"I'm breaking out. And you're going to make sure my brother
goes with me..."
That is the cliff hanger that ended last week's episode of Prison Break, titled "Tonight". What we're dying to find out in tonight's episode is :
How is Michael going to pull "it" off with Pope being held hostage? What magic is he going to use to get Linc off his chains?
Will daddy "soon to be Vice President" governor's words upset Dr Sara enough for her to go back and leave the infirmary door unlocked for Mike and the gang??
How far will Westmoreland get with that wound? He didn't look good at all last week.
Will Abruzzi and T-bag get past their differences long enough for the escape to take place??? If looks could kill, I promise you one of them would have been long gone...
What is Abruzzi's plan with Veronica?? Why does he want her at the airstrip?
The 'transportation' according to Abruzzi's henchman, only has 3 seats. Who will be the lucky 3 or should I say "The few who are still breathing, as Abruzzi put it??
Will somebody eventually discover Bellick??
With all the chop and changes to the plan, what plan are they actually gone use to get out?? (If they ever get out....)
Bottom line, the suspense is killing me and though all of the above answers will probably be answered tonight, It is guaranteed that I will go to bed with far more questions....
So folks, let's meet Tonight, 20:30 on Mnet 20:30 and demand our answers.....
P.S. Am I the only one who thinks Tuesdays are longer than the other days, especially when we're at work?
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