Stick it
OK, I KNOW I don’t fall into the demographic that M-Net’s Life on a Stick (5.30pm tonight) is aimed at but I recognise drivel when I see it.
The slapstick “sitcom” tracks the ups and downs of a couple of teenagers who work at a hotdog shop in an American mall.
There’s the puppy love relationship between Fred and Lily, the token idiot in Laz, and the raving lunatic boss with the unfortunate name of Mr Hut.
Unless you’ve watched this show, I cannot adequately put into words how lame it is. The jokes are stilted and slow, the characters are cardboard cut-outs, and the plot is ... well, it isn’t.
Shows like these make me angry because there are so many talented scriptwriters out there who probably can’t get a break because funds are being wasted on rubbish like this.
And creators cannot make the excuse that this is what teenagers want to see.
Snappy dialogue, cool clothes and a kinda credible plot in Veronica Mars (M-Net, 7pm) makes this a show with broad appeal, although it is clearly aimed at the same age bracket as Life on a Stick.
It’s not often I slate a programme but in this case I’ll make an exception. I hope I haven’t offended any legitimate fans out there, but I do have some people in agreement with my rather strong views.
According to a bit of research I did on the Internet, the sitcom premiered in March last year and by the following month Fox had already pulled the “comedy” from its prime time schedule. It has since been canned completely and the series being broadcast by M-Net are reruns.
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