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It's Finally Over

Written by Cheesa from the blog Cheesa Chat on 25 Feb 2009
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pic sowetan:Bonang & Slikour in happier times

I have just read Heat magazine and there's an article about my gal 'B' or Bonang Matheba and her boyfriend or should I say ex-boyfriend Slikour, that they have finally called it quits. They decided to part ways a few weeks ago according to the magazine. It doesn't seem like they will make up again after their last 2 minute break up. In the article they say they tried working on their relationship but it just didn't work out. So when things do not work out it's time to end it. According to Heat they said "we came to an agreement that it was over. It's hard to have a relationship in this industry, everybody makes it their business," says Bonang. She told heat when they were at the J&B met, they were there as just friends not a couple. 

I am so sad that their relationship is finally over coz I liked them together. They made a cute young couple. They are both my favourite celebs. After they made up on their first break up I thought they sorted out their issues but it is clear that there was still tension going on between the two. Now they claim to be just friends and they don't want to talk about their break up in public.


25 Feb 2009 15:37

Au shem...

25 Feb 2009 15:41

Thats just a publicity stunt as usual/ or just lies, do not believe they truly broke up...we'l c as time goes on

25 Feb 2009 15:43

its life sana

25 Feb 2009 15:45

Shame man, they made agreat couple!

25 Feb 2009 15:46

iyhhooooo no comment

25 Feb 2009 16:02

they made a great couple, eish

25 Feb 2009 16:16

okungapheli kuyahlola...akwehlanga lungehlanga...nxese

25 Feb 2009 16:17

im sobbing as i speak. it feels like someone died. this cant b my fav celeb shame sorry sweeries!

25 Feb 2009 16:29

hao batho.

25 Feb 2009 16:30

They are not the first couple to break up and they won't be the last either. Bazoba strong bafane nendlovu.

25 Feb 2009 16:36

Good for them

25 Feb 2009 16:36

ah welll

25 Feb 2009 16:39

LOL Pritt  & Tox

25 Feb 2009 16:57

no wonder "someone" was with another "person" at a function 2 weeks ago.....

DJ Why why
25 Feb 2009 17:05

Phum' egusheni Mjay....
Did they look cozy...i do nt think they wudda moved on so soon...
Oh! what do i care? Andibathandi bobabini ababantwana, khawuyeke ndithule....

26 Feb 2009 01:24

At the Met, they looked cozy... Shame, sad for B.

26 Feb 2009 01:26

Mjj, just say who was with who? please...

smadzadza B
26 Feb 2009 03:19

Hiiiiiii, Ma Blogas!!! Its hard to believe that  bohlukene, shame I luv them so cute together.....

26 Feb 2009 07:58

what a cute picture...

04 Mar 2009 16:16

Its about bloody time, this woman has an attitude of note....I have had the ''pleasures'' of running into her and was dissapointed...I really like her

04 Mar 2009 16:17

* I really liked her

04 Mar 2009 16:25

shame. being single is in fashion these days anyway.

04 Mar 2009 16:31

that's a very sad fashion Belz esp with winter approaching......

04 Mar 2009 16:35

Single dont mean no action in winter sjuristo, it just means you are not in a relationship, thats all.

04 Mar 2009 16:39

in action with who? coz in summer its hot so u really dnt care where ur man sleeps but cum winter ngu nca nca mtshana wonke umtu uhlezi/lele nomtu wakhe.

04 Mar 2009 16:43

bakhona wethu oshaggy la ngaphandle who will be available, they are just a call away, hook yoself mtshana uyeke ukustressa sjura.

04 Mar 2009 16:43

Eish ya people..... BTW am chatting with Bonang soon...check the TVSA homepage later tommorrow and Friday.

04 Mar 2009 16:49

TDC, tell her tht i was at Legit the other day and liked on of the dresses in her catalogue but it was nowhere in the shop, can she advertise stuff that exists please.

04 Mar 2009 16:53

i have noticed uba havin a shaggy is also in fashion..hai cha ngiayibonga mna, angekhe ngilunge udliwa! 

Later darling, m signing off manje....

05 Mar 2009 07:34

cant wait TDC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05 Mar 2009 08:02

Shame man: I ddnt really like them together but actually just got used to seeing them together. Guys is it true that Chris and RIri are getting married. just how sick can that be?Imagine??

05 Mar 2009 08:10

okungapheli kuyahlola, pretty gals and men r everywhere nam ndi single,lol......

05 Mar 2009 08:11

@ Zazacious - They are not getting married, they are just back together.

Can we blame her for taking him back, I mean we've all seen his 'Take you down' music video.

05 Mar 2009 08:13

They were starting to look alike,especially their cheek bones

05 Mar 2009 08:23

Hi guys,

I didnt believe this article but yesterday i found myseld watching RGB & i heard her loud & clear. She said,"our relation WAS public.......". So its true vele.

Honestly that was my fav celebrity couple...... 

Oh BTW Siya was looking hot but im still praying 4 him 2 shave the whole hair. I will kiss my screen if he does that & i have a picture of himself kwi chiskop.

05 Mar 2009 09:20

@ myname..i was also wondering whether i heard her correctly yesterday on RGB...(our relation WAS public.......". ) So its confirmed. i always knew that its one of those shleb couples which wont last..i mean Bonang is young, loud , confused & stil mo staging , while Slikour is more quite & does not like media all over his private its not really a shock that they hav separated.

