Survivor's Remorse follows the life of Cam Calloway, a hard working young basketball star who is thrust into the limelight after signing a huge contract with a pro basketball team in Atlanta.
In Season 3, fame and fortune can't shield Cam against tragedy. Each member of the Calloway family copes with the fallout of Uncle Julius' accident in their own way.
Family bonds are tested as the season explores themes of love and loss, the comforts and doubts found in religion, the danger of seeking out ancestral roots, the power of bad parenting, the pitfalls of public utterances, and the pain of dredging up the past.
Vuzu Amp (DStv 103) |
31 October 2017 |
Tuesdays, 21h30 |
Wednesdays, 21h55
Thursdays, 22h55
Sundays, 23h00 |