pic sowetan:Bonang & Slikour in happier times
I have just read Heat magazine and there's an article about my gal 'B' or Bonang Matheba and her boyfriend or should I say ex-boyfriend Slikour, that they have finally called it quits. They decided to part ways a few weeks ago according to the magazine. It doesn't seem like they will make up again after their last 2 minute break up. In the article they say they tried working on their relationship but it just didn't work out. So when things do not work out it's time to end it. According to Heat they said "we came to an agreement that it was over. It's hard to have a relationship in this industry, everybody makes it their business," says Bonang. She told heat when they were at the J&B met, they were there as just friends not a couple.
I am so sad that their relationship is finally over coz I liked them together. They made a cute young couple. They are both my favourite celebs. After they made up on their first break up I thought they sorted out their issues but it is clear that there was still tension going on between the two. Now they claim to be just friends and they don't want to talk about their break up in public.