05 Mar 2009 09:26


05 Mar 2009 09:33

make it double belz LOL Fantatsipa hehehehe hai uyakhuluma sana 

Bonang is young, loud , confused & stil mo staging (Standwa sam if u r reading this, plz becareful nhe, abanye bazokudla wrongo so take care nhe) I still like u though noba u r manless like me.

05 Mar 2009 09:40

LMAO!!!!! myname. ndishilo nje uba being single is in fashion, so its fine wethu Bonang, i still dig yah, and the way uhot ngakhona nje, very soon uzobe une ou.

05 Mar 2009 09:40

If she's on RGB talking about it it means she's handling it better than I thought she would...If Thuli was not in the picture I'd have said go for Tbose-he seems to think you are the best think since sisan's articles.

05 Mar 2009 09:43

Bonang is young, loud , confused & stil mo staging ................not my fav celeb tu no no dont start fantapine bonang is young, energetic and knows what she wants in life and is going for it.

05 Mar 2009 09:44


05 Mar 2009 09:46

@Zazacious: Guys is it true that Chris and RIri are getting married. just how sick can that be?    Apparently, they're already married..

05 Mar 2009 09:47

Did you guys saw her(Bonang) with PRO in the cover of Y-Mag.?Yho that is a Hoottt Cover LOL.

05 Mar 2009 09:51

@Cheesa, I saw them and apparently that's one of the photos that made slikour 'dump' her on FB, dude was jealous, i heard he didnt even want her to do the shoot, but she did anyway,,

05 Mar 2009 09:55

LOL!!!!! at awelani's apparent stories.

05 Mar 2009 09:56

I thought after that whole facebook noise she should have left him.  I thought he was being childish!!

And yes singlehood is in until of course I get a man! heeeheheheh

@ Brightspark: What is an attitude of note???

05 Mar 2009 09:57

Who needs shwashwi, when you can have awe LOL-hayi my friend uwuphethe umgosi shame.

GI Jane
05 Mar 2009 09:58

So another one bites the dust, such is life. They'll!

05 Mar 2009 09:59

LOL,,I have reliable sources, tl tl tl tl

05 Mar 2009 10:01

[Chris And Rihanna] had a tearful face-to-face meeting at Diddy's $14.5 million Miami mansion, during which an emotional Chris apologized, begged for forgiveness and proposed to her on the spot.

"All she's ever wanted was to be with him forever," a source tells Star. "Rihanna is looking for the husband-and-two-kids deal before she turns 25. She believes in fairy tales, and she wants to live hers with Chris. She was totally up front and confessed to him, 'I can't live without you.'"

The pair wasted no time making Rihanna's fairy tale come true. They even called a minister to the mansion on exclusive Star Island

sorry cheesa :)

05 Mar 2009 10:08

LOL Awelani, who needs RunAway (i hope im spelling it rite) hehehehe 

Hee joe u r updated, stru bob

05 Mar 2009 10:10

@Cheesa, I saw them and apparently that's one of the photos that made slikour 'dump' her on FB, dude was jealous, i heard he didnt even want her to do the shoot, but she did anyway

you I only saw that cover recently and I was like what if this is one of the reasons for this break up and awe you have cleared that up with me now. And do you remember when she appeared on RGB wearing those skippy clothes with Khanyi doing that fighting thing yandiborayo. Maybe Slikour thought its enough now kwanele. LOL.

05 Mar 2009 10:13

LOL @ Myname,,,,I will credit my sources soon b4 um

05 Mar 2009 10:20

awelani LOL,,I have reliable sources, tl tl tl tl  You mean SAUCES ngawa...heeehehe, pull yo legs! You do have legs neh!!

05 Mar 2009 10:21

Ha!!! awe!!!

05 Mar 2009 10:22

I will credit my sources soon b4 um

And make sure Shwashwi doesnt get their digits or whatever that make your sources keep talking lol

doing that fighting thing yandiborayo.Maybe Slikour thought its enough now kwanele. LOL. LOL, ushukuthi he was traumatized, shame ingane yabantu!

05 Mar 2009 10:26

ofcos i have legs +1, very beatiful ones I might add, with a very sexy gwegwe that drives amadoda CRAZYYY, lol

@kapakapa,,ke eng?

17 Mar 2009 11:21

ja neh just bought move B is on the cover and she says its over.

sho there were rumours that slik caught her in bed with andile.

asked if she has any hope she'll get back with slik she said: ' if it is written in my destiny, i will not fihgt it. im not going to wait for it to happen. i have to move on with my life and career'

but they still keep in touch and r good friends, they call each other twice a week. i smell something there.

17 Mar 2009 11:26

sho there were rumours that slik caught her in bed with andile.>>> Bathong ba Modimo.. and I know they will both read this or are reading. Andile was talking about bloggers giving him Kelly Khumalo 2 weeks ago and now this??? ehehehehe

17 Mar 2009 14:12

LOL tdc

19 Mar 2009 10:36

Cape Hustlaz
06 Apr 2009 19:53

People should stop hating Slickr is da man,Bonang can go and be whatever!

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