Dear SABC 1
I write this letter from a very disappointed soul. I have always known you to dish out crap of content to viewers, simply because we as the viewers kinda have no say in the matter. And I am sure or I hope on your side it makes financial sense. However on behalf of the most of you viewers, I feel that you are taking us for a ride and you do not in any regard take us into consideration when dishing us with your crap shows.
First it was yet another season of ‘Friends Like These’, truth be told, it was fun and entertaining on the first two seasons but the third season was just too much and why you on season 9 is beyond me- you might as well turn it into a soapie. I believe that as people of South Africa and your number one viewers we deserve more than monotonous unentertaining crap that adds no value or any substance in human lives. Actually I do not have anything to say about this show, whenever I see it, it drains me to the core.
Second on the agenda are your lifestyle magazine shows or whatever you might decide to call them. I just don’t know and see the difference between Selimathunzi, Mzansi Insider and Ses’khona and if I might add, RGB! Same content, same events and same everything! The only difference is the presenters. Why we are subject to this, only sweet baby Jesus knows.
While still on your notorious manner of recycling content, can we discuss your dance shows? First it was Jika Majika (thank God it came to an end) with Thembi Seete. But why you decided to bring on another crappy dance show-Turn It Out- is beyond me (basically everything about this channel is beyond me). Everything is just so wrong about this show, starting with the presenter and then of course the content.
As if Jika Majika and Turn it Out wasn’t enough, you go ahead and bring us Jam Alley Dance what what with bab’mkhulu Slik. Like who is the target market of this show anyway? Why is it still on TV vele? Couldn’t they find something creative apart from dance dance dance?
I feel that as a channel you are dumbing our youth by exposing them to such non substantial shows. Don’t get me wrong, entertainment is ok, but too much of same thing is kinda dumb. In one of these slots that you keep on playing such shows, can you bring a youth debating show or something of substance- Think TAKE 5 back then. But then again your schedule change (a story for another day) still doesn’t make sense to me! Why are we subjected to ‘The Bold and The Beautiful’ is still a mystery to me. Please do something about your content or have an open discussion about your content (Just like Judge Mogoeng Mogoeng)
P.S I dint forget Dance Your Butt Off.
Loyal Welfare viewer