To step into someone’s shoes can be a mess, you’re goanna get judged on the delivery of your script, your image etc. and I can imagine how one can be their own critic, which is why it pains me to critic Palance Dladla. He’s a fantastic actor, I loved him on Isibaya and a whole lot of other stuff he’s done. But I’ve been waiting for him to nail his latest character as Sbu. I’ve been waiting, and the year is over. And still nothing. I don’t know if it’s his body, his smile, or the delivery of the lines. But something is missing; it’s like when Charlie from Two and Half man left and Ashton had to fill in...Yeah.We love Ashton but not in two and a half.
There’s been a successful take over, like Meme from Muvhango who is now in Skwizwas. She came in and we forgot about the previous Meme, maybe I have amnesia of the previous Meme. But that’s how good she is, that’s how good you should be or come close to that. Bring in your own flavor or give us amnesia.
Both Sbu’s are good looking, have charisma etc. so Palance I hope you bring in something in the new year, maybe get buff or something. But please do something.
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