto to write something without taking a dig at someone else. PRETENDING to be hated? We all know who you referring to. Enough man please. I hope makisto can see the this sudden luv u giving him is jst a ploy to use to take digs at someone else.

03 Sep 2010 08:51

Can we all please relax and calm down and stop trashing other people's work. Everyone write what they want and you cannot stop them. Let's enjoy blogging...please!

03 Sep 2010 08:55

S.K & Makisto, the reason why Connie resigned is because Mfundi does not want the cast of Gen to participate or do other business busides Gen. He believes that they use the characters to gain other companies eg Garnier, he believes that Karabo is a brand on its on and it will generate more profits for Garnier.
Connie on the other side believes there is more to life than Gen.

English is not my best and will never be, but l guess you understand what l am trying to say.

03 Sep 2010 09:00

decoupage you are overreacting nawe man.. Pele is requesting a friday article that's all hau. Relax it's friday anyway

BM maybe that's one of her reasons but the main one is that Shona don't want her to be kissing her ex again.. lol

03 Sep 2010 09:02

Tjo Decoupage! 
GO and  ahead haul insults at me but I am beginning to wonder why is it that every topic that comes on board you never comment about the issue at head or raise your opinion the only time time you say something is when you come to his defence.
Is he that much of a coward that you fight his battles? or are you the same body?
Its sounds like you are obssesed. Tjo!

03 Sep 2010 09:05

@bigmama... Thts how I understood the situation too. I guess until Connie go public with the details of her Gen departure we wil always speculate.

03 Sep 2010 09:05

Makisto write something please!

I write what i like and when i like, and TVSA will be committing suicide if it will do things the way other bloggers want especially sensitive bloggers.

 Deco have a chill pill i can serve you the whisky we having thsi afternoon at work. and stop involving me in things i dont know about. And yes i was inviting you to come and follow me as you always giving me too much attention, when i am bored i know i can start poking you anytime, so yha boy i GOT YOU!!! Go to the Imbizo and be matured enough. Read all Makisto's blogs and see we not always friends all the time...

03 Sep 2010 09:11

@diara... Wtf are you on about? Can't u read? Did u write the cry baby comment? Can u not read the other comments I made on the article comments?

03 Sep 2010 09:14

Read all Makisto's blogs and see we not always friends all the time...
This is very true bloggers. In the Oprah article, I have had to Pele where to get off. Even in some of my blogs, he will just "provoke" (lack of better word) me and we will start debating the matter/issue. The thing very few bloggers don't like is Pele and I are both journalists and obviously when it comes to the media, we will take the media's side and that's where the whole thing of "ass-licking", as termed by ver few bloggers started. I don't mind people saying others are "ass-lickers"  because that's their opinion. Let's rather use the term fan or groupie as it is less insulting. Let's move on from this and make TVSA the most exciting cyberworld. We can do better that this and we are capable of doing greater things. 

03 Sep 2010 09:14

Decoration come down please!!! teh sun is blazing outside..

03 Sep 2010 09:15

frankly speaking, i do not blame Decoupage for feeling the way he is, all this Blaq bashing and the comments on his personality and sexuality are boring and irritating to say the least. For example, the comment above by Pele, there was absolutely no reason for him to say:

 "i have no ambitious of starting a blog here, i love coming here and reading and debating thought provoking stuff with people who can stand up for their own opinions, not cry babies who when their creative brains runs dry act as if they are hated..."

This site can't be reduced to what we know the other site  to be.

03 Sep 2010 09:17

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson

03 Sep 2010 09:19

This site can't be reduced to what we know the other site to be. 
Let's not point other sites please.

03 Sep 2010 09:21

apologies Makisto.

03 Sep 2010 09:55

shem this is soo messy, Connie, Neo, Carol, Buyile, Shona !!!! Someone put an end to this

03 Sep 2010 09:57

if ididnt say it i woudnt have proof that Deco is giving me attention i dont deserve, i wanted to prove a point about something i beleive is happening ngo-Blaq in my mind. i am not you, if it's not ture i dont need Deco to insult me, tu...this i waht i am thinking , i ma not goint to think what you think i must think anditsho?.

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