Generations: The Legacy Teasers
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Generations Teasers - May 2017

Written by TVSA Team from the blog Generations Teasers on 23 Mar 2017
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Coming up on Generations this May 2017:

Monday 1 May 2017
Episode 111 (0631)

Nandi is fed up with the way Jack treats her. The staff are not happy about Cosmo’s hardcore attitude. Mazwi punches his ex’s boyfriend.

Tuesday 2 May 2017
Episode 112 (0632)

Zitha gets kissed only this time she goes with it. Sphe is shocked when her husband walks out on their photoshoot. Two ex-lovers give in to their hunger for each other…

Wednesday 3 May 2017
Episode 113 (0633)

Gog’Flo quickly changes her tune when she sees how hot her therapist is. Namhla decides what to do with her share of the money. Gadaffi celebrates his victory, unaware he’s being watched…

Thursday 4 May 2017
Episode 114 (0634)

Tshidi receives a visitor who makes himself clear – either she helps him or she goes down. Cosmo is shocked by what he finds under his desk. Mazwi is floored by Nolwazi’s decision.

Friday 5 May 2017
Episode 115 (0635)

Tau’s blackmail ploy doesn’t pan out too well. Dejected Fana thinks he’s lost the fight. Lucy stands up for her man.

Monday 8 May 2017
Episode 116 (0636)

Jack chooses work over Nandi. Zitha is excited about being a spy for a night. Sphe tries to be supportive but gets told off instead.

Tuesday 9 May 2017
Episode 117 (0637)

Smanga witnesses a kiss and fumes. Gadaffi is put in his place. Gog’Flo confirms Cosmo’s suspicions about the secret affair.

Wednesday 10 May 2017
Episode 118 (0638)

Tshidi falls for a young boy’s lies. The lovers are caught in the act. Namhla makes a startling discovery.

Thursday 11 May 2017
Episode 119 (0639)

Jack loses his temper in full view of the Board. Mrekza is devastated that his ‘services’ are no longer required. Mazwi and Tau face off.

Friday 12 May 2017
Episode 120 (0640)

Dr Watson tells Nandi she’ll have to make a sacrifice. Smanga wonders if their conniving was really worth it. Lucy grabs a gun so she can finish Gadaffi off.

Monday 15 May 2017
Episode 121 (0641)

Tshidi is shocked when a Jozi crime kingpin goes down on her knees to beg. A husband is left reeling when his wife takes back her power. Thomas decides to use Namhla to get his man.

Tuesday 16 May 2017
Episode 122 (0642)

Tebogo is worried about the state of the family. The Diales are unaware that their every move is being watched. The Moroka household is in shock when Sphe collapses.

Wednesday 17 May 2017
Episode 123 (0643)

Jack promises Nandi he’ll try harder. Mpho pick-pockets the wrong man. Cosmo makes Mrekza an offer he can’t refuse.

Thursday 18 May 2017
Episode 124 (0644)

Mazwi refuses to be outdone by his brother. Tau tells Zitha not to expect favours from him. Zach almost wets himself when Lucy puts a knife to his throat…

Friday 19 May 2017
Episode 125 (0645)

Breakfast is a tense affair at the Diale house. The walls are closing in on Namhla. Sphe starts to have contractions weeks before her due date!

Monday 22 May 2017
Episode 126 (0646)

Tshidi is shocked by Mpho’s revelation. Fana is helpless in the face of his sister’s pain. Two brothers bare their souls before God.

Tuesday 23 May 2017
Episode 127 (0647)

Zach is stunned to hear what’s really going on. Cosmo tells Mrekza he’s out. Zitha confesses all to Tau.

Wednesday 24 May 2017
Episode 128 (0648)

Sphe desperately tries to get through to her husband. Lucy is furious about what’s happening at S’khaftin Chicken. Jack overhears something he shouldn’t.

Thursday 25 May 2017
Episode 129 (0649)

Mazwi refuses to be used as a puppet anymore. How will Namhla pull off the impossible?
Smanga is shocked by an unexpected outburst.

Friday 26 May 2017
Episode 130 (0650)

Tshidi steps up to the plate and ends up stealing the show. Mpho lies so he can keep living in luxury. Zitha begs Tau to give her another chance.

Monday 29 May 2017
Episode 131 (0651)

Fana suspects Nolwazi still has feelings for her ex. Sphe freaks when she realises her baby isn’t breathing. Lucy pulls a knife on Gadaffi.

