Broadcast DetailsShow: You're Hired - Season 02Date: Saturday, 27 May, 2006
Time: 18h30
Channel: SABC 2
On this week’s episode of You're Hired! contestants Refilwe Kotsi and Craig Lindeboom flex their muscles and put their knowledge to the test to win the job of a Fitness Instructor/Personal Fitness Instructor.
Refilwe Kotsi was raised in Qwaqwa until the age of 14 and then moved to Pretoria where he attended Hillview High School. He lives in Diepsloot or at times he just stays with his parents.
Refilwe worked as a cleaner, just after he matriculated. From then on all his jobs have been gym related. He has worked as a personal trainer, a floor instructor and a lifestyle consultant.
During his leisure time Refilwe trains by boxing, weight lifting or running. He also enjoys hanging out with friends and spending time with his son and girlfriend.
The one thing that Refilwe is proudest of in his life is winning the Sport Star of the Year award in high school.
When asked if there is anything that he would do differently if he had the chance to do it again, he replies, “Not really, I believe that a person learns from his/her mistakes/experiences.”
Refilwe declares that the reason for him wanting this job is because he’ll be doing what he loves and what he is good at. And, why does he think that he is the best person for the job? “Because of my passion and experience,” says Refilwe, adding, “I’d like to see myself running or owning a successful training centre.”
The second contestant, Craig, is just as competent. He matriculated at the Grantly College in Parktown, and is currently studying Exercise Science.
As far as Craig’s work history goes, he worked as a waiter while still at school and then he moved to Total Sports in Sandton and is now currently employed at Virgin Active as a lifestyle consultant.
Craig spends most of his free time with his girlfriend, going to the movies or out with some friends. He also plays a bit of sport like action cricket and soccer.
What is the one thing that Craig is proudest of in his life? “If I look where I am now and where I was in the past it really makes me proud because it’s taken a lot of really hard work to get here and now I’m working even harder to get even further,” says Craig.
Craig explains why he really wants this job. “I really like dealing with people and my goal is to really make a difference in someone else’s life. I really want to see people benefit from my knowledge. I know if I get this job it will do a lot for my confidence and really start getting me in the right direction for where I want to be in the future.”
Craig feels that he is the best person for the job because he is a really hard worker, he always goes the extra mile, is a lively person and a good representative.
And where would this determined man like to see himself in five years time? “I would like to own my own gym or part of a gym. I would also like to be a leader of a very good team of people, i.e. manager. I think by me getting this job it would really set me up to achieve my goals.”
Who will do the best job as a Fitness Instructor/Personal Fitness Instructor? Who will host
Pepsi Pokane announce as this week’s ultimate winner? Tune into You’re Hired! this Saturday at 18h30 to find out.