When you browse TVSA don't forget to rate shows and actors when you visit their pages. You'll find the ratings Star Bar at the top of all show pages (including each season of each show):
It's in the same position on actor profiles:
Click the number of stars you want to give them:
You'll get a pop-up notifcation letting you know that your rating has been saved.
You can rate a show as many times as you like. When you re-rate a show, your most recent rating cancels out your previous rating so that the number of times you vote doesn't have an impact on the rating i.e. voting for the same show or actor 100 times won't have an impact on their rating. Only your latest rating will count.
Number of unique ratings does count though. The ratings are based on the Bayesian average system and are weighted according to the number of unique votes a show or actor receive. It's the same system as used by IMDB and allows for accurate rankings of actors and shows. For a full explanation of the system please see:
Baysian average.
Only actors and shows that have received a minimum of 20 unique ratings (i.e. ratings given by 20 different members) are considered for the Top 10 lists in the
TVSA Rankings.
Wield the power in your hands and rate!