Tuesday 30 May 2017
Episode 132 (0652)

Mazwi doesn’t know how to comfort his distraught wife. Cosmo cowers when his sister comes at him with a whip. Detective Roberts tells Namhla she’s on her own.

Wednesday 31 May 2017
Episode 133 (0653)

Wandile is haunted when she realises Karabo may have been right. Nandi desperately tries to get through to her daughter. Gadaffi plans to teach the Diales a lesson.

Generations is on SABC1 Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.

Shows in this post: Generations

Channels in this post: SABC1


23 Mar 2017 10:28

1st! I haven't even read yet lol.

sexy d
23 Mar 2017 11:05

May already iyooo

23 Mar 2017 11:42


23 Mar 2017 12:08

They will kill Sphe's baby nooo.Tau n Zitha ?looks promising .i see Tebogo on the teasers .

23 Mar 2017 13:15

Confusing, what trouble is Namhla in? Zitha is so close to Tau that she's even told him the truth but Tau feels betrayed I guess. Sphe loses the baby. Good timing cuz Tebogo is gone anyway. As for the drama with the Diales, I'm confused af.

23 Mar 2017 14:39

The SABC intentionally makes the teasers confusing. And it seems another baby will die. We know the drill when it comes to babies by Mfundi.

23 Mar 2017 14:46

I think someone will find out that Tshidi is the one that stole Gadaffi's millions and that person will blackmail her. Could that person be Lucy? Is the Russian mob gone?

23 Mar 2017 16:50

Argh so Zitha will choose Tau over Smanga? Mxm! Namhla gets a share of what? AK's money or Kumkani's R12 million? No Lesedi? Mazwi punches Fana? Oh hell NAW! I knew Tebogo would last until May. Tshidi is still here... wasn't she leaving the show? Zach is being utilised more and more. Quite confusing overall. Generations this year so far has been lukewarm and not as interesting as this time last year. Last year, by end of March we had been through the Xenophobia storyline with Adze, Polyandry storyline was booming, Mamlambo was slaying, Zola was about to die, Wandile's transgender storyline was born and Jack arrived. They should step up their game man!

23 Mar 2017 17:53

@Zondwa Namhla is going to get her share of the Russians money. Vuyo shared a picture of him, Namhla and Zach in a scene on set. Never thought I'd see the day Namhla and Gadaffi worked together. The Russians must have crazy millions. That means Namhla is rich now. Must be nice.

24 Mar 2017 00:53

Oh... then this should be interesting. Wow the writers really find it easy to write for Namhla ne? She ALWAYS has something going on and gets more screen time than anyone else! Lol

24 Mar 2017 08:48

LOL and now they've made her rich in her own right. The show basically revolves around her.

24 Mar 2017 10:03

I was hoping Zitha will slap Getty. She reduced her to a coin.

24 Mar 2017 13:26

Lol you know, I never hate characters, the last time I truly hated someone was "Caleb", Mawande's husband ... I've never been annoyed by a character on TV ever since. I'm probably way too invested when watching something, I listen to every detail, check the surroundings and I always get everything said, so I probably view TV shows (acting shows) on a different light than everyone else. So for people to be saying, "Thabiso is annoying", "Zitha is boring"... I never get that! Maybe it's just me. I study someone's character, it's purpose and it's aim and not forgetting it's message and what it tries to portray and how appropriate it portrays that particular character in that particular show/ story/ storyline. I'm just saying most characters try their best in this show, they got rid of all the bad actors and the ones we've got give it their best shot. Generations seems like a very hard show to act on. It's stories are unusual/ rare and many actors need to really study their characters. I mean Polyandry (who does that!!??), the Mamlambo thing!? And I think that's why people always complain that actors are good in other shows but then give lukewarm performance on Generations.

24 Mar 2017 16:01

@zondwa i get what u are saying .i feel with Generations we get too many annoying characters at the same time .with their storylines they end up boring all at the same time.JM ECO city business is boring,Lucy with the cat is so annoying .Fana stupidity is unbelievable .Thabiso storyline is dragging .Getty cant get a life .i think they should try bring us the good something.we need a young couple in luv .a happy family .we cant hv the bad all the time .it gets exhausting

24 Mar 2017 17:17

Y'all busy talking too much I'm still puzzled by this 'Mazwi punches his ex’s boyfriend.' Could Mazwi be Gay ??

24 Mar 2017 19:06

Lol @NiphoTT be Mazwi's ex i s Nolwazi ,her boyfriend is Fana .so Mazwi punches Fana .

24 Mar 2017 19:20

@Max I agree with the couple part... my favourite couple on Gen was Tsidi and Kumkani, they were too close and in love, thick as thieves (lol) before Kumkani became SUPER abusive. And now all their love stories never work out, Getty and Max seemed to have no problems, and they broke off so easily, about something that could've been resolved. Besides, they were a dull couple anyway. We haven't had a couple that truly sticks and is a fan favourite like Sam and Sharon or Dlomo and Ntombi. They should get someone for Smanga, the viewers love it when he's in love, he's just so cute and adorable. About JMEC, when Gen talks about business, they know too much, they become super invested and use business terms and words that the average Joe wouldn't understand. For the instance, I doubt many people understood the Tip Of The Spear plot, they were just super to hear the words, "tip of the spear" everyday without understanding anything, and that makes them say something is boring- Not understanding. I mean, Gen has told us more about construction than Muvhango (a show based on construction industry) in it's entire run. Lmao! But I love it anyways. Lol I love Lucy and her cat though haha

24 Mar 2017 19:21

*super annoyed

24 Mar 2017 19:41

Lol @zondwa u r a true fan of Generations i see .lets hope the writers pull us into an exciting direction in the next few months .i am craving a new family full of scandal and secrets .give the Morokas a rest

24 Mar 2017 19:58

Yeah the Morokas feel outdated now, but they really aren't. And I feel like the writers want them to always remain a part of the show because they are like... the driving force of the show, it's mainly their "legacy" although the show tries to keep legacies of all families except Phakade's (which are no more anyways). Zitha and Wandile are another generation of Radebe's, with Zitha wanting to carry her father's legacy. Smanga and Mazwi are the new generation of Moroka's currently carrying their families legacy and making their own families (Mazwi), starting their own legacies. Namhla for the Diale's, Thapelo for Mogale's and Bafana for the Moroka's/Celes. But Namhla and Bafana are not involved in family businesses (Fana, just a little) so I don't see how they can carry on their legacies. All I'm trying to say is, there's hardly any space for a new family, this is probably the show with the most actors in SA... they struggle to focus on some characters. Some characters are slaying while we forget that some are even a part of the show. Do you understand? I feel like there's a lot of potential with our characters, especially the Moroka's, the writers haven't found the right recipe yet.

Mash 2010
24 Mar 2017 20:26

I was shocked to see uncle Tebogo on Generations. I thought they will kill the character after Mr Joe Mafela passed on.

24 Mar 2017 20:29

No... they might show him up until May

24 Mar 2017 21:16

Eish i thought they will cut out Bab Joe Mafela's scenes.ita so sad seeing him .i must say i enjoyed tonight's episode .

24 Mar 2017 21:43

I also enjoyed tonight's episode and we all know it's rare these days. Generations is full of hits and misses. Seeing Tebogo was more than I could bare. I don't know how I'm going to cope till may. @Zondwa realistically speaking there are only two Morokas left now. To me that sounds like a family on life support. Karabo's void was never filled and now Tebogo will also leave. The baby will die. What will be left for the Morokas? They could revitalize the family by adding dynamic Morokas from Rustenburg or anywhere in the world. They could make space for these new family members by cutting other pointless characters. The main family of the show should be a priority after all.

25 Mar 2017 02:39

Great episode tonight! Really looking forward to next week! But as @Dezicles said, one episode is good then the next one becomes boring as hell Weehh

25 Mar 2017 12:13

Anyway i don't think the writers can kill moroka family and there's so much to do with smanga&mazwi characters .i think even if tau marry zitha he can move in moroka house cz tau has been with smanga for some time so his like the father figure and we all know karabo will be back Again. Anyway i think we sometimes become hard on this show and some people found it better interesting than other shows...anyway i saw picture of Smanga,mazwi,tau&jack written Plot Thickens .

27 Mar 2017 16:01

was soo sad to see baba Joe Mafela on Friday,, Bathong..

28 Mar 2017 09:24

lol i don't know why bt i like the detective he has improved on generations in terms of act compared on those loksion bioskop he acted on.. and everyone if acting more than gr8 on the show and the directing is pretty dope these dayz

29 Mar 2017 15:05

Wednesday 31 May 2017
Episode 133 (0653)

Wandile is haunted when she realises Karabo may have been right. Nandi desperately tries to get through to her daughter. Gadaffi plans to teach the Diales a lesson.

is  she coming back???????????

29 Mar 2017 17:45

Lol no my darling, Karabo isn't coming back. Don't set yourself up for disappointment. Who's excited about tonight's episode? It has some location scenes!

29 Mar 2017 19:07

I am excited for tonight .they will bury Lwazi alive lol .i loved that clapback Wandi gave Getty .it was epic .Zitha seems to be impressed by Tau .or its just to use him against Jack .

29 Mar 2017 21:27

Generations had another great location scene as always. Anyway I stopped reading #generationsthelegacy tweets about 6 months ago. I refuse to allow negativity into my bubble. I see some of y'all clapping back on twitter. I've retired from that life lol.

30 Mar 2017 00:37

I can only hope that the writers will remove uncle Tebogo from the show and scrape the entire Moroka heir storyline. I never was a fan of it, I just tolerated it. In the beginning of 2015, the rivalry between the Moroka brothers intrigued me, until the script was changed all of a sudden. And also the changing of Lucy into a clowish thug was a bad idea. Gadaffi shouldn't have left hashtag WORLD and Tshidi should have remained his treacherous trophy wife. Look now, Tshidi seems like a lost character most of the time.

30 Mar 2017 08:12

I love seeing Cosmo and Fifi together that's where Cosmo belongs.......... who auditioned for role of thabiso and did not get it? plz some1 remind me

30 Mar 2017 09:42

This thabiso storyline shows how invompetent the police are modimo .taking in innocent ppl .but that being sad i am impressed with the writers for dragging storyline like this .Thabiso will be caught around 15 april yoh

30 Mar 2017 10:10

April 15? damn. So she'll be back in that room for another two weeks. Well as long as the acting from Matli and Thando remains lit. I guess it ok. Kumkani is such a loose cannon. Now he wants to blow himself up lol.

03 Apr 2017 22:39

How many sculps has Gadaffi claimed so far? I've lost count.

03 Apr 2017 22:41

How many scalps has Gadaffi claimed so far? I've lost count.

04 Apr 2017 21:14

lol i love how people take this thabiso storyline emotional and they are hurt for real. .i think what thabiso can do is kill spororo before he goes to the police. .im enjoying Gadagffi with his storyline although people find it bit slow+boring

05 Apr 2017 08:26

lol generation though how could nolwazi dig like that alone I mean she berely eaten they should have hired 2 pple to dig that hole in order for it to be convincing........ I don't usually watch generation bt Fifi seems 2 killing pple left and right that y he never be jack,Kenneth and sbusiso he does not think!!

05 Apr 2017 08:27

he will never like

05 Apr 2017 09:54

Smart move by Jack! Spororo is the key

05 Apr 2017 10:18

@Show-Time with Jack,, And i will help them to look afrt this Spororo guy.. lol..

05 Apr 2017 19:11

ayibo #Sesethu the porn kid is joining Generations and her character will be written by mfundi him self just to boost her self confidence and the world to see her different. .

08 Apr 2017 13:04

yesterday's episode was everything and who ever wrote and directed it did very well

08 Apr 2017 14:50

@qavile it was so good shem .lol as for Getty being that spicy ,i was nvr ready .i wonder if Wandi will tell Lungile the truth .Namhla is dressing so well .the wardrobe dept is doing an amazing job .i would like to see Sphe and Nanhla become more close .

12 Apr 2017 14:18

Luyanda Mzazi,, aka Lesedi on Geberation is here in Cape Twon waterfrnt as we speak,, yaphapha laamntwana uthi uyabuya Cpt is awesome,, hahahahaha

13 Apr 2017 22:02

Lol, Mrekza and Lucy. Seems like this is going to be interesting.

14 Apr 2017 07:06

Lucy must give mrekza a chance lol

15 Apr 2017 14:28

I think it would have been better for Namhla to get a job at Skhaftin Chicken, either as an assistant to the manager or something else, instead of being involved in the Russian plot which seems out of place. I agree with what some viewers are saying about Namhla being dragged into plots that don't suit her. The Diales have been running a shebeen before she was born and her father is also a businessman. So I think it makes more sense for her to venture into business.

16 Apr 2017 09:47

@show-time the written team love Namhla .she is the busiest actress on the Gen set .since the show started she is always having a storyline.that being sad i am enjoying Generation ,i am not changing channels .the comedy of Lucy n Mrekza is great .i cant wait for them to hook up

17 Apr 2017 21:15

Wow all of last week and tonight was really interesting! Great show!!

17 Apr 2017 21:39

Lol what a messy episode tonight but i loved it .it was so funny seeing Thabiso wearing Rose's clothes .we need new writers but Mfundi does not want to listen